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评委:血色珊瑚樱, snoopy1992, cloudyyoung, 溪蓝, Cosine, 可爱柯南,
新人奖2名[除以上三名得奖者外,新人奖得主必须是2006年1月1日后注册的主ID,一 经核实为MJ参赛以谋奖励,将上交警察屏蔽处理]
回复: 2006年夏季同人区主论坛以及各大联盟大型征文活动(海外赛区)
嗯。。。怎么变成这样了?= =那个。。。下面的是从word里copy出来的。。。怎么就变成这样了呢。。。
所以在外面做了个网页。。。因为规则问题我把网址改成乱码了。。。唉希望不要被disqualify掉。。。= =
我真的是先贴在这里然后才做网页的。。。T-T 而且我很喜欢CB啊。。。=]
另外家里有事嗯。。。所以动工晚了。。。大家当oneshot看吧。。。= =
HARD TRUTHS -- Finishing the Unfinished –
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO READ THIS CHAPTER OUT OF SEQUENCE1. With the help of a fangirl, Syuusuke Fuji discovered the truth about his world. 2. Fuji rounded up a group of people (namely his best friend Eiji Kikumaru, the neighborhood scientist Sadaharu Inui, and their cute kouhai* Ryoma Echizen who happened to overhear the conversation because he was sleeping in the tree). Fuji and his friends will go to the other Dimensions to spread the word. 3. Prior to this out of sequence chapter, Fuji and crew arrived at the world of Detective Conan, and met Gin. Disclaimer: Firstly, I do not own Prince of Tennis, its characters, or anything associated with it. Secondly, I do not own Detective Conan, its characters, or anything associated with it. Finally, the resemblance of any events to those happened to an actual person is completely accidental. Author’s note: Words followed by * are in Japanese. The definition can be found at the end of this chapter. I tried to choose the most suitable definition in each case; however, my Japanese is not good. So please, if you find an error, tell me. And of course, constructive criticism is always welcomed. ^^ HARD TRUTHS -- Finishing the Unfinished --~*~*~*~It was an uneventful night, as usual. Anthony Vulpe mused. Trotting along the path that led to the abandoned warehouse, he could hear the rustling of various insects in the grass. Anthony would have liked to have a quick snack, but since he was currently biting into the flesh of a hare, he decided not to be greedy. After all, Emily and the kids were still waiting…Suddenly, the wind changed its direction, sending unfamiliar scents in to the nostrils of the red fox. Anthony stopped in his tracks, now alert and cautious. He sniffed again, tilting his head to help his ears to pick up more information. Noises came from the abandoned building. Then, he heard footsteps. Two humans, maybe more, were inside the warehouse. Fortunately, there were no dogs, and the humans were on the northwest corner, quite a distance away from his den. For Anthony to get home safely, all he needed to do was to take the long, muddy path around the building. However, he was curious. Besides, this was his territory, and he intended to know exactly what was happening on it. Without further hesitation, Anthony cached his hare, and stole towards trouble. ~*~*~*~“Shaky, isn’t she?” Kaito Kuroba, a seventeen-year-old high school student, sweatdropped when his blindfolds were removed. He was quite grateful that this room was illuminated by a beam of pale moonlight. Last time his blindfolds were removed, he was temporarily blinded by the light from an incandescent lamp. “Best place I’ve got. You are going to rot here anyways, might as well learn to like her.” Gin, a malicious-looking man, replied smoothly. With black overalls he could have blended into the background if not for the fact that his long blond hair reflected light so easily. The teen shrugged and carefully inspected his surroundings. The only source of light entered the room through the seams between the worn-out wooden boards that seal the window. Iron bars, he noted, blocked this potential exit. The door was the other entrance to the room, and Gin was blocking it. The man didn’t have to be so cautious, really, since Kaito was drugged, cuffed, and chained to the wall; not to mention the fact that Gin’s partner Vodka still had Aoko as a hostage; or the fact that the teen was searched thoroughly and had nothing besides clothes on him. But as Gin had said before, one cannot take any chances when the Phantom Thief was involved. Besides, the blond had a reputation to maintain. The young magician sighed mentally and decided to put on his Poker Face. There was no escape for him. Not that he expected any, no. Kaito knew he had little chance of surviving this one the moment he saw that note. Nonetheless, he was not going to give up. “So you are keeping Aoko in a place like this? Shame on you. Treating a lady like a sack of potatoes.” He almost broke out laughing. In a way, the two were not too different. “You are not getting anything out of me.” The man lit a cigarette, and beckoned Kaito to sit down on the dusty floor. “I don’t like this business anymore than you do.” At that Kaito almost snorted. Gin glared and went on, “But since the man who started this whole thing left it unfinished, I have to bring it to a… satisfactory conclusion.”“Sounds like a long story. Why didn’t we go to a café again? What if you die of dehydration?”“Irrelev-“ For a split second Gin’s expressionless face twisted, then everything returned to normal. ”Contrary to common … belief, we Black Organization … members follow a strict … budget. I’ll never get the café… bills reimbursed. Did you know that … the drug I used on that Nakamori girl was … actually some almost-expired … leftover from two years ago? Or … that I always wear black … because one it needs less … washing, two it makes me look … handsome- ahem, more handsome, and three I … can’t afford other clothes because cigarettes … are so damn expensive?” By now Gin was not calm anymore, his hands rose up – with difficulties – to choke himself, apparently. However his voice box seemed to function on its own, continuing the lecture in a pleasant tone, “No. No café for you. I’ve … only got two gift certificates for every ten … missions. Stop struggling, okay?” When the twitching hands did not stop, Gin yelled, “The dude’s gonna think that we- you, are a lunatic.” With that the shaky hands dropped to the man’s sides obediently. Kaito had dropped his Poker Face and was gaping openly at the man in black. “Excuse us, Kuroba-san*. I’m Fuji Syusuke and to make the long story short, I got stuck in Gin’s body because Inui’s Mostest-Brilliantest-Beta-Platinum-Edition-Penal-Tea backfired I guess.” Gin- Fuji, smiled, “Well usually I sleep in here, so I think Gin’s just not used to me taking control. But don’t worry. I’ve used up all my strength and will return him to you presently.”“Um. Sure,” was all Kaito could master before Fuji disappeared, along with that almost idiotic smile. “Well. Kaito Kuroba.” The man was bloodthirsty because all the embarrassing things that Fuji said about him were true. ”I would love to send you off immediately. But first, there is some business that must be finished, and don’t you _dare_ to interrupt.”“The whole thing started with your father, Toichii Kuroba.” He ignored the teen’s blazing gaze and picked up the cigarette that he had dropped while trying to put that Fuji freak back to his place. “Or his death, to be more exact. He died because of you, Kaito Kuroba.”“Im-impossible!”“SILENCE! Have you no _brains_? Who are you? Shinichi Kudo’s shadow! You have the same looks, the same voice, the same intelligence. But is Japan ready for two Kudos? No. One is enough. What did Toichii see in the future? I’ll tell you what he saw. In his vision, Kudo is the famous detective. You? An insignificant magician. Kudo is the hero. You are nobody. Kudo has _Ran Mouri_. You only have _Aoko Nakamori_. You are always the lesser one. So what did Toichii do? He gambled his life to change your future. Now what do we have? Kudo may be the famous detective; but you are the equally famous Kaitou KID. Kudo may have Ran’s heart; but now you have Akako’s.”“But-” This could not be possible. He didn’t need the fame. All he wanted was to be happy with the man he loved so much. Dad would never let him cry himself to sleep at night, right? Not just for some stupid future that he didn’t even want, right? Or would he?No! No. Dad loved me. He didn’t want to leave me all by myself. He loved me. He knew me. I didn’t want to be famous or anything. He knew it. He didn’t die for me. He couldn’t have. He knew how much he means to me. He wouldn’t leave me. The B.O. murdered him. He loved me…“You thought the organization could really kill him? How foolish of you to underestimate you father like that. He _chose_ to die. Lad. All because of you.” The last sentence came as a whisper, smooth, soft, and carried a trace of sympathy. Stop! Don’t say that! Why? Why are you saying all this? “It’s natural for parents to provide the best for their children.”Shut up! He loved me. Why? Must you torture me like this? Wait… That’s it! He’s trying to break me up before killing me. Yes. That must be it. He’s one of them. He enjoys torturing people. Dad would never do that to- for me. He loved me…“He did it because he loved you, Kaito. Just remember that.”“He loved me.”That’s right. He loved me. I knew he did. He loved me…“Yes. Kaito. He gave up his life for you.”“No! You stole him from me!”He didn’t leave me. You stole him. He wouldn’t leave me. He loved me…The blond man said nothing. He had just realized that the teen’s eyes were slightly unfocused. The truth was ugly, he knew. Perhaps it would be wise to stop for now. The boy needed some rest. “Rest for now. Don’t try anything stupid.” With a brief glance over his shoulder, the man left the room. ~*~*~*~Anthony watched in confusion as the man hung a bunch of keys on a nearby tree branch. Minutes later, the man boarded a black BMW and disappeared into darkness. Inside the small room in the warehouse, the pale moonlight caressed the shuddering teen. He wouldn’t leave me… He loved me…~*~*~*~~Ne*, you didn’t tell him everything.~ A sleepy voice nudged his mind gently. The man’s right hand – which was just reaching for his lighter – stopped in midair. He was not happy to be disturbed while driving, but still answered to defend himself. ~He’s young.~ ~Mou*… I’m younger than him you know.~ The boy didn’t sound reproachful; he was amused. ~You are a child. Children accept things more easily. And don’t do that again. Why did you have to ruin the atmosphere back then?~~I wanted to see him laugh.~~…~~Well. Maybe tomorrow.~~Hmph.~~What?~~Nothing.~The man reached for his lighter again, this time successfully lighting his cigarette. No, Fuji, he thought, you won’t see him tomorrow. It has ended.~*~*~*~The rumor mill was churning. “Hey. Do you think he’s really M.I.A.?” “Nah. KID-sama* probably wanted some vacation. It’s a stressful job, you know.”“But I heard he’s… dead.”“Julia! Don’t you have any faith in him?”“Yes, of course I do. But, you know-”“The police got his body?”“No. It’s just that he’s been inactive for so long, and-”“Well. Like I said. A vacation.”The middle-aged man in business suite sitting at the opposite table frowned slightly. Really! What’s so good about that thief anyways? Then it occurred to him how good his daughter was compared to those girls. And whatever happened to the boy who’s supposed to meet him? Late? For his once-in-a-life-time interview? Ungrateful brats!“Good morning, Dr. Yamada! Sorry I’m late.”The man checked his watch. Three minutes and forty-two seconds. He did a mental calculation. That would be thirteen point seven five marks off. After noting that down in his notebook, he studied his prospective student carefully. The youth didn’t look too promising. He probably had agreeable grades, but nothing brilliant. A respectful, submissive, and modest individual. Average looks. Average confidence. Average behavior. Average everything; that is, except for his eyes. While his face displayed all the appropriate expressions, the hazel depths showed no feelings, no emotions, and above all, no life. “Don’t be late next time.” said the man coldly. “Now, let’s get to business.”Fifteen minutes later, Rinji Yamada decided that sponsoring Ichiro Satou just might turn out to be a very profitable investment. ~*~*~*~The rumor mill kept turning.“I mean, really, they don’t look alike at all! I mean, it’s okay for a kid to look a bit different from his dad, right? But really! Such a cute child from that kind of father? Not likely I’m telling you. But then again, Mrs. Satou is not the kind to get strayed, you know. But looking at the child, his father must be extremely handsome.”“Mr. Satou is not that bad-looking.”“I know, I know. But the kid is simply ethereal. You know, with such pretty blue eyes and all. He’s like an angel. No offence, but Mr. Satou is far from an angel. His looks I mean. His personality is agreeable, of course…”Aoko N. Satou stared out of the window. She wasn’t ignorant of the rumors. No. She had heard enough of them. She wouldn’t blame those ladies, however, since she was troubled herself. She wanted to know why exactly her son looked so much like a certain person, but not her husband. ~*~*~*~Surrounded by the warmth of his family, Anthony yawned. Humans, he thought to himself, are very interesting creatures. kouhai: underclassmanne: ‘hey’ or ‘say’; to get someone’s attention-san: respect; Japanese equivalent of Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.mou: a verbal pout-sama: extreme respect; Monsignor/Milord</p>
回复: 2006年夏季同人区主论坛以及各大联盟大型征文活动(海外赛区)
嗯呐可爱~~~ 你记得我的吧 (抽)
那个问一下,英文指的是用英文作的文章么? 凡是英文作的无论配对都发到海外来?
回复: 2006年夏季同人区主论坛以及各大联盟大型征文活动(海外赛区)
The Road--NYC, New York USA
“Conan-kun, I’ve never thought we can visit New York.” Says Ayumi.
“I wonder if there’s anything good to eat like eel-rice?” Kenta says.
“But, I want to see the Empire State and Chrysler buildings, the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Bronx Zoo, Staten Island Ferry, Brooklyn Bridge...”
“Mitsuhiko, can’t we eat first before we go?”
“Genta, is that all you know?” Mitsuhiko asks. Laughters are heard.
“Ai-chan, you don’t seem too excited about our trip, are you ok?” Ayumi asks.
“Nothing, the temperature is so high today. And I have been here before.”
“Me too.” says Conan, “By the way, can’t you guys take a break?”
“But,” Mitsuhiko says, “Dr .Agasa won the free air tickets, I think we should enjoy ourselves as much as we can. And you, Conan, stop being hopeless, you know?”
“Sigh…” As Conan turns away, “Why are you laughing, Haibara?”
“Ha, nothing.” says Ai, “even the great detective can’t do anything about these kids, huh?”
“….. All you can do is being sarcastic?”
“Maybe~” Ai smiles.
-Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both.
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
“So there we are, in New York.” as Conan stands by the window of the hotel room. "Knocks", Dr. Agasa comes in.
“Shinichi, where are the others?”
“Mitsuhiko is in the shower. Here is Genta, on that bed sleeping. I guess he’s just tired from eating too much.” Conan said, “You know, as always.”
“Shinichi, come outside to the lobby, I want to talk to you.”
In the lobby, Conan appears.
“Sit down here by me.” Dr. Agasa says, “I’m so glad you have overcome your sadness. You seem happy now.”
“Dr. Agasa, I’ve been thinking this all these time. Maybe this is just my kismet, I have to face it. Either overcome it, or never get out of it. I was puzzled after I learned that the antidote of APTX4869 might be impossible to make. But one never knows where life leads to. Maybe everyone would think Ran should be road that I can travel safely and happily to the end; but perhaps, there’s always another solution in life.”
“I’m so glad, Shinichi. I was worried about you.” Dr. Agasa feels relief.
Shinichi says, “I have made up my mind. Haibara is the road I will choose, even though it looks wrong in other people’s eyes. But, this is my decision.”
-Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
As Conan goes down to breakfast, he sees Ai,” Good morning, Haibara, it’s rare to see you wake up so early in the morning.”
“So, you mean I can’t enjoy the freshness in the morning?” Ai seems really happy, “My great detective, it’s a gift given by the nature, not your personal chattel.”
“O yeah? Well then, my Lady-Haibara, I saw there’s an alameda behind the hotel, shall we go for a walk as a taste of the ‘morning freshness’?”
- And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
Walking on the road, smelling the scent of the flowers, listening to the chirping of the birds, Conan and Ai are talking about things they’ve learned before.
Ai says that when she was in middle school, she learned a poem in literature class. The poet, as a traveler, comes to a fork in the road and needs to decide which way to go to continue his journey. After much mental debate, the traveler picks the road "less traveled by."
“Well,” says Ai, “The figurative meaning is not too hidden either. The poem describes the tough choices people stand for when traveling the road of life.”
“Ha, I read that poem too. I thought it was a somewhat gloomy poem because of the words "sorry" and "sigh". The traveler regrets that he leaves the possibilities of the road not chosen behind. He realizes he probably won't pass this way again.” Conan continues, “But, the tone of the poem is positive. He was happy with the choice he made: having his own mind, follow his own heart.”
“Are you talking about yourself, my great detective?” Ai smiles.
“Well, maybe I’m just being hopeless again.” Conan smiles too. “It’s time to go back, everyone is probably waiting for us now.”
“But I really like this road. I wish to see the end of it.”
“Maybe some other time.” Conan says, “We will be back someday, I’m sure.”
“We? Hmmm…? Who’s that person?”
“An idiot!” Conan laughs and starts to run back.
“Hey! No one has called me an idiot ever since I was born!” Ai is chasing him.
“Well, you are called now!”
- I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost
- NYC International Airport
“Ahhh,” says Ayumi, “I wish I can stay a little longer. And Ai-chan, your English is so good, can you teach me something?”
“Like... maybe a poem?” Ai answers.
“Me too! I want to learn it also!” Shouts Mitsuhiko.
“How about a poem about Eel-Rice?” Genta says while eats his rice.
“Umm…. ok, repeat after me:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both….”
“Look how happy they are.” Says Dr. Agasa.
“Yeah, we could even feel it over here. Shall we join them?” Conan’s smile appears, filled with happiness.
“…. , and I -- I took the one less traveled by; And that has made all the difference.”
“Ai-chan, if we go and see that road the author is talking about. Shall we try to finish it for him?”
“Certainly. The road goes on and on, but it's filled with surprises. And maybe someday, I will be able to see the end of it."
Melvina in August, 2006
回复: 2006年夏季同人区主论坛以及各大联盟大型征文活动(海外赛区)
时间已过~~~~谢谢大家参赛~~~~回复: 2006年夏季同人区主论坛以及各大联盟大型征文活动(海外赛区)
情兒這個><..........eye-sight killer..... yep....