God save me. It will decide whether I can go to France two or three years later.
God bless!
God bless you.
Wish you have a good luck on your test 原帖由 法兰克福的日落 于 2007-7-3 23:05 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
I still have an English test after college entrance exam...OTZ
God save me.
It will decide whether I can go to France two or three years later.
God bless!
dont stop never give up
start hming 原帖由 法兰克福的日落 于 2007-7-4 12:05 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
I still have an English test after college entrance exam...OTZ
God save me.
It will decide whether I can go to France two or three years later.
God bless!
Good luck!
回复 #86 法兰克福的日落 的帖子
good luck dear GOOD LUCKAlways have confidence in it! (-33-) my english is very poor
if you are all chatting here i can't join you ...(-33-) For my upstairs.....
Just try to improve yourself....
For 法兰克福的日落,
If you come to France, please inform me~~~~
Maybe I can go with you (though just have a travel....)Hahahah~~~(-31-) To all of my upstairs(I think using like this is wrong),
thanks for your wishes.I will work hard.
And to "the sun",I hope we could met in France!
Are you living there or just study?
[ 本帖最后由 法兰克福的日落 于 2007-7-4 18:41 编辑 ] 原帖由 daat1928 于 2007-7-4 17:20 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
(-33-) my english is very poor
if you are all chatting here i can't join you ...(-33-)
Don't be shy,just try!~~~ currently i am living in China.....
but i will go to england this year~
you know,
it is a good opportunity for me to travel around the Europe~ 原帖由 daat1928 于 2007-7-4 17:20 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
(-33-) my english is very poor
if you are all chatting here i can't join you ...(-33-)
my english was poorer once upon a time...so just improve together with us(-8-) Once upon a time , I could only say hi, thank you, sorry, and goodbye= =o 原帖由 the_sun 于 2007-7-4 22:00 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
currently i am living in China.....
but i will go to england this year~
you know,
it is a good opportunity for me to travel around the Europe~
England.That's great!
I hope you enjoy your time there^^ 原帖由 Ange1ica 于 2007-7-5 02:10 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
Once upon a time , I could only say hi, thank you, sorry, and goodbye= =o
once upon a time I could only cry and breathe... 原帖由 大肚肚 于 2007-7-5 14:48 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
once upon a time I could only cry and breathe...
lol i like this 原帖由 大肚肚 于 2007-7-5 14:48 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
once upon a time I could only cry and breathe...
Everyone is the same. My English is poor.
I can't understand. 原帖由 鬼の神 于 2007-7-5 22:40 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
My English is poor.
I can't understand.
Du's words mean that when we were born,we can just cry and breath^^
Good night everyone.
I don't want to speak anymore today because my heart was broken(not for love). well, Finally got a chance to show up here, gonna working on my final i ...have received my ap grades today