原田哀 发表于 2006-6-23 18:59:31


Heart attacks increase during World Cup 世界杯SOS:球迷谨防心脏病突发

World Cup soccer causes joy and despair and even ends marriages but now doctors are studying whether the thrill of it all can be heart stopping.

In the new FIFA-approved study researchers will receive blood samples from heart attack victims all over Germany watching football. "So far, on the days when Germany has played we have received a lot more blood samples," David Leistner of Munich's Ludwig Maximilians University said.

First results are due in October. A study in 1998 found the number of heart attacks increased by 25 percent on the day and in the two days after England lost to Argentina in a penalty shoot out at the 1998 World Cup. Researchers in Switzerland also found heart attacks in the country increased by 60 percent during the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea -- even though the Swiss team was not even competing. The findings prompted calls for emergency heart attack equipment to be
installed in stadiums during Euro 2004.

"If it really is the case that higher stress levels can increase the chance of a heart attack then attending soccer games may have to carry a health warning," said Leistner.

Doctors advise those soccer fans who may be at greater risk of heart attack anyway due to obesity, high-cholesterol or diabetes, to refrain from drinking excessively during the World Cup tournament.


慕尼黑路德维格马克西米利安大学的大卫.莱斯特那说:"到目前为止,每逢德国队比赛,我们总会收到更多的血样。" 第一期研究结果将于10月份公布。

1998年世界杯,英格兰在点球大战中输给阿根廷队。调查发现,当天以及此后两天的心脏病突发人数比平时增加了25%。 此外,瑞士的调查者们发现,2002年韩日世界杯期间,尽管瑞士队没有参赛,但瑞士的心脏病突发人数比往常多出了60%。这些调查结果促使人们在2004年欧洲杯期间呼吁在体育馆里安装心脏病急救设备。莱斯特那说:"如果研究表明,血压较高确实会增加心脏病突发的风险,那么球迷观看世界杯赛时,就得注意身体了。"


daat1928 发表于 2006-6-23 19:13:44

回复: [06年6月23日][English(阴沟里洗)分部][原文阅读组]世界杯SOS:球迷谨防心脏病


幻风翼 发表于 2006-6-23 20:05:01

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已注册的用户名 发表于 2006-6-23 20:08:17

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summery 发表于 2006-6-23 21:01:13

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原田哀 发表于 2006-6-23 21:12:32

回复: [06年6月23日][English(阴沟里洗)分部][原文阅读组]世界杯SOS:球迷谨防心脏病


summery 发表于 2006-6-23 21:13:06

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kidders 发表于 2006-6-24 04:07:57

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annaizy 发表于 2006-6-24 08:48:27

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请教,TV SERIES 的一集一集怎么说?? E.G,第一集怎么说??

古怪灰原 发表于 2006-6-24 08:49:52

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