yelu1988 发表于 2007-3-30 14:32:26

V F编程求助

Oh,my ,finished my VF(Visual Fox Pro) programing assignment:034: such tough work:65: can anyone here do me a favor ??not sure about the answer to this question:
25、语句DIME TP(4,5)定义的数组元素的个数是( B )
(A)30 (B)20 (C)9 (D)45
should i choose B??:015: thx a lot.

stbban0306 发表于 2007-3-30 22:54:30

回复: V F编程求助


rosinia 发表于 2007-3-30 23:11:54

回复: V F编程求助

B... 4*5=20>.>

yelu1988 发表于 2007-4-1 21:45:42

回复: V F编程求助

B... 4*5=20>.>
i know there're 20 numbers of Dim (4,5)?But,, what does "TP" mean??:015:

stbban0306 发表于 2007-4-1 22:06:07

回复: V F编程求助

TP应该是数组的名字……就象DIMENSION a(2,3)、 DIMENSION x(4)中的a、x一样……

yelu1988 发表于 2007-4-2 17:06:14

回复: V F编程求助

TP应该是数组的名字…… 就象DIMENSION a(2,3)、 DIMENSION x(4)中的a、x一样……

no wonder~~~ i used to mistake TP by a certain command~~~:030: THX a lot^^

RMB 发表于 2007-4-11 09:20:10

回复: V F编程求助

such thing you're learning......= =

4everluv 发表于 2007-4-12 08:37:01

回复: V F编程求助

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