回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
BTW NG,why did you hide your messages?...A secret makes woman woman =口=rofl~~~
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Well,20~25 minutes without traffic jam....NG is walking? or taking the bus~?
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
NG is walking? or taking the bus~?Melv..............= =0
Was that all you could think of? She could also be driving to school, or maybe even riding a bicycle. She is pretty strong, you know...
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
doesnt matter, she will tell me anyways回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
doesnt matter, she will tell me anywaysOK, then, let's see who gets it right.
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
NG is walking? or taking the bus~?**** Hidden Message *****
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Melv..............= =0Was that all you could think of? She could also be driving to school, or maybe even riding a bicycle. She is pretty strong, you...
Hey, Dude. Wake up.
NG is in China, not US. :029:
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Morning, NG. What's up. Good to see you again.回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Hiya Hiddern,nice to see you too~~How's the day~?
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Everything is back to usual.......Kind of fortune that I don't have so many class today.
What about you?
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Well~today is Friday and I can go home~~~回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Go home? what do you mean?Are you live in your reletive's home during weekday?
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Er,I live in school during weekdays....回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
You live in the dorm?Looks like your school is a big one......
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Yep,including kingdergarten,primary school,middle school,high school and OAC回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Hmm........I understand that.What is OAC?
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
[隐藏内容]Let me see it, NG. I wanna know who is right~
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
OAC - outdoor adventure club回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Hmm........I understand that.What is OAC?
According to my poor English,I'd better tell you in Chinese..:出国留学预科部
回复: English Chatroom (想练习英语的就来啊^^)
Let me see it, NG. I wanna know who is right~Hey, dude. What's up
We haven't see each other of a while. How are you?