showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested), all
I have 8 extra sets of Conan stamps. My friends and me bought a lot of them from Japan. I have kept enough stamps for myself, so want to get rid of these extra sets. Stamps are in excellent condition (MNH-mint never hinged). I am a professional stamp collector, so no need to worry about stamp qualities. They are in best shape! I am selling each set for 15 CAD. If you are interested (inside Canada or USA), contact me at [email protected] for details. I live in Calgary, local pick up are more than welcomed. If you are not interested, just think of me as showing off Conan stamps!
Thank you everyone.
Ying (tamiya0603)
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
those are cute, but im poorthx tho
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
so beautiful!i am a stamp collector too, but not professional.
U are luck guy,U are fortunate to have that.
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
My, my. Can't believe I found Kaito-Sama here... ^^Very pretty, ne? But I cannot afford $15/set... T-T So I can't buy them...
Nice stamps, Tamiya... ^^
And you said you have visited Japan? Lucky! ^^
Btw... didn't think I'd find ads here either...=v= Good thing you are only doing a fan-service by showing us the pictures or this post could be locked... ^^;;
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
Ah... Can't believe I forgot...Nice to meet you Tamiya-San.^^
I have never seen you here before, so if you are new please allow me to give you a warm welcome hug. ^^ If not then mayber you would like to have a warm welcome back hug instead? ^^
Oh well. Either way I'm hugging you... ^^
I may be off-duty now but I'm still an SL through and through... =v=
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
Ah... Can't believe I forgot...Nice to meet you Tamiya-San.^^
I have never seen you here before, so if you are new please allow me to give you a ...
thanks for the hugging. i don't spend a lot of time on forums. school is very busy right now. i was gonna sell the stamp on ebay. but found a lot of the members are from it will be easier for me to sell it in my city. Also selling stuff on ebay is troublesome, i wasted a lot of time just trying to get the thing listed on there. Well, i'll just keep the stamp for the main time, having more is not a bad thing.
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
but found a lot of the members are from calgary.Really?they just stamp collector or Conan fans?
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
ala~~~~ im in calgary~~~~ no mailing fee required~~~~but currently broke rite now... ill come bac when i got $.....
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
me broke..回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
calgary← in Chinese how to say?回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
卡加利?回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
calgary← in Chinese how to say?all i know is its somewhere in canada....sorry it didnt help alot didnt it?
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
Thanks for showing us the wonderful stamp!But i'm live in china.What a pity!
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
calgary← in Chinese how to say?I am sorry that I can't type chinese for you.
In PIN YIN it will called: Kaerjiali
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
calgary= 卡尔加里it's different in contonese......hav no idea how to say that one...
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
calgary= 卡尔加里it's different in contonese......hav no idea how to say that one...
I bought two of them in 45所‘s online shop
and one set have the cachet on it
I remember I used to post the pics somewhere in 45所。。。。。。。。。
回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
who can tell me 15 CAD equals to how much USD?回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
难道不一样吗?回复: showing off CONAN STAMPS (for sale if interested)
About 10-12. I'll check the currency converter and get back to you.