lovelymanzzh 发表于 2005-11-30 15:55:49

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

ouch... just say that you didn't get much and horde the rest :D
%&151 就是这样的……

Amy_xuru 发表于 2005-12-1 06:55:22

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

= =

圣诞节和BOXING DAY对咱们non christian就是SHOPPING DAYS 吗。。。。%&151

再说那么多东西降价能8流口水吗>o> 关键我不是自己的钱。。。^^

今年准备买台新电脑~~~ ^_____^
大概可以便宜200多%&009 ~~~


赫兰 发表于 2005-12-1 08:27:33

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

今年准备买台新电脑~~~ ^_____^
大概可以便宜200多%&009 ~~~


租garage? what do u mean?

i got my compter last year at best buy last year at $1000 qith a lcd monitor, the sales ppl says it's a pretty good deal. and since u are just a stdent and don't have to give ur money to support anything or anyoneu could get alot of savings rite??<---- my personal thoughts.....

SoloSurViVOR 发表于 2005-12-2 02:00:22

Amy_xuru 发表于 2005-12-2 08:47:44

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

租garage? what do u mean?

i got my compter last year at best buy last year at $1000 qith a lcd monitor, the sales ppl says it's a pretty good deal. and since u are just a stdent and don't have to give ur money to support anything or anyone u could get alot of savings rite?? <---- my personal thoughts.....

因为东西太多了... 屋子里放不下呗~~~~

put it this way. i'm a student, no time, so i shouldn't make much money
if i make a bit more money than normal students, then that bit extra must be for something rite~~?

赫兰 发表于 2005-12-3 08:34:35

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

因为东西太多了... 屋子里放不下呗~~~~

put it this way. i'm a student, no time, so i shouldn't make much money
if i make a bit more money than normal students, then that bit extra must be for something rite~~? ..


k hear me out, let me put it my way just for reference.

i'm a student, no time, so i shouldn't make much money (and why's that? there's nothing you SHOULDN'T do, especially like good things like making money! you SHOULD and you COULD, and you WOULD.well, the would part is for if you want do you?)
if i make a bit more money than normal students, then that bit extra must be for something rite~~? (k, u got me lost in this part....first of all "if i make a bit more money than normal student" so? you make a more means you worth more! there's nothing wrong with being valueble= = and i don't get the "if" part... and what's up with the bit extra? you earn more so u get to spend more or save more= = right? your not like a single mom <-- no offence if u are-- so you don't hav to support anything rite? and there ain't anything you MUST if it's 100% your money right? <--- ignore me if i get the whole thing wrong= = )

无情 发表于 2005-12-3 09:36:14

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……



下一年重新开始。。。= =

所以我到现在还是单身一只。。。- -


大肚肚 发表于 2005-12-3 12:19:34

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

%&151 这到不错 - -

Depth 发表于 2005-12-3 12:50:30

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……


这里谁比较有找钱的经验..- -

大肚肚 发表于 2005-12-3 13:09:38

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

据说有个采访你去还可以给你钱= =

荣耀魔法 发表于 2005-12-3 15:12:20

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

都用来买礼物和食物了%&144 去年的圣诞节阴影到现在还记着

荣耀魔法 发表于 2005-12-3 15:13:49

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……


Depth 发表于 2005-12-3 15:14:51

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

据说有个采访你去还可以给你钱 = =

赫兰 发表于 2005-12-4 03:30:01

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……


bypheng 发表于 2005-12-4 03:40:29

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……


赫兰 发表于 2005-12-4 03:44:52

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

恩~~~ 这里米有春节啊~~~ 而且给所有认识的人买礼物+DINNER (我家每年都是HOST, 除了今年= =)需要很多钱的~~

无情 发表于 2005-12-4 04:34:02

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……



PS:咱不host christmas party的。。。MS这样可以省一大笔钱。。。= =

snoopy1992 发表于 2005-12-4 05:00:34

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

咱连christmas party都没有的 - -


大肚肚 发表于 2005-12-4 07:17:40

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……


赫兰 发表于 2005-12-5 02:31:57

回复: 圣诞零用钱调查……

PS:咱不host christmas party的。。。MS这样可以省一大笔钱。。。= =

那当然。。。。 = = 去年MS光吃的就上250了。。。。
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