赫兰 发表于 2005-9-6 01:42:18

rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telling the

k, can't type chinese rite now so i'm just gonna tell my story in english....

%&194 %&194
it all started in my friend's cabin, we found a book of scary stories and there's one that's about rising a ghost, it's like that:

1.go to a quiet bathroom and turn off all the light and make sure u can see urself in ur bathroom mirror.

2. chant a ghost's name or "any ghost" 100 times and watch urself in the mirror.....

3. then u dissappear and another person'll take ur shape...

it says the ghost sometimes may be mad and try to shatter the mirror, all u hav to do is to turn on the light and it's all over....

i don't think it'll talk to u though= = or gone out....

%&194 %&194

here's my experience....

we tried it 3 times....

%&201 1. me, my friend Thea , Thea's sister Samara,Samara's friend Leah= =

ok, Leah chanted the "anyghost" part, cause we don't know any other ghost, first we didn't believe it'll work, then her face started to fade and Samara got scared and opened the door&light...so all we see is the fading face= =

%&130 2. me and Thea

ok...after the first time, we decide to ditch the kids and do itourselves...
so we stand there and chanted the name, and her face dissappeared, and her body begin to expand= = and then i got scared and screamed and that scared my friend and she tured on the light= =

%&187 3.me, thea, her mom, dad, sister....

k, so this time we decided to rise thea's dead grandfather... since the only person who knows what he looked like is her mom, we decide to not tell her what he looked like after we make sure all of us who doesn;t know what he look like see the same thing....
k... this time nobody screamed, and a bold, round faced mastached old man appears. we turn on the light.. and told her...

and that's exactly what he looked like when he's alive.... then we called her grandma and told her we saw her ex= =

%&116 %&116
first i didn't believe it....then it really is real!!!

ok, i wrote all this, it's not a transfer from a crapy site, and i did tried all these.....

u guys should try it when u got time too.....

again, Mel wrote this, it's 100% true!!!!!!%&123 %&123 %&123 %&123 %&123

St.Anime 发表于 2005-9-6 01:53:54

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

You sure it's not because that you chanted too many times and had the face in your head which appeared in the mirror? Um....

赫兰 发表于 2005-9-6 03:06:59

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

pretty sure^^

cause the last time everyone described the same thing, not that common that everyone had the same face in their heads^^

4everluv 发表于 2005-9-6 03:07:13

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

lol, mel, so if thas what u say, i believe u. maybe not the story.

赫兰 发表于 2005-9-6 03:09:47

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

u believe me but not the story? y... it's all true i swear....

nice to meet u mel lolz

4everluv 发表于 2005-9-6 03:14:27

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

sry, maybe i'll believe it lata,(lol) it's really hard to believe it.(lol)
glad 2 c ya back :)

赫兰 发表于 2005-9-6 03:17:34

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

yeh i know, i thought it was just a story to scare lil kids at first~~u don hav to be sry about it lol

4everluv 发表于 2005-9-6 03:20:14

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

did that hurt u? sry, I swear i'll try it 2nite maybe.LOL. but i am not a brave girl.......(scared)

赫兰 发表于 2005-9-6 03:24:33

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

course it didn't hurt me^^ it i got hurt just cause someone didnt believe something i didn't believe at first i'll be dead already , lolz

u can get someone els to do it with u^^

4everluv 发表于 2005-9-6 03:40:32

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

%&197 k.
BTW, mel, is today labor day there? it is here! thas y i can talk to u rite now

赫兰 发表于 2005-9-6 03:43:55

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

yep, labor day.

skool starts day after tomorrow TT

4everluv 发表于 2005-9-6 03:46:25

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

the 1st day of school?
We already had school like 2 wks now, but u know or not that hurricane katrina had passed thru here, so we did have school like 1 week or so. and u know what i have for hw. ?
A POEM for geometry class~~~~(weepin''''''').................

St.Anime 发表于 2005-9-6 03:55:55

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

poem for math...eh?..o_O

btw I thought Mel=兰兰...- -0....

4everluv 发表于 2005-9-6 04:03:45

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

it sux, isnt it? newayz
ppl sometimes have the same nick names, (or lots of times, lol)

赫兰 发表于 2005-9-6 23:39:16

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

well......on the first floor...mel=me

but... whatever...

and how the h r u gonna write a poem 4 math?= =

4everluv 发表于 2005-9-9 07:30:48

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

I turned it in on Monday, finally, it's over!!!!woo-hoo.
it's a poem about a woman mathematician-Hypatia~
o god, i'm DONE!%&231

Nemesis-G 发表于 2005-9-11 09:29:45

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

I love Chinese..........

赫兰 发表于 2005-9-12 02:24:02

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

lolz quiz tomorrow...

i love chinese 2...

棉花糖糖 发表于 2005-9-12 09:29:48

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

anyghost? what kind of ghost is that...

赫兰 发表于 2005-9-13 10:16:53

回复: rise a ghost....(really freaky!! and it really works!!!!!!!!!!)mel telli

well... kinda nice way to say "any dead ppl"...
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