wangyuankai 发表于 2007-2-16 13:40:32


FISH-ing For Links Between Cancer And Aging

Article Date: 07 Feb 2007 - 7:00 PST

Wielding a palette of chromosome paints, scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have taken a step closer to understanding the relationship between aging and cancer by visualizing chromosomes of cells from patients with a heritable premature aging disease known as Werner Syndrome.

In a study to be published in this week's online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences researchers led by Jan Karlseder, Ph.D., assistant professor in Salk's Regulatory Biology Laboratory, showed that rebuilding structures called telomeres, which are found at the tips of each chromosome, significantly blocks the type of genetic damage seen in cells of patients with Werner Syndrome.

Patients with Werner Syndrome manifest signs of aging, such as skin wrinkling, baldness, or hair graying, in their teens. Most die in their 40's or 50's due to a predisposition to diseases like cancer. "Cancer is almost always related to chromosomal instability," explains Karlseder. "If telomeres are lost on individual chromosomes, then chromosomes are not protected and can fuse with other nonprotected chromosomes. Then when cells divide, chromosomes randomly break, leading to genome instability."

The current study extended work published in 2004 by Karlseder and first author Laure Crabbe, Ph.D., who was a graduate student in the Karlseder lab at the time. In that work, the team used a technique called FISH-short for fluorescent in situ hybridization-to microscopically visualize both the telomeres and chromosomal DNA from Werner Syndrome patients. They reported that some protective telomeres were actually missing on patients' chromosomes, a finding Karlseder describes as "a fairly catastrophic event for a cell."

For the current study, Salk researchers grew cells from Werner Syndrome patients in tissue culture dishes and, aided by colleagues at the Institute of Human Genetics in Heidelberg, Germany, evaluated DNA damage using a highly colorful variation of the FISH technique called chromosome painting. This technique "paints" or labels every pair of the 46 chromosomes with a different colored fluorescent dye, enabling investigators to easily see breakage or fusion of chromosomes that are characteristic of damaged DNA under the microscope.

Then they artificially supplied the cultured cells with one of two genes-either a functional copy of the WRN gene, which is mutant or nonfunctional in Werner Syndrome, or a gene encoding the protein telomerase, which elongates short or missing telomeres. After cells divided several times, their DNA was reexamined for the type of damage associated with both aging and cancer.

Cells supplied with a functional WRN gene showed decreased DNA damage compared to untreated cells, which was predictable: the WRN gene encodes a protein called a helicase that unwinds tightly coiled DNA strands when cells divide. Loss of WRN protein in individuals with Werner Syndrome is responsible for the disease. Explains Crabbe, now a postdoctoral fellow at The Institute of Human Genetics in Montpellier, France, "The lack of a single protein (WRN) induced loss of some telomeres, leading to a premature cellular growth arrest."

However, the most interesting finding was what the scientists observed in cells supplied with added telomerase. "When we put telomerase into cells, we suppressed accumulation of mutations to the same degree as when we put the WRN protein back," reports Karlseder. "It fixed the defect by elongating short telomeres seen in Werner Syndrome cells."

Crabbe, who is continuing to study DNA replication as a postdoc, concludes that these findings not only provide a mechanism underlying accelerated aging seen in Werner Syndrome but establish a link to cancer predisposition, saying, "These results indicate that the telomere dysfunction in Werner Syndrome cells is a major cause of genomic instability and could explain the high incidence of cancer seen in this disease."

Translating these findings into a treatment for Werner Syndrome will be extremely difficult. However, Karlseder feels optimistic about what these investigations show. "We study this disease because it is an excellent model for aging, and we show here a direct relation between aging, telomere loss, and cancer occurrence," he says. "I predict that cancer in older people has precisely the same basis as that seen in Werner Syndrome patients. That is why this was such a satisfying study."

wangyuankai 发表于 2007-2-16 13:41:18

回复: [2007.2.15][转贴][APTX青山病院]寻求癌症与衰老之间的联系

FISH-ing For Links Between Cancer And Aging
Article Date: 07 Feb 2007 - 7:00 PST
文章日期:2007年2月7日- 7:00 PST

Wielding a palette of chromosome paints, scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have taken a step closer to understanding the relationship between aging and cancer by visualizing chromosomes of cells from patients with a heritable premature aging disease known as Werner Syndrome.

In a study to be published in this week's online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences researchers led by Jan Karlseder, Ph.D., assistant professor in Salk's Regulatory Biology Laboratory, showed that rebuilding structures called telomeres, which are found at the tips of each chromosome, significantly blocks the type of genetic damage seen in cells of patients with Werner Syndrome.
Salk生物研究所调节生物学实验室助理教授Jan Karlseder博士领导的研究小组在本周的《美国国家科学院学报》网络版上发表的一项研究表明,端粒(每个染色体的末端都有的重建结构)可以阻断Werner综合征患者细胞中的这种基因损害。
Patients with Werner Syndrome manifest signs of aging, such as skin wrinkling, baldness, or hair graying, in their teens. Most die in their 40's or 50's due to a predisposition to diseases like cancer. "Cancer is almost always related to chromosomal instability," explains Karlseder. "If telomeres are lost on individual chromosomes, then chromosomes are not protected and can fuse with other nonprotected chromosomes. Then when cells divide, chromosomes randomly break, leading to genome instability."
The current study extended work published in 2004 by Karlseder and first author Laure Crabbe, Ph.D., who was a graduate student in the Karlseder lab at the time. In that work, the team used a technique called FISH-short for fluorescent in situ hybridization-to microscopically visualize both the telomeres and chromosomal DNA from Werner Syndrome patients. They reported that some protective telomeres were actually missing on patients' chromosomes, a finding Karlseder describes as "a fairly catastrophic event for a cell."
Karlseder的最近相关研究发表于2004年(第一作者为当时在Karlseder实验室读研究生的Laure Crabbe博士)在那项研究中,研究人员用叫做FISH(荧光素原位杂交)的技术使Werner综合症患者的端粒和染色体DNA在显微镜下可视。他们报道在患者的染色体中有些保护性的端粒实际上丢失了,Karlseder把这个发现描述为“细胞的灾难性事件”。
For the current study, Salk researchers grew cells from Werner Syndrome patients in tissue culture dishes and, aided by colleagues at the Institute of Human Genetics in Heidelberg, Germany, evaluated DNA damage using a highly colorful variation of the FISH technique called chromosome painting. This technique "paints" or labels every pair of the 46 chromosomes with a different colored fluorescent dye, enabling investigators to easily see breakage or fusion of chromosomes that are characteristic of damaged DNA under the microscope.
Then they artificially supplied the cultured cells with one of two genes-either a functional copy of the WRN gene, which is mutant or nonfunctional in Werner Syndrome, or a gene encoding the protein telomerase, which elongates short or missing telomeres. After cells divided several times, their DNA was reexamined for the type of damage associated with both aging and cancer.
Cells supplied with a functional WRN gene showed decreased DNA damage compared to untreated cells, which was predictable: the WRN gene encodes a protein called a helicase that unwinds tightly coiled DNA strands when cells divide. Loss of WRN protein in individuals with Werner Syndrome is responsible for the disease. Explains Crabbe, now a postdoctoral fellow at The Institute of Human Genetics in Montpellier, France, "The lack of a single protein (WRN) induced loss of some telomeres, leading to a premature cellular growth arrest."
供给了功能性WRN基因的细胞比没有被供给的细胞的DNA损伤有所减少。这个结论是可以预见的:WRN基因编码一个叫解螺旋酶的蛋白,它在细胞分裂时可以解开紧紧绕住的DNA双链。人WRN蛋白的丢失是Werner综合症的病因。现在是法国蒙特利尔人类基因研究所的博士后的Crabbe解释说:“单一蛋白(WRN)的缺乏可诱导端粒的丢失,导致细胞生长的过早停止。” However, the most interesting finding was what the scientists observed in cells supplied with added telomerase. "When we put telomerase into cells, we suppressed accumulation of mutations to the same degree as when we put the WRN protein back," reports Karlseder. "It fixed the defect by elongating short telomeres seen in Werner Syndrome cells."
Crabbe, who is continuing to study DNA replication as a postdoc, concludes that these findings not only provide a mechanism underlying accelerated aging seen in Werner Syndrome but establish a link to cancer predisposition, saying, "These results indicate that the telomere dysfunction in Werner Syndrome cells is a major cause of genomic instability and could explain the high incidence of cancer seen in this disease."
Translating these findings into a treatment for Werner Syndrome will be extremely difficult. However, Karlseder feels optimistic about what these investigations show. "We study this disease because it is an excellent model for aging, and we show here a direct relation between aging, telomere loss, and cancer occurrence," he says. "I predict that cancer in older people has precisely the same basis as that seen in Werner Syndrome patients. That is why this was such a satisfying study."

wangyuankai 发表于 2007-2-16 13:42:49

回复: [2007.2.15][转贴][APTX青山病院]寻求癌症与衰老之间的联系

       文章日期:2007年2月7日- 7:00 PST

Salk生物研究所调节生物学实验室助理教授Jan Karlseder博士领导的研究小组在本周的《美国国家科学院学报》网络版上发表的一项研究表明,端粒(每个染色体的末端都有的重建结构)可以阻断Werner综合征患者细胞中的这种基因损害。
  Karlseder的最近相关研究发表于2004年(第一作者为当时在Karlseder实验室读研究生的Laure Crabbe博士) 在那项研究中,研究人员用叫做FISH(荧光素原位杂交)的技术使Werner综合症患者的端粒和染色体DNA在显微镜下可视。他们报道在患者的染色体中有些保护性的端粒实际上丢失了,Karlseder把这个发现描述为“细胞的灾难性事件”。

wangyuankai 发表于 2007-2-16 13:43:48



Wielding a palette of chromosome paints, scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have taken a step closer to understanding the relationship between aging and cancer by visualizing chromosomes of cells from patients with a heritable premature aging disease known as Werner Syndrome.

In a study to be published in this week's online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences researchers led by Jan Karlseder, Ph.D., assistant professor in Salk's Regulatory Biology Laboratory, showed that rebuilding structures called telomeres, which are found at the tips of each chromosome, significantly blocks the type of genetic damage seen in cells of patients with Werner Syndrome.
发表在本周《国家科学院学报》网络版由Salk研究所调节生物学实验室的博士后,助理教授Jan Karlseder 主持的一项研究表明,重建称为端粒的结构,这种结构出现在各个染色体的顶端,可以显著阻断见于Werner综合症患者细胞中的这种基因损害。
Salk生物研究所调节生物学实验室助理教授Jan Karlseder博士领导的研究小组在本周的《美国国家科学院学报》网络版上发表的一项研究表明,端粒(每个染色体的末端都有的重建结构)可以阻断Werner综合征患者细胞中的这种基因损害。

Patients with Werner Syndrome manifest signs of aging, such as skin wrinkling, baldness, or hair graying, in their teens.

Most die in their 40's or 50's due to a predisposition to diseases like cancer.

"Cancer is almost always related to chromosomal instability," explains Karlseder.

"If telomeres are lost on individual chromosomes, then chromosomes are not protected and can fuse with other nonprotected chromosomes.

The current study extended work published in 2004 by Karlseder and first author Laure Crabbe, Ph.D., who was a graduate student in the Karlseder lab at the time.
目前的研究是由Karlseder和第一作者,博士后Laure Crabbe在2004年发表的论著的延伸。Laure Crabbe当时是Karlseder实验室的一名研究生。
Karlseder的最近相关研究发表于2004年(第一作者为当时在Karlseder实验室读研究生的Laure Crabbe博士)
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