回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
But you still make a declaration on his avatar, right?:037:no~ he added whose words himself~ all words
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Really? Well, it is still a brillient composition. Ha Ha回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Anyway, I need to go home and I haven't eat yet. So, see you guys tomorrow.Have a good day:039:回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Cotton Candy, have you ever seen a show called 街头魔术师, or T.H.E.M. Total Hidden Extreme Magic.Btw, your new head is nice.
and thx.. its NANA:027:
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Did you draw that, Cotton Candy? What does it say on the lower left corner?no.. it's offical picture from a manga called NANA
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Anyway, I need to go home and I haven't eat yet. So, see you guys tomorrow.Have a good day:039:see ya
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Is NANA your favorite cartoon character?
cartoon character is too wide.. i will say no..
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
This is one too.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR9F3MoyU_c&am...
oh, i saw those kind of magic in another show, but it's from taiwan
so iam not too much of a suprise