大肚肚 发表于 2006-9-5 05:20:30


06年世界杯上,CCTV黄兄的解说词想必是路人皆知,列举意大利世代的左后卫球星时第一个就是前国米主席--吉亚辛托·法切蒂(Giancinto Facchetti).而就在几个小时之前,这位意大利足球史上最重要的人物之一因病离开了64年的人世.









MILAN - Tributes for Giacinto Facchetti, who died today aged 64:
Javier Zanetti: "All of us and the whole Inter family feel immense pain. We will miss Giacinto so much because he was an extraordinary person, a very very good human being. He was part of and always will be part of Inter's history. Today is a very sad day because he was close to us, close to all of us. We will miss Giacinto so much."

Giuseppe Bergomi: "He was a reference point for me within the club. He was an exquisite person, an example for everyone. Giacinto was considered the best, not just at Inter but also internationally. He was a good, gentle and honest man who was esteemed and highly regarded by everybody. As a player I didn't have the pleasure of seeing him play, but as a fellow defender I can say that a left-back who scores 59 goals is an extraordinary player."

Sandro Mazzola: "He was a great figure on the field and off it. He was a wonderful team mate and the authoritative figure in the squad. He was always ready to battle, he was a great."

Ivano Bordon: "He was like an older brother to me. I spoke with him on the phone 15 days ago. I told him that when I came back from the national team I would go visit him. It's too bad the young players of today didn't have the chance to see him"

Gianni Rivera: "He was a great person, much greater on the human level than the sporting one. We passed many years together and saw each other regularly when we had both finished playing. There was a very strong rapport between us."

Dino Zoff: "I have wonderful memories of Giacinto. We played many years in the national side together. He was an extraordinary lad, you couldn't fail to like him."

Gigi Riva: "He was the captain of our generation. He was a clean face and unfortunately he has left us far too soon. We had an excellent relationship. He knew he could count on me and I knew I could count on him. I have lost a friend and a companion in many wonderful adventures."

UEFA (Andy Roxburgh): "We are all devastated at this news, it has come as a terrible shock. I did a coaching job with the youth academy at Inter Milan some months ago, and sat with him at a club game. At that point we didn't know there was a problem. Words defy us as to how this tall, smart sportsman could disappear from us so quickly. He was a fantastic person – he was an absolute gentleman. He oozed class in everything he did. As a football person he was also of the highest order, becoming a statesman as president of Inter. He was the man who introduced the attacking full-back to football and he spoke about it in detail to technical directors at a recent UEFA conference. Celtic FC coach Jock Stein modelled the left-back of his great team, Tommy Gemmell, on him – it was therefore ironic that Gemmell scored one of Celtic's goals against Giacinto and Inter in the 1967 European Cup final in Lisbon. It's the greatest form of praise when people follow you. His CV as a player was wonderful."

Juventus: "Juventus F.C. has received the news of the loss of Giacinto Facchetti with infinite sadness and offers its condolences to his family, to Inter and its fans and to all the sportsmen and women of Italy for the loss of both a symbol and a legend of world football."

AC Milan: "Inter president Giacinto Facchetti was a true sportsman, a real football follower, who made fair play and style his main characteristic on the field and outside. All of Milan’s supporters and all the people living in this city were filled with sadness at the news and we all express our condolences to Giacinto Facchetti’s family, his friends and his staff, who spent all these years with him working for Inter."

Roma: "The world of sport has lost a charismatic figure who besides his sporting and professional qualities, distinguished himself for his high moral and human qualities."



朗月秋霜 发表于 2006-9-5 10:06:20

回复: [06-09-05][G14][悼念]国米主席法切蒂辞世


幽林公主 发表于 2006-9-5 10:59:06

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