tmal 发表于 2007-3-28 21:48:06

M11 flash站反馈……






chenxingyu 发表于 2007-3-28 21:55:30

回复: M11 flash站反馈……


另外,兼容。。:030: Opera看不到。。。FlashPlayer9看不到:017:

rosinia 发表于 2007-3-28 22:04:36

回复: M11 flash站反馈……

Flash Player 9 can view it alright. I'm using that....Opera is alright too... I just tested it.

Please check to see if you've got Javascript turned on or not.

So far as I know the only browser that might have problem with it is Safari.

P.S. can't type Chinese here>.>

to tmal: Thanks for the feedback, we'll try to make improvements as soon as possible.
as for the other site, would you happen to know which one?

chenxingyu 发表于 2007-3-28 22:07:38

回复: M11 flash站反馈……



rosinia 发表于 2007-3-28 22:14:27

回复: M11 flash站反馈……

... You need Flash Player 8.0 or above. I'll add "above" on there later.

If you are seeing the text instead of the flash, it's either that you don't have Javascript turned on or your player version is too low.

If you mean you are seeing a dark brown/grey color, that just means the Flash movie is loading. please wait.

As said in the first post... we don't have a loader made|||||

Also, please note that different browsers on your computer may be using different versions of Flash plugin.

daisui 发表于 2007-3-28 23:47:06

回复: M11 flash站反馈……


1 日文网站出来后 当天就进行了翻译,我在2天后开始汉化,不求最好,但求第一时间ok,花了我10多个小时吧[个人能力差了些 ^_^]:030:

2 关于动画效果过慢,原因在于反编译后的垃圾代码及无用元件吧[我以为啦],因为即使不经过任何处理,直接将反编译的文件生成Flash效果与汉化后的速度一样,[我的电脑跑孤岛惊魂特效全开还有10多桢],但对于此flash无解 。。。。。因此只好如此。:040:
由于时间问题,造成此问题的真因我并未即使检讨,待各位高手指点 。:025:
3 在日文原站中的光晕效果是用Flash内部滤镜实现的,我在模拟时也可以完美呈现,但是生成swf文件后,相应光晕效果全部无法显示,为了能在第一时间发出,之后全部改为手工绘图,导入的格式采用的是PNG。:029:
4 侦探后面的字符应该是直接copy 网站上的翻译造成的 [所有翻译我都直接粘贴上去的.....偷懒了]:012:

5 画质差应该是还原后我可能存在疏失,所有图片质量仅为原件的80%,此外还有一个原因 日文原本网站的静态页面有FLASH大小的限制,而由于制作静态页面的MM米时间,所以我们只好把swf直接转化上去了,结果就是自由拉伸,马赛克无数。。。。在这一点在我24w的显示器上特别明显:014:

总体说来 作为一个实效性的网站,aptx已经在第一时间完成了翻译和汉化,网站推出我原本预计在3月中旬,但由于其他静态页面米人处理,导致delay


rosinia 发表于 2007-3-29 00:06:16

回复: M11 flash站反馈……

............ add them on with the filter again... it's 2 clicks=___=

"而由于制作静态页面的MM米时间,所以我们只好把swf直接转化上去了 结果就是自由拉伸,马赛克无数。。。。"
1)I'm not the one responsible for this|||| I'd imagine it's a "GG" instead of a"MM"
2)...You didn't indicate dimensions, using the same dimension as the Jap site ended up getting cut off on my screen.... though it might have just been my resolution. If you can confirm the dimensions, I'll change them to the same setting as the jap site tonight.
Also, it's not just a swf... it's the entire set of player detection javascript|||

tmal 发表于 2007-3-29 13:08:08

回复: M11 flash站反馈……


to rosinia 具体哪个站我忘了……

jimmylotus 发表于 2007-4-10 08:28:21

回复: M11 flash站反馈……



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