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UT is having a national information session right now in Canada, anyone who is interested can go online and check~~Calgary was on Wednesday~~~
真的假的?thanx for the info!!
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UT does not accept IB credit or AP credits~That is what I heard in the information session~However, IB ppl have good marks, they really do not need to worry too much about marks....omg, that's not good... they dont accept IB credits? but the problem is IB ppl's mark is not as good as normal ones, so they dont look good. If they dont have a system of translation of IB scores into normal ones then i think i am in big trouble...
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omg, that's not good... they dont accept IB credits? but the problem is IB ppl's mark is not as good as normal ones, so they dont look good. If they d...Credits and scores are two different things~~~~
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well if yyou like enginnering or more so with computer program enginnering or hard ware enginnering, try Unversity of Waterloo, and specifically its co-op program, it will hook ya up with a company, and you will be working there, as a employee, earning $$ and being marked on it, i'm in grade 10 ATM, but the co-op program is what i'm hoping to get into lol回复: 讨论讨论报大学的有关事情(12年级的人不进就是对我奶妈不敬)
omg, that's not good... they dont accept IB credits? but the problem is IB ppl's mark is not as good as normal ones, so they dont look good. If they d...er well what i heard is that when they look at a IB score they have a diferent fstandard, so if say u live in ontario they will look at ur ontario score, which is a IB score converted into ontario score, or some major unversities will actuallly take IB score up front, now say you are a BC student with IB credits, and applying to some school in ON, they will actually convert the IB mark to their standard using the same scale that they use for ON students, where as that if ur non IB, they need to do lots more paperwork to figure out what score you got, now this seems ewasy within a country, but if you had applied to a US school then ur IB mark will be useful, if applied to some where in UK then IB mark as well, they generally just accept or not accept based on the IB mark, not the "local" mark, but generally if you applied local, thery look at ur local mark, which most of the time its converterd form IB anyways.....'
nothing to worry about (i'm in grade 10 and i founded this out by talking to our counsilor and server ppl that came to our school to do presentations.................................... communcation is the key here i think lo.. ALL HAIL THE INFORMATION AGE!)
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WoW, grade 10 student has already started research on universities~~Early birds!Communication is the key, but sometimes it is to ask the right question~~
Students who want to study in US should take AP instead of IB.
btw,TheHolylancer, do you live in BC? Just a curious question~~
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well if yyou like enginnering or more so with computer program enginnering or hard ware enginnering, try Unversity of Waterloo, and specifically its c...Mostly, every engineering program has a co-op program, not only Waterloo. As long as people want to do the co-op, there are always oppoturnities out there.
UA's engineering program is good, UC's engineering faculty just receives the largest amount of money ever. My career teacher's opinion is to look at universities which get money. As long as they can get the money, they are running good~~~
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Mostly, every engineering program has a co-op program, not only Waterloo. As long as people want to do the co-op, there are always oppoturnities out t...well the thing is i'm more intrested in the quality of education you get and the networking (people net working not computers), for example, right now i'm networking with a bunch of animae fans, and if i say went to a community college (college) in the town, the chance of me meeting (networking) with any people that are specialists in a field that is very, well professional, is much lower than say if i was at a larger unversity,and of course by goin to co-op there is a much greater chance of you getting networking bounes, not that the $$ is not good, just that sometimes school will offer lots of $$ to attract high rated student source, in hopes of attract high rated professionals to teach or to network with their students, and in term more people goto their school (more $$ earned), this all sound fine on paper, but i would not be one fo tthe one people who gets attracted to such school by high scholarships or what not, and later to find out that there are only a few professionals within the school are respectable and that they are just gettin new more professional people coming in....
BTW i live in ON SSM
IMO: the more networking you got the more safety catches you got, for example even if you failed unversity, that professor that knew you well migh offer you a job as his assisstant or recommand you to someone else or another course that you migh take,or else that eventually when you do goto jobs there will be lots of references to jobs that otherwise you don't know.
and IMO again: the higher quality of you network (like people who are respected) often yeilds betterresults, if you talk to a high school teacherand looking for a job referal, you might get a referral to a local company, while if you talk to a unversity professor that is well known you would have a bigger chance of finding jobs in bigger and better estabilshed companies
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People donates money to universities for a reason~ Nobody will give 1 millioin dollars to a terrible university..That is the point I want to make~~ Of course, social network is very important. That is where you can get all the opopturnities and information.While choosing universities, people also need to look at the program they are interested in. For example, if anyone is interested in petroleum engineering, they may consider UC as a best option, not UT, even though UT is the top university in Canada. Computer engineering and Mathematics, Waterloo is the top university. McGrill's medicine is excellent~
Anybody else knows any universities have any top faculties?
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Students who want to study in US should take AP instead of IB.my understanding is that i should take AP courses if i want to apply for universitis in US. so when are we allowed to take AP courses? in grade 11 or 12? and do AP courses you take affect what university u apply for? my other question is if say applying for MIT(in canada), do people who take IB+APhave advantage of getting in over people who don't take IB just AP, or people who don't take any extra enriched course at all?
回复: 讨论讨论报大学的有关事情(12年级的人不进就是对我奶妈不敬)
AP? nah its some american standard, and since they equally accept IB students (they are saying it, but i highly dought it though, they are most likey to be biased to the AP one) i don't see the point. The AP thing is more of a loyalty test, if you go AP then that means you like american over IB, which is a world wide thing, so they assume you think that american education is better.回复: 讨论讨论报大学的有关事情(12年级的人不进就是对我奶妈不敬)
DEEP stands for da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Program. This is a course for high school students, who are highly motivated and interested in engineering.Basically, it is a pre-university course. Students can try out the engineering field and get a sense what engineering acutally looks like....Toronto student can take that courses through school semesters on weekends...They are really lucky......
For students from other provinces, there is summer session, so students can live on the campus...of course, and pay for everything.....%&208
Wow... thanks for the help...
Guess I'm not gonna take it then...
Not really into engineering...= =
回复: 讨论讨论报大学的有关事情(12年级的人不进就是对我奶妈不敬)
well if yyou like enginnering or more so with computer program enginnering or hard ware enginnering, try Unversity of Waterloo, and specifically its c...grade 10? = =
lol... I was right about you being younger than me... but I was off by a year...
Thought you were in gr9...= =
Never mind that... what does SSM stand for?
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-_________- 很贵没错, 但是环境实在好的不能再好了。。。。
据说冬天钓鱼很好玩, 圣诞节准备去试试~~
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哦忘了问。。 为什么12年级的不进是对你奶妈不敬。。。?回复: 讨论讨论报大学的有关事情(12年级的人不进就是对我奶妈不敬)
In my knowledge, you only can take IB or AP. You have to choose one, not two at the same time.I do not think there is any school offers both AP and IB program, at least I never heard of~ btw, I am in Alberta, I am not sure about the program information in any other provinces.I am not in the AP program. I cannot give you any detailed information, but my guess is it may be very similar to IB program, like you have to take honour program in grade 10.I know US has AP program in their high school system, I am not sure if they have IB~~~
In some ways, IB or AP students have a great advantage in compare to other normal students is that they are high motivated and intellectual. People need to have a certain average and services hours in order to stay in that program and High average and extra curriculum activities are what university looks for.
However,it does not mean normal high school students cannot get into the best universities. If you have a overall average over 90 and do volunteer hours or participate in clubs, sports team through the year, I think every university will love to have you as their student.
University admissions are based on the university requirement. Some universities only look at your mark. For example, if you get overall average of 85 and you apply facutly of engineering in UC or UA, there is a great chance you are in~
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AP? nah its some american standard, and since they equally accept IB students (they are saying it, but i highly dought it though, they are most likey ...O, really? So discriminating.........%&208
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AP? nah its some american standard, and since they equally accept IB students (they are saying it, but i highly dought it though, they are most likey ...really..? i thought they do equally accept both IB & AP students~~~
did u apply for an american university~~~?
回复: 讨论讨论报大学的有关事情(12年级的人不进就是对我奶妈不敬)
really..? i thought they do equally accept both IB & AP students~~~did u apply for an american university~~~?
from experince? no, but impiled by few people? (not mentioning nay names here lol, the FBI will know on my door next /paranold) Yes
and i do trust my sources (not some idiot grade 12 who got rejected becuase he just got 50%....)