Salmon and Coffee - for Ultimate Brain Powerhttp://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/he/gr/75/expe_bauer.jpg
Posted by Joy Bauer, M.S., R.D., C.D.N.
on Fri, Apr 13, 2007, 2:26 pm PDT
Listen up! Your morning cup of coffee and dinner delight can help sharpen your memory.
There are good fats and bad fats, and omega-3 fatty acids fall solidly on the side of good. Omega-3s are found primarily in fatty fish (especially salmon), certain nuts and seeds, and fortified foods. A study conducted by researchers at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago followed more than 3000 men and women for six years to see how diet affected memory. People who ate fish at least once a week had a 10 percent slower decline compared with those who did not eat fish, a difference that gave them the memory and thinking ability of a person three years younger.
Some of the BEST foods for Omega-3 Fats: Salmon (wild, fresh or canned), herring, mackerel (not King), sardines, anchovies, rainbow trout, Pacific oysters, omega-3 fortified eggs, flaxseeds, walnuts, butternuts (white walnuts), seaweed, walnut oil, canola oil, and soybeans.
How about coffee? Any coffee lover can tell you they think more clearly after a good, strong cup of caffeinated coffee. Now, they have proof. Researchers from the University of Innsbruck in Austria used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the brain activity of people working on a memory task. The volunteers were tested twice, once after receiving the caffeine equivalent of about two cups of coffee, and once without any caffeine. Caffeine improved the memory skills and reactions times of the volunteers. In addition, caffeine increased brain activity in two locations-the memory-rich frontal lobe and the attention-controlling anterior cingulum. Without caffeine, there was no increase in brain activity. So if memory problems are a major concern for you, and if you don't have a medical condition that precludes caffeine, feel free to indulge in a cup or two in the morning to jump-start your brain.
*NOTE: If you have elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, you should limit your caffeine fix to plain brewed coffee or tea. There is some evidence that unfiltered coffee (the kind used to make espresso, cappuccino, and latte) may raise cholesterol levels, especially in people who are already battling high cholesterol. To be safe, skip the fancy brews and stick with a regular cup of joe. Of course, be cautious and moderate with added sugar!
Listen up! Your morning cup of coffee and dinner delight can help sharpen your memory.
There are good fats and bad fats, and omega-3 fatty acids fall solidly on the side of good. Omega-3s are found primarily in fatty fish (especially salmon), certain nuts and seeds, and fortified foods. A study conducted by researchers at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago followed more than 3000 men and women for six years to see how diet affected memory. People who ate fish at least once a week had a 10 percent slower decline compared with those who did not eat fish, a difference that gave them the memory and thinking ability of a person three years younger.
Some of the BEST foods for Omega-3 Fats: Salmon (wild, fresh or canned), herring, mackerel (not King), sardines, anchovies, rainbow trout, Pacific oysters omega-3 fortified eggs, flaxseeds, walnuts, butternuts (white walnuts), seaweed, walnut oil, canola oil, and soybeans.
含有ω-3脂肪酸的最好食物:鲑鱼(野生新鲜的或罐装的), 青鱼, 鲭(雄性除外),沙丁鱼,红鳟鱼,太平洋牡蛎;含有ω-3脂肪酸的加工食物: 亚麻子, 核桃,白核桃,海草, 胡桃油,芸苔油,大豆。
How about coffee? Any coffee lover can tell you they think more clearly after a good, strong cup of caffeinated coffee. Now, they have proof. Researchers from the University of Innsbruck in Austria used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the brain activity of people working on a memory task. The volunteers were tested twice, once after receiving the caffeine equivalent of about two cups of coffee, and once without any caffeine. Caffeine improved the memory skills and reactions times of the volunteers. In addition, caffeine increased brain activity in two locations-the memory-rich frontal lobe and the attention-controlling anterior cingulum. Without caffeine, there was no increase in brain activity. So if memory problems are a major concern for you, and if you don't have a medical condition that precludes caffeine, feel free to indulge in a cup or two in the morning to jump-start your brain.
那么咖啡怎么样呢? 任何一个咖啡爱好者都会告诉你,他们在喝完一杯含有咖啡因的浓咖啡后会头脑更加清醒。现在,他们有理论根据了。奥地利的Innsbruck大学的研究者用功能核磁共振研究了人们在进行记忆工作是大脑的工作状态。志愿者都接受了两次检查,一次是在食用了含有相当于两杯浓咖啡的咖啡因之后,一次是在没有这些咖啡因的作用下。咖啡因提高了志愿者记忆的技巧和反应时间,此外,咖啡因能够活跃两个地方的大脑组织:位于额叶的记忆区带和位于扣带回的情绪调控区带。没有咖啡因的帮助,这些区域的脑组织活跃度并不增加。所以,如果你面临记忆方面的难题,同时没有禁忌咖啡的疾病,早茶时间喝一两杯咖啡能让你的大脑动力十足。
*NOTE: If you have elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, you should limit your caffeine fix to plain brewed coffee or tea. There is some evidence that unfiltered coffee (the kind used to make espresso, cappuccino, and latte) may raise cholesterol levels, especially in people who are already battling high cholesterol. To be safe, skip the fancy brews and stick with a regular cup of joe. Of course, be cautious and moderate with added sugar!
含有ω-3脂肪酸的最好食物:鲑鱼(野生新鲜的或罐装的), 青鱼, 鲭(雄性除外),沙丁鱼,红鳟鱼,太平洋牡蛎;含有ω-3脂肪酸的加工食物: 亚麻子, 核桃,白核桃,海草, 胡桃油,芸苔油,大豆。
那么咖啡怎么样呢? 任何一个咖啡爱好者都会告诉你,他们在喝完一杯含有咖啡因的浓咖啡后会头脑更加清醒。现在,他们有理论根据了。奥地利的Innsbruck大学的研究者用功能核磁共振研究了人们在进行记忆工作是大脑的工作状态。志愿者都接受了两次检查,一次是在食用了含有相当于两杯浓咖啡的咖啡因之后,一次是在没有这些咖啡因的作用下。咖啡因提高了志愿者记忆的技巧和反应时间,此外,咖啡因能够活跃两个地方的大脑组织:位于额叶的记忆区带和位于扣带回的情绪调控区带。没有咖啡因的帮助,这些区域的脑组织活跃度并不增加。所以,如果你面临记忆方面的难题,同时没有禁忌咖啡的疾病,早茶时间喝一两杯咖啡能让你的大脑动力十足。
回复: [2007.4.18][转贴][APTX青山病院]鲑鱼与咖啡
到是蛮喜欢喝咖啡的。。尤其是黑咖啡回复: [2007.4.18][转贴][APTX青山病院]鲑鱼与咖啡
回复: [2007.4.18][转贴][APTX青山病院]鲑鱼与咖啡