千哀 发表于 2006-3-10 05:30:24

[2006.3.10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(英语研究组)什么是真正的英语学术论文[绝对原

在英美国家,无论什么年级的学生,论文都是重中之重。美国的老师很重视学生写论文和自己做调研的能力。但是我刚来美国的时候哦,因为不知道写英语论文的格式和要求,一篇论文只得了50分,另一篇更是只有0分- -||(因为我引用了别人的一句话,没有打引号……),那么现在我就来讲讲怎么写一篇真正的英语学术论文(文科方面)。



A Compare and Contrast of Environmental Protection between China and America


首先,是对材料的选定,即你要先确定,你要参考的书的范围,这个范围一旦确定,就不能随便更改,即使更改,也要向老师汇报,否则他会认为你cheating --|||

我选的范围是:jounral(学术期刊),social newspaper(社会性新闻),book(出版的书籍),website database(不好翻,应该没人不知道意思吧……),website(网络)

确定好题目后,就是写evaluation, 注意,这个不做硬性规定要看教授的安排!但是我经历过所以我可以明确地说真的很有用。所谓的Evaluation,就是把你所要参考的出版物里有用的部分经过归纳总结后,与你要写的论文中心相联系,不用太多,一页即可。但是对于后期你的论文成型是非常有用的,它可以帮助你在资料成山中快速概括总结。

如果你不想写evaluation,也不妨多准备一些imformation cards,将有用的信息的大致情况和页数标号分类,相信我这样最后一定会事半功倍。(怎么像做广告-V-)


下面就是outline 的基本格式:(还是以我的社会学论文为例)

I. Introduction

II. The current situation of environment in China and America.
III. The reasons for the degradation
IV. How to solve the environmental problems
V. Conclusion

格式我已经在introduction里同意给出,必须按照这个格式,即罗马字母I,II,III后,下一级是A,B,C 再下一级是1,2,3,最后一级是小写的a,b,c,应该没什么人会写得更多了--||

至于这个格式,没什么理由可言,大家都这样做,传统也这么规定,就必须这么写。不这么写的下场就是我第一次华丽的不及格--||顺序就是,对你论文的总揽和介绍-写这个论文的背景或现状-你所调研的问题或现象的社会原因-解决此问题的方案-总结。outline对你最后论文的塑造非常有用,可以说,成型的论文就是在此基础上扩展延伸的。但是outline 不要太长,最好不要超过3页。美国老师不太鼓励学生拼命超字数,言尽即可,点到最重要。


A Compare and Contrast of Environmental Protection between China and America

NAME: LYDIA (后面是我的中文名)



这就是第一页的内容,这一页也叫cover page, 是专门呈给导师看的。

第二页是你的table list, 你必须把你论文所用到的所有列表和图表的名字全部列在这一页上,让导师在看论文前就有一个大致的了解。鉴于篇幅关系,这一页我就不放上来了。


the comparation of Chinese pollution-----------------------------------------------------------3
reasons for the pollution ---------------------------------------------------------------------------4


第四页才开始真正的论文部分--|||| 真正的论文我倒没什么好说的了,我下面附了我的论文,有兴趣的自己研究去吧……不过我估计我会被人抽飞的,那么长…… 想当年我写到半夜三点T_T,不过我这篇论文也是全班最高分,97哦XD


1.quotation: 英语国家对引用看得非常的重视。只要不是你的思想或言论,统统要加引用!你们可以在文中看到,即使是我在中国学的知识,我也不得不在段末打括号注上(This is what I learned in Chinese middle school, from the history class). 而且论文后面,我有整整一页的引用表,详细标注了我在文中引用的每一处的来源。美国的教授较真到,她会真的上网去查你写的东西的……所以不要作假比较好--|| 被逮到甚至会被开除的。

2.font. 正式的论文要求用times new roman字体,12号字。对标题的要求也很严格,一号标题,二号标题,三号标题绝对不能用错。

OK~ 在下一楼我会贴出我的论文,就这么多吧:)希望将来想留学会已经在留学的同学们喜欢:)


snoopy1992 发表于 2006-3-10 05:33:06

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学

JJ又RP了。。。= =|||
我还打算要不要无良的把我的SCIENCE ESSAY贴出来。。。- -0

千哀 发表于 2006-3-10 05:35:39

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学


A Compare and Contrast of Environmental Protection between China and America

I. Introduction

Environmental protection has become the most important problem in the world today.The global greenhouse effect, the diversity of living beings, the shortage of water,
desertion of farmland and so on has a wide effect all over the world. The seriousness of
the environment has influenced each country’s polices, economics, sciences and even
lifestyles. Have you ever thought about how two different countries deal with the same
environmental problems on different levels? China and America are both super countries
in the contemporary era, because their environments have a deep influence on the global environmental situation. As a Chinese student living in America, I deeply recognize some obvious differences between the Chinese and American environment. In this paper, I will discuss the current environmental situation in both countries and different environmental
protection policies and ideas between China and America.
II. The current situation of environment in China and America

In the summer, 1998, I went to the upper reaches of Changjiang River to find forests. But I felt
desperate that I couldn’t even see one tree! I looked around, tears came out of my eyes, the
former farmland disappeared and deserts took the place of them. Dry lakes were like eyes of blinds and stared at me. I had a deep breath but only felt sands rushing into my nose. XiZang (A west province of China), the last paradise of human beings is being disappeared and who can save it?!
                               ---Yi Zheng, the end of China·report of Chinese environment crisis, 2002.3

Yi Zheng, a famous Chinese writer, paints a desperate picture of China’s current
environmental nightmare. Although the situation is not yet as hopeless as Yi Zheng describes in his books, China really faces a severe test of a series of serious environmental problems:

[*]Poor air quality (Both urban and indoor)
[*]Serious waste of water shortages, especially acid rain
[*]Solid waste
[*]Noise pollution
[*]Soil erosion (Christopher J.Smith, 2000:378)

From the 1999 statistics below, we can see that of the 47 cities, 33.1% met the second national level standard of air quality and 66.9% surpassed the second national level standard of air quality, among which 19 cities surpassed the third level standard, accounting for 40.5% of the statistic cities. Air pollution is one of the most important environmental issues in China.
On April. 22, 1970 in America, 20 million people joined the citizen environmental protection movement which produced the first Earth Day. Environmental problems have been a thorny case for a long time in the American society. As the most developed country in the world, the USA really has a lot of environmental troubles hidden below the prosperous surface.

[*]Excessive use of energy. For example, the main energy of the world, like fossil oil, will probably be impossible to sustain current levels of industrial production for more than 50-75 years.( Riley E.Dunlap & William Michelson, 2002:234)
[*]Burning of fossil fuels and crowded urban transportation lead to air pollution and acid rain.
[*]Overwhelming rate of species extinction. About 1/3 species face extinction, which include 5000 kinds of flowers, 150 kinds of prawn, 113 kinds of birds, 70 kinds of mammal, 318 kinds of fishes, 98 kinds of amphibians.(statistics from http://www.xiayidai.com.cn/tnsg/lsjy/lszz/lsda/004.htm)
[*]“The ecological balance is being destroyed, for example, between 1986 and 1997, an estimated 58,500 acres of wetlands were lost each year in the continuous United States” (Miguel A.Santos, 1999:57-63).

From the above examples and statistics, we can clearly understand that environmental crisis has become a threat to today’s America, which needs to develop a combination with China’s environmental problem. They both are influenced by the world’s overall environment and also have a key effect on the world’s environment. What causes the serious environmental problems? The reasons can be found both historically and currently.

III. The reasons for the degradation

The Chinese government and people have struggled a long time on how to improve the environment, but why does it have such a heavy burden of environmental problems? First, we should consider some historical reasons.

Have 5000 years of history, China did a lot for environment in the past, like the

famous Zhao Zhou bridge and Du jiang dam, which still have a great effect today.

However, history also gave us some bad heritages.

China has the biggest population in the world, which brings a heavy burden on the

environment. Population growth is mainly blamed for the deterioration of natural

resources. And on the contrary, the environmental pollution also leads to serious healthy

problems. This interaction is just like a vicious circle. Another reason is that most of the Chinese industries concentrate in the east area, especially some ports along East Sea, and lead to a disequilibrium of the environment. This historical reason contributes to much more serious environmental problems in eastern rather than western China. It makes itvery difficult for the government to deal with the environmental cases. In addition, during the past 100 years, China had experienced many countries’ aggression and frequently wars broke out all over the country.Wars destroyed much of the environment of this country. Besides these reasons, unlimited reclaim virgin soil, high cost of productivity and so on also brought in the degradation of the environment.
(I got this knowledge during my high school geography and history classes)

“China's environmental predicament reflects both the legacy of history and new

factors associated with the transition to a market economy” (Weijiong Zhang; Ilan

Vertinsky; Terry Ursacki; Peter Nemetz 1999:26). The most important is the

highest rate of urbanization and industrialization . Rapid urbanization causes serious soil erosion, which has become the largest problem in China today. “The analysis also indicates that the temperature of earth surface rises 0.05 per decade due to the urbanization”(Shaolin Yang; Tor Hundloe; Robert Cramb, 2005:10). At the same time, the growing industrialization of China has led to a sizable reduction in arable farmland. Industrialization uses a great deal of water, while water shortage threatens most of China’s big cities.

“The small township enterprises growth also important due to the aggravation of environment, such as small coal mines, steel, electroplating, fertilizer, textile, cigarette, cement and machinery factories. These enterprises are typically small, lack capital, and employ low-level technology and production processes; most of them have no pollution control devices at all”( Weijiong Zhang; Ilan Vertinsky; Terry Ursacki; Peter Nemetz,1999:29).Population still has a big effect on Chinese environment, how to control the population is one of the most important targets of the government.

James Carville famously said in 1992, “It’s the economy, stupid!” answering what is the most important in causing American environmental deterioration. The American environmental problems are probably driven by these reasons: Technology, the pursuit of wealth let people use so many harmfully technologies so that environment becomes the biggest victim. Market and political failure together reflect American flawed political economy, which does not work when it comes to protecting environmental resources and correct the environmental system( James Gustave Speth, 2004:120,127,132).Population is the mainly result of the overwhelming rate of species extinction.

And since 1992, the “Race-to-the-Bottom” theory has been popular. This theory posits that “federal regulation is needed to prevent states from competing for industrial development by reducing their environmental standards to ‘sub-optimal levels’” (David L. Markell, 2003:296; Meil E.Harrison & Gary C.Bryner, 2003:22). This theory leads to the consequence that environment become heavily damaged after unlimited industrial development.

Environmental protection is an international problem, industrialization and globalization are two main reasons due to the environmental degradation. So for both America and China, with the development of the economic, the environment will face more and more serious challenges (Tao Hu, online speech, 02 September, 2004, 19:40 http://www.people.com.cn/GB/huanbao/8220/41430/41433/3029076.html). But comparing these two countries, America has some advantages which China does not have, such asbetter geographic position and high quality of people’s education so they can realize environment’s importance quickly. Furthermore, American people have a more perfect democratic sense, but China’s environmental protection is from top (government) to bottom (people), so it is lack of one’s own accord. But China also has some advantages that America doesn’t have. China is now in the golden developing period and it is anticipated “this develop speed will continue till 2010. This developing trend gives environmental protection guarantee and driving force ”(China and America, who has a better environmental protection, 23, April, 2005 http://www.huanqing.org/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=591). From a Chinese person’s point of view, China is now just like a piece of sponge, absorbing useful information from the world as more as possible, while America is just like a full man, it can not eat any more. So China can receive new technology quickly from other countries, even from America.

As the biggest two countries in the world, although both have disadvantages and advantages, America and China should develop a relationship of cooperating and combination to solve their environmental problems.
Great environmental problems not only result in human living conditioning decline, but also obstructs the economic developing in normal speed. So how to solve environmental problems become both Chinese and American governments’ most important target.

In carrying out the environmental protection, the two countries have some similarities. First, the government pays great attention to this problem. China has developed an advanced policy called Sustainable Development Policy, which means “it maintains a delicate balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and feeling of well-being on one hand, and preserving natural resources and ecosystems, on which we and future generations depend” (Definition from: http://www.gdrc.org/sustdev/definitions.html). China upholds the environmental protection policy of combining prevention and control with an emphasis on prevention, pursues clean production, and strictly controls the total volume of emissions of major pollutants. “It seeks to strengthen the prevention and control of water pollution in key valleys and regions and to desulphurize coal-fired power plants”. It has increased government investment in environmental protection “while at the same time promoting market-based sewage and rubbish treatment operations” (Li Shijia, 17 May 05; Rob Schultheis, 2004:26). Chinese government will continue to carry out ecological projects such as turning farmland into forest and turning pastures into grasslands and prevent soil erosion, desertification, and the destruction of flora and fauna at the same time, the USA federal government also take actions to save the nation’s environment. It has produced in 1970 the most important body of conservation law and used till now: the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality(CEQ), and the Environmental Protection Agency( EPA). (Definition of the law from http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/epa_309.htm) The federal government also published kinds of legislations that include water, wetland, air, the ocean, energy, natural lands and so on. Besides legislation, the government also uses the medium to propagandize. For example, look up the stamp below, between 1986 and 1997, an estimated 58,500 acres of wetlands were lost each year in the contiguous United States. So government published this stamp to let people realize the desperate situation of nation’s wetlands. (Status and Trend:http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/wetlands/vital/status.html)

The second similarities are that they both receive highly attention of the whole world. Their environmental policies are of interest to the rest of the world for at least three reasons:
·      Big population proportion on the planet;
·      China is the biggest market for the world’s technology, services and products and the USA is the most developed country;
·      The research on their environment can offer other countries experiences and examples.

(Weijiong Zhang; Ilan Vertinsky; Terry Ursacki; Peter Nemetz 1999:23)

Although the world shows highly concern for both countries, the two countries have different attitudes toward the world. The environmental policies and ideas have a lot of differences between China and America.

American environmental protection has some advantage that China needs to improve, such as having more diversity, creativeness and flexibility. So America can adjust its guiding principle more quickly than China. And because the USA is a federal country, “each state has its own law to protect environment, and they report their attain achievement to the EPA”. (David L. Markell, 2003:296; Meil E.Harrison & Gary C.Bryner, 2004:300) Another very interesting difference is that American environmental protection agency was first appearing among the people but the National Environmental Production Department didn’t set up until 1972. On the contrary, Chinese environmental protection is from top to bottom that the folk institution did not build up until 1990(Yan Qing, VOA 24, May, 2004 1:25:44 AM). But this system gave China more space to develop and strengthen environmental protection consciousness on citizens and individuals.

Viewing the problem from China’s angle, China also has some advantages that America does not have. Because China is a democratic centralism country, so Central Committee of the party is the core of the whole country. Compared with America, China has much less barriers when promoting new policies from central to bottom. And China devotes its environmental protection to the whole world, so it develops an international ecosystem management. This gives China more opportunities to cooperate with other countries in the world. And in the political behavior, China does much better than America. When China develops its environmental protection, it always consider about the whole world’s profit. But America put itself in the centre position of the world so it demoralizes the other countries in the world. (“China and America, who has a better environmental protection?” 23, April, 2005 http://www.huanqing.org/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=591)
<H2 style="MARGIN: 12pt 0in 3pt"> Although China has a lot of environmental problems these years, the government and citizens have been conscious of the threat. Since People Republic of China set up in 1949, the China’s environmental protection cause has obtained big achievements. After China joined WTO, China has become more and more open and this is a golden period for China to develop environmental protection. China has a proverb that said: Unity is strength. So with the struggle of the whole nation, China’s environment will have a bright future.

During more than thirty years’ struggle, environmental protection has been well received by most of the American citizens. The American government also has been aware that environment takes an indispensable role in the country’s economics development, so environmental protection will become the most important problem for a very long time in the future.

On 28, July, 2005, China and America became “clean partner” (http://www.hwcc.com.cn). It indicated that both two countries have intention to cooperate together. And in my opinion, China and America can also develop a relationship between the folk organizations because if everyone realize how important environment to us is, the environmental protection will become easier to promote.
China and America are both very big countries in the world, their environmental problems will also influence the whole world. The two countries should cooperate and manage together. And If America and China can develop a harmonious cooperative atmosphere, it will not only make better decisions for both government, but also good for the whole world and other countries.

<H1 style="MARGIN: 12pt 0in 3pt">Works Cited:</H1>China and America, who has a better environmental protection, 23, April, 2005 <http://www.huanqing.org/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=591>

Christopher J.Smith:CHINA: In The Post-Utopian Age2000

David L. Markel:Reinventing Environmental Enforcement, 2003

Definition is from <http://www.gdrc.org/sustdev/definitions.html>

Definition is from<http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/epa_309.htm>

James Gustave Speth: Red sky at morning: AMERICA AND THE CRISIS OF THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT, 2004

Li Shijia: BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Political : Zeng Peiyan attends Fortune Global Forum and delivers speech; expounds China's policy stance on upholding sustainable development and promoting common economic prosperity, Xinhua news agency post 17, May, 2005

Meil E.Harrison & Gary C.Bryner : Science and Politics in the International Environment, 2004

Miguel A.Santos: The Environmental Crisis, 1999

Picture is from <http://www.hwcc.com.cn>

Riley E.Dunlap & William Michelson, Handbook of Environmental Sociology, 2002

Rob Schultheis: “The forecast? Hazy skies continue: the president's clear skies initiative has been presented as the solution to dirty air in our national parks, but conservationists say it will fall far short of protecting our parks and the health of American citizens.” Journal of National Parks, Jan-Feb 2004

Shaolin Yang; Tor Hundloe; Robert Cramb “How China is adopting market mechanisms to foster soil and water conservation.” Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, March 2005

Statistic is from <http://www.zhb.gov.cn/english/SOE/soechina1999/air/airdown.htm>

Statistic is from <http://www.xiayidai.com.cn/tnsg/lsjy/lszz/lsda/004.htm>

Status and Trends <http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/wetlands/vital/status.html>
Yan Qing, VOA 24, May, 2004 1:25:44 AM

Tao Hu, online speech, 02 September, 2004, 19:40 <http://www.people.com.cn/GB/huanbao/8220/41430/41433/3029076.html>

Weijiong Zhang; Ilan Vertinsky; Terry Ursacki; Peter Nemetz: “Can China be a clean tiger: growth strategies and environmental realities” Journal of Pacific Affairs Spring 1999

Yi Zheng, the end of China·report of Chinese environment crisis, 20, March, 2002 <http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/2/3/20/n177976.htm>




千哀 发表于 2006-3-10 05:38:01

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学





snoopy1992 发表于 2006-3-10 05:38:45

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学

JJ又RP了。。。= =|||
我还打算要不要无良的把我的SCIENCE ESSAY贴出来。。。- -0

跟我SCIENCE FAIR的ESSAY的要求一样,都要注明引用的出处。。。

千哀 发表于 2006-3-10 05:47:31

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学




木木炎 发表于 2006-3-10 08:17:49

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学



大肚肚 发表于 2006-3-10 08:26:46

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学


shxyfan 发表于 2006-3-10 08:26:46

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学

很不错哈...咳....偶这学期也要写篇...题目是theraputic cloning (治疗性克隆)

大肚肚 发表于 2006-3-10 08:30:47

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学


snoopy1992 发表于 2006-3-10 08:33:14

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学


千哀 发表于 2006-3-10 09:15:36

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学

很不错哈...咳....偶这学期也要写篇...题目是theraputic cloning (治疗性克隆)

汗,我刚运动回来,等我洗完澡帮你上database看看:)应该有很多材料的-V- 找不到不要怪我……

汗……我知道属于研究组,但是我想我报名的是趣味组,发人家组的是不是不太厚道……所以还是标了趣味组- -|||

呵呵,咱还有一篇17页的论文,满分150,得了146……你有兴趣伐XD 要不要我贴在下一楼^_^    ( 继续被众人抽飞……)

大肚肚 发表于 2006-3-10 09:22:20

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学

- -0

千哀 发表于 2006-3-10 09:40:39

回复: [2006。3。10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(趣味英语小组]) 什么是真正英语的学





题目:Therapeutic cloning needs serious debate on the up side


题目:Cloning Chaos


题目:A step in the right direction? British scientists have been given permission to use human embryos for therapeutic cloning. We asked our readers panel if this was the right decision.

-V- 实在是很多……先给你这么多好了,你看有没有用……
其实你上网上的database搜索不好么……给你两个很好的database: InfoTrac OneFile, LexisNexis Academic 这两个上面的东西很全也很新的……你们学校难道没有database……


snoopy1992 发表于 2006-3-10 09:50:50

回复: [2006.3.10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(英语研究组)什么是真正的英语学术论文[

- -0

Cosine 发表于 2006-3-10 10:16:28

回复: [2006.3.10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(英语研究组)什么是真正的英语学术论文[


千哀 发表于 2006-3-10 11:18:50

回复: [2006.3.10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(英语研究组)什么是真正的英语学术论文[


shaodog 发表于 2006-3-10 11:23:15

回复: [2006.3.10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(英语研究组)什么是真正的英语学术论文[


千哀 发表于 2006-3-10 11:27:42

回复: [2006.3.10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(英语研究组)什么是真正的英语学术论文[



shaodog 发表于 2006-3-10 11:30:16

回复: [2006.3.10] 〖English(阴沟里洗)分部〗(英语研究组)什么是真正的英语学术论文[


Photonics Technology Letters的paper投稿格式,和其他杂志的基本相同。。。。。

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