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HELLO~ NG.... No good sleep last night?回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Yes......wind passed through the room,so the door was hitting the 门框,making a lot of noise.....回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
anyone can suggest me some topics that i can write about?i wanna write something in Water District for APTX English League...
:029: all i can think of is something like localize electron model/molecular orbital theory, rotational forces, slavery in south&civil war, the book Scarlet Letter, or Integration/Antiderivatives.................sorry, mid-terms are driving us crazy= =
why not try some magazines or newpapers...
or about that awesome guy -Dr. House^^ i watched that show last friday at my friend's house... it was awesome^^
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Yes......wind passed through the room,so the door was hitting the 门框,making a lot of noise.....i didnt have a good day at school neither....
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
i didnt have a good day at school neither....So what's happened to you,Mel...
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
So what's happened to you,Mel..........................................
and im really depressed right now...
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Du,why not write something about biology?Make the title as "My research of cockroach".Mr.Cockroach is a kind of bug which had a very strong life,because no matter how many times you flood them in to the toilet,they are still coming back from the sewer.They are shamless,because even though you are standing behind them,they still enjoying theirselves on your cake.
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
**** Hidden Message *****回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
..... and im scared that my mom wont let me use the internet quite often like i do now... ...回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
[隐藏内容]he didnt... he transferred to other class now
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
**** Hidden Message *****回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
he didnt... he transferred to other class nowThat will be better.....
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Hi, Mel and NG, and 70 (if he's here).回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Du,why not write something about biology?Make the title as "My research of cockroach".Mr.Cockroach is a kind of bug which had a very strong...
thats really a nice topic to write about...
and sometimes u thought u killed them, but their children come back again everywhere in ur house..... still very obnoxious..........
write something about how to get rid of them completely around ur house.. even the little ones..
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
thats really a nice topic to write about...and sometimes u thought u killed them, but their children come back again everywhere in ur house..... st...
That's why they living on Earth since 史前时代 and still exist today.....
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Hi. Everyone, Just came back from the classroom.Also to NG: Goooooood Morning !
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
[隐藏内容]i shouldnt be at school that day at all...i was so scared after turned in that test.. b.c i knew i did bad on it.
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Awww,I have to leave now.....Wish you have a nice day Mel~~~
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
thats really a nice topic to write about...and sometimes u thought u killed them, but their children come back again everywhere in ur house..... st...
If you can manage to get along and make friends with them, they will listen to you. BTW, fried cockroaches are very tasty.
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
That's why they living on Earth since 史前时代 and still exist today.....No, that's not it NG. Their current existence is the work of us, the gods.