Ange1ica 发表于 2007-2-19 15:31:50

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

yeah ,i'm such an addict to jp animes..:030: rencently, be crazy about 'the rebellion of Lelouch',,,,great:037:

waaah, dont tell me new animes... im not gonna watch it
im not gonna watch it
im not gonna watch it
im not gonna watch it
im not gonna watch it
im not gonna watch it
im not gonna watch it

4everluv 发表于 2007-2-19 15:32:33

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

hehe... Mel is bothered by a guy at school^___________^
(better run)

= =||| u better!:002:

Ange1ica 发表于 2007-2-19 15:33:57

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

i have to go tired... ttyl!

yelu1988 发表于 2007-2-19 15:34:06

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

i dont see why everybody wants to come honestly i dont think it's that great here, its just my personal opinion, no offens...
u know~~~i donot mean that i have an American dream~:029: i just wanna further my study in a good college:028: u know,, i have to admmit that the gradute shools are not so mature~~esp. in economics~~~I donot wanna live or work in the US for a long time1~:016:

yelu1988 发表于 2007-2-19 15:36:08

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

hehe... Mel is bothered by a guy at school^___________^
(better run)
that's why Mel MM's "郁闷" these days~~~am i right?:029:

yelu1988 发表于 2007-2-19 15:36:42

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

i have to go tired... ttyl!

4everluv 发表于 2007-2-19 15:37:08

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

u know~~~i donot mean that i have an American dream~:029: i just wanna further my study in a good college:028: u know,, i have to admmit that the grad...

JJ's english is so great... it wont be a problem for u!

both of us know someone who has come here recently, who is crying mostly everyday for coming here... she looked so helpless........

4everluv 发表于 2007-2-19 15:38:33

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

that's why Mel MM's "郁闷" these days~~~am i right?:029:

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......................... im just being stupid!!:041:

4everluv 发表于 2007-2-19 15:40:32

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......................... im just being stupid!!:041:

i mean, b/c i dont know any calculus

yelu1988 发表于 2007-2-19 15:42:03

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

JJ's english is so great... it wont be a problem for u!

both of us know someone who has come here recently, who is crying mostly everyday for...
thx so so so much~~~so moved:040: yeah, our english writing teacher told us that he's so excited at first when coming to Aus.but after a few moths, he got so serious a nostalgia:014: u know, everyone has such exp...u've to overcome it gradually:030:

yelu1988 发表于 2007-2-19 15:43:56

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

i mean, b/c i dont know any calculus
also feel annoyed about calculus~~:001: so,so annoying~~~always cannot give an right answer to most queations -_______-:014:

4everluv 发表于 2007-2-19 15:44:11

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

used of being lonely........ sorry ,haha, im kinda pessimistic these days...

4everluv 发表于 2007-2-19 15:45:49

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

JJ is not in love with someone:027: b/c i know u have LG at 45S? lol...

yelu1988 发表于 2007-2-19 15:46:30

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

used of being lonely........ sorry ,haha, im kinda pessimistic these days...
i feel lost~~suddenly feel that have no aims at all~:013:

yelu1988 发表于 2007-2-19 15:47:57

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

JJ is not in love with someone:027: b/c i know u have LG at 45S? lol...
my LG???:015: uh ~~~u mean "左左",she's a lovely girl~~:027:

4everluv 发表于 2007-2-19 15:49:07

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

my LG???:015: uh ~~~u mean "左左",she's a lovely girl~~:027:
i mean someone in real u dont have to answer it... it's all Lynn's fault.. she started it!!

4everluv 发表于 2007-2-19 15:50:19

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

i feel lost~~suddenly feel that have no aims at all~:013:

oooh no, pessimistic feelings can be really contagious, u must've gotten it from me..

:014:im so sry!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

yelu1988 发表于 2007-2-19 15:51:30

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

i mean someone in real u dont have to answer it... it's all Lynn's fault.. she started it!!
refuse an annoying guy recently~~:017: i don't want to find someone for the moment, have many male friends~~:027: they're really nice~~~

yelu1988 发表于 2007-2-19 15:52:34

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

oooh no, pessimistic feelings can be really contagious, u must've gotten it from me..

:014:im so sry!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
hug~~^^it's not MM,s fault~~~have been feeling that for long~:014:

4everluv 发表于 2007-2-19 15:52:47

回复: Happy Valentine's Day

refuse an annoying guy recently~~:017: i don't want to find someone for the moment, have many male friends~~:027: they...

i know, i think the same wayy...
its like when u dont have that "special" guy friend, u will have a lot of guy friend~

:027:awww~ we think alike JJ
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