那个。。。关于special language exam...
8知道有人TAKE过吗。。。。今天准备试试拿到表看到一堆10G 20G 30G 40G。。。8知道选那个好。。。。TAKE过的各位可以说一下每个LEVEL都多难吗?。。。。
回复: 那个。。。关于special language exam...
没人吗= =。。。。算了/。///
回复: 那个。。。关于special language exam...
sry, idunno know about it. wats that? can u explain more?happy**i heard we will have Mandarin AP class next year!! %&145 Should I do it?
it sounds like wasting time or something...%&036
回复: 那个。。。关于special language exam...
The only thing I know is Chinese IB is dead easy...Most Chinese students quit or are extremely bored.....
回复: 那个。。。关于special language exam...
u mean C Mandarin AP class? It's really boring? REallY? really??................
回复: 那个。。。关于special language exam...
well. 4 me it's just a way to get credit= =... the max u can get is 4...kinda droolable...
u should do it if it's worth it^^
回复: 那个。。。关于special language exam...
O.o well i'm doing english IB and i found it okay (not easy not hard) at gr 10.....回复: 那个。。。关于special language exam...
lolz me grade 9回复: 那个。。。关于special language exam...