回复: Hinata?(这次的好点。。)
er...who's this? why is she about to cry?><p.s.spend more time on the hair will you:041: it has the potential~
回复: Hinata?(这次的好点。。)
:041:HOW?~~~~回复: Hinata?(这次的好点。。)
ps, she's not about to cry, she just feel SORRY~~ in a way...回复: Hinata?(这次的好点。。)
回复: Hinata?(这次的好点。。)
er... 'cause... 省的糖糖用的那台公司的电脑时看不到中文。.p.s. also because I'm too lazy to change the input><
to Candy: you've already drawn the basic light and shadow, but keep in mind that hair is composed of thin strands which are grouped in larger groups. Make the brush side small and spend sometime trying to depict that.It might help if you can find a human sculpture and observe how the hair is carved in groups. it's... a bit hard to describe><
p.s.it might help if you make the shadow darker and the highlights lighter.
回复: Hinata?(这次的好点。。)
er... 'cause... 省的糖糖用的那台公司的电脑时看不到中文。.p.s. also because I'm too lazy to change the input><
to Candy: you've already drawn the basic light and ...
YES~ i'll try harder~ thx ><
i should have learned some basic shading art lesson before, but i didn't~~~:014:
回复: Hinata?(这次的好点。。)
see my "signature" - 2nd part
回复: Hinata?(这次的好点。。)
YES~ i'll try harder~ thx ><i should have learned some basic shading art lesson before, but i didn't~~~:014:
yeah the basic lessons help. But I find that most lessons in Canada don't teach the basics but rather wants you to just be "creative!"... :029: