回复: 缤纷假日·因你精彩[celebrate melv's belated 500]
now, you made my book worm moving回复: 缤纷假日·因你精彩[celebrate melv's belated 500]
did you read The da vinvi code? i wonder what is it about~回复: 缤纷假日·因你精彩[celebrate melv's belated 500]
no, but it's so famous... u should ask the other mel when she has time.. for some reason, all the book i read last yr was not-that-famous books, except one, The Lord Of the RIngs. i was so proud of myself about finishing reading that book b/c it is so boring回复: 缤纷假日·因你精彩[celebrate melv's belated 500]
oh is it... you sound funny, when you said "i was so proud of myself about finishing reading that book b/c it is so boring" i thought you are going to say its long, but then, it ture out to be boring~~ haha~~回复: 缤纷假日·因你精彩[celebrate melv's belated 500]
uh huh.. but it is really boring , far more than long``` the movies were so much better回复: 缤纷假日·因你精彩[celebrate melv's belated 500]
i like the movies no better~i don't like the lord od the rings at all~ nm~what else did you read?
回复: 缤纷假日·因你精彩[celebrate melv's belated 500]
if u read the book, u will say the same thing too.actually i start read seriously was last year, our school system has an Accerlated Reader thing that requires all 9th and 10th graders read certain amount of books within every 6 weeks (points system), and then take quizzes on the computer.. u know school books are always boring... some books i like are Angelica(something like a fantasy, i dont usually read fantasies, but it's really good), After the Dancing days, the last silk dress, Rebecca (the only famous book), Girl with a Pearl Earring (the movie is worse, dont watch it).... and some other making-u-fall-sleep books
回复: 缤纷假日·因你精彩[celebrate melv's belated 500]
Lawrence Yep is another famous chinese author, i like his Angelfishand the Landower Legacy by victoria holt is good too