unknown 发表于 2006-8-15 06:51:42



4everluv 发表于 2006-8-15 07:11:57

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

psat= preliminary scholastic assessment test. i think psat just helps students to look at the question types on the scholastic assessment test (sat-1). so i dont think it is possible that the PSAT will replace the SAT-1.
The nation merit schoalrship corporation adopted the PSAT as the qualifying test for their nation merit scholars program. so now it is also known as the NMQST=nation merit scholars qualifying test.
i know many students think if they know the PSAT stuff then they'll be ready to take the SAT-1. But this is a BIG mistake. the PSAT test does not contain the higher level math on the SAT-! and for the SAT-1 written-essay (newly added in recent year).
so in my personal opinion, the SAT is much harder than the PSAT.
sigh, im gonna take the PSAT in this coming October~

4everluv 发表于 2006-8-15 07:13:24

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

besides, the testing time for psat is only like 130 mins, but for the real sat, is like... almost 4 hours!!

SugarCup 发表于 2006-8-15 07:31:18

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

i just know sat is easy....(for math)

rosinia 发表于 2006-8-15 11:29:07

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

er... psat english is easier... math is as easy as always=___=

Ange1ica 发表于 2006-8-16 05:07:16

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

hard hard...

unknown 发表于 2006-8-16 10:36:19

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

汗 我以为psat和sat是同样类型的考试
satI是4个小时指的是数学+英语 还是各四个小时?

unknown 发表于 2006-8-16 10:38:55

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

还有准备sat考试除了official guide 还应该看哪些书比较好? 因为种类太多了 也不知道哪本看了效率比较高

Ange1ica 发表于 2006-8-18 06:25:18

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

汗 我以为psat和sat是同样类型的考试
satI是4个小时指的是数学+英语 还是各四个小时?
:016: 很无聊的说~

unknown 发表于 2006-8-19 08:37:22

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

:016: 很无聊的说~
哈 那还好 :AF:

十月弥漫 发表于 2006-8-19 13:14:39

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

the new TOEFL test takes 4 hours too...what a horrible test....

(and I should pass it after 3 months|||||||)

Ange1ica 发表于 2006-8-20 06:15:58

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

my counselor doesnt even know what TOEFL is.....

FinoAi 发表于 2006-8-26 07:52:47

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

PSAT只是不包括SAT中的wriitng session.It's way easier than SAT. Actually, you needn't take the PSAT test to apply for the college. If you do well in SAT, you will definitely do well in PSAT. Almost all the colleges only consider one's SAT score.

Princeton Review and Kaplan have good books for preparing the test.

conan5471 发表于 2006-9-6 05:27:03

回复: 请问psat比sat难吗?

PSAT的英文容易很多,数学也简单很多。写作么,就是砍掉了作文部分,后面的grammar questions和SAT难度差不多吧……

如果说是辅导书的话,恩,college board有一本书,那本最好了[数学最后几道题很BT - -]。其它的话,像Thomson&Peterson's master the SAT, Kaplan 12 Practice tests for the SAT, Princeton Review, ect. 都还好的说……|||

im gonna take the PSAT in this coming October~
i saw something interesting....- -
wat grade u r? 10th or 11th?
actually,i gonna take the PSAT in the coming Oct.too.... i've been study SAT courses for the entire summer.........
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