发现几个英语谜语~ 来猜猜玩玩吧~~ (又一无聊贴的说)公布答案ing~~~
What letter is neither I nor he? U(you)
Which part of New York is in Chicago, too? o
In what way are the letter A and noon alike?
they are both in the middle of the DAY
What three letters turn a girl into a woman? AGE
What goes through a door, but never goes in or come out? key
What becomes higher when the head is off? pillow
Why is the letter T like an island?
Because it is in the middle of water
What fish have eyes nearest together? the smallest fish
What kind of water is the most deceitful? tear
What star is not seen in the sky? A film star
What man cannot live inside the house? snowman
What is it that you cannot see, but it is always before you? future
What flies for fear of being killed? time
What question can never be answered by "yes"? are you sleeping
When does an automobile go exactly as fast as a train?
when it is on the train
What word of five has six left after you take two away? sixty
It takes off a piece of its clothing each day, At the end of the year it has nothing left to wear. what is it? Calendar
What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday? today
What can pass before the sun without making a shadow? wind
I am something that is full of holes and yet can hold water. what am i ? Sponge
My first two letters are a man, my first three letter a woman, my first four a brave man, my whole a brave woman? Heroine
What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than yourself? your name
Where were you when the lights went out? in the dark
There's a word that's composed of three letters alone. which reads backward and forward the same; It express the sentiments warm from the hearts, and to beauty lays principal claim. eye
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先不答 = =有奖再冒出来-V-
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第4句想到了个很邪恶的答案寒回复: 来猜英语谜语来着~ ^^
What letter is neither I nor he?s.;.
Which part of New York is in Chicago, too?
What three letters turn a girl into a woman?
..it's not dirty is it
What star is not seen in the sky?
movie star
What man cannot live inside the house?
What is it that you cannot see, but it is always before you?
OMG it's a ghost..(joking)..iono
When does an automobile go exactly as fast as a train?
when it's on top of it..
It takes off a piece of its clothing each day, At the end of the year it has nothing left to wear. what is it?
I am something that is full of holes and yet can hold water. what am i ?
回复: 来猜英语谜语来着~ ^^
第4句想到了个很邪恶的答案 寒握手 - -
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握手 - -寒……
那个。。。。。。。- -~。。。。。。。。邪恶的人~~
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第4句想到了个很邪恶的答案 寒我喷%&201
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一群满脑子想着不健康东东的坏小孩们~ 我的帖子可是很健康的,才没有那个意思列!~ - -ps to 肚肚:这个用来才来玩的,没有打算给奖品拉(怎么什么都想着报酬~坏孩子!)
回复: 来猜英语谜语来着~ ^^
What letter is neither I nor he?s.;. why?
Which part of New York is in Chicago, too?
o.. right~
What three letters turn a girl into a woman?
..it's not dirty is it
What star is not seen in the sky?
movie star right~
What man cannot live inside the house?
snowman right~
What is it that you cannot see, but it is always before you?
OMG it's a ghost..(joking)..iono hehe~~ no
When does an automobile go exactly as fast as a train?
when it's on top of it.. right~
It takes off a piece of its clothing each day, At the end of the year it has nothing left to wear. what is it?
calendar.. right~
I am something that is full of holes and yet can hold water. what am i ?
sponge right~
Ani right了5个!~ 厉害厉害~ 给你加5分的报酬吧~ ^^
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喷 = =要报酬就坏么 - -0
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好啦~ 用加分的形式付报酬可以不~ 答对过了的题就不能算了嚯~回复: 来猜英语谜语来着~ ^^
喷 - -0我看看吧……
回复: 来猜英语谜语来着~ ^^
What three letters turn a girl into a woman?What is Lie... no...
Where were you when the lights went out?
In Dark. right!
What is it that you cannot see, but it is always before you?
Future?! right!
two rights!~ ^^
回复: 来猜英语谜语来着~ ^^
What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than yourself?
My name.
What can pass before the sun without making a shadow?
这2个对了~~ ^^
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Is that AGE turns a girl into a woman?What is the evil answer you guys are thinking about?
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回复: 来猜英语谜语来着~ ^^
What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday? .Is it today?
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What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday? .Is it today?
二个都对了~ %&144