回复: Thanksgiving 感恩节
It reminds me the mash potato i ate on thanksgiving....i actually don't like turkies so much, but mash potato tastes pretty good.....>_<
回复: Thanksgiving 感恩节
It reminds me the mash potato i ate on thanksgiving....i actually don't like turkies so much, but mash potato tastes pretty good.....>_<
话说回来。。。我好像不记得我那天到底吃什么了。。。。:030: :029:
回复: Thanksgiving 感恩节
and how's JIA's PSAT score? good? pleased?回复: Thanksgiving 感恩节
看到火鸡我就想到了Mr.Bean回复: Thanksgiving 感恩节
叫花鸡?是最外层用泥巴包起来烤的那种吗?:015: 听说是一道名菜。你得到了它。。。。。。。