http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/india_knight/article1687416.eceWomen under chemical attack
India Knight
You do sometimes wonder whether it mightn’t be easier to move to a desert island and subsist on berries and fresh air. Except no doubt the berries would be found to be carcinogenic, the fresh air would age you prematurely (assuming you hadn’t contracted skin cancer from the sun), and living in isolation would probably increase your chances of getting some unpleasant and uniquely female kind of illness.
I used to think it was just the Daily Mail that specialised in identifying ailments and diseases that affected only women — there was a period of several years when it seemed predictably keen on identifying special illnesses that only affected working mothers. Now, though, female diseases are everywhere. From what you eat and drink to where you live, there’s a special sickness lying in wait just for you if you have the misfortune to have two X chromosomes.
Which isn’t to say that men aren’t susceptible to disease, but I don’t know that they live in a permanent state of health-siege like we do. Even the sunniest, most smugly organic person starts feeling a bit beleaguered after a while. It’s impossible not to.
Take last week. One: HRT has led to 1,300 extra cases of ovarian cancer in the period between 1991 and 2005, according to the Million Women Study, whose findings were published on The Lancet’s website. Professor Valerie Beral of Oxford University, the research leader, said: “These worrying results show not only does HRT increase the risk of ovarian cancer, it also increases a woman’s risk of dying from it.”
HRT, she reminded us, has also been linked with an increased risk of breast and womb cancer. In fact, according to the study, HRT appears to raise the risk of breast, ovarian and womb cancer by a hardly negligible 63%. (The research also says the risk of ovarian cancer returns to normal within a few years of stopping HRT, which is something.)
Two: eating red meat also apparently ups your risk of breast cancer. Findings at Leeds University, which tracked 35,000 women aged between 35 and 69, found that even 2oz a day — half a lamb chop — can raise the risk by up to 42%. The effect was more pronounced on postmenopausal women, but young women also had a raised risk.
The research is corroborated by similar findings at Harvard University. Imagine being a carnivore on HRT: you’d think your goose was cooked. Especially if you liked bacon.
Three: a team at Columbia University in America published findings in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine last week that showed cured meats can cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The study of 7,352 Americans showed that those who ate cured meats at least 14 times a month were 78% more likely to have the disease, an umbrella term that covers conditions such as bronchitis and emphysema.
Admittedly, cured meats usually contain nitrates and there has been a question mark over the safety of nitrates for some time, and it is possible to buy nitrate-free cured meats, and thereby presumably sidestep the problem. Still, though, what with the health stories in the news — last week was stuffed with them and I don’t think it was a particularly unrepresentative week — it’s a wonder we don’t all just stay in bed, munching desultorily on evil BLTs and waiting for death.
Oops, I nearly forgot salt. It kills you. A 15-year study by a medical team based at Harvard Medical School, the results of which were published in the British Medical Journal, offered clear evidence that cutting salt consumption saves lives by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (an equal opportunities illness, you’ll be pleased to hear). People who don’t eat much salty food have a 25% lower risk of cardiac arrest or stroke and a 20% lower risk of premature death.
Cutting back on salt ought to be easily done in theory, until you look at packaged food, particularly packaged food targeted at children, and discover that one such small snack-type “meal” contains all the salt a child’s body can cope with in a day.
It doesn’t look good, frankly. Where is the nanny state when you need it? And I’m not even going to get started on aspartame, which is present in many so-called “diet” fizzy drinks and in food aimed at slimmers or people keen on cutting down on sugar, because a) I’d get sued and b) it would take me about two days to get my feelings off my chest. And now I think of it, aspartame is the tip of a considerable iceberg.
On the plus side, what many of these findings cause you to think, once the waves of despair have washed over you, is that production methods and the grotesque way in which so much of our food is fiddled with must be to blame — after all, our ancestors existed on red meat, and there is no evidence to show they all died of breast cancer.
A steak isn’t always a steak; a chicken isn’t always a chicken (yes I know it’s white meat. I won’t drone on about the abomination that is battery farming; instead I refer you to Hattie Ellis’s new book, Planet Chicken, which it might be an idea to read on an empty stomach).
It seems so blindingly obvious to me that organic food and farming is the way forward — the only way forward, in fact — that it hardly seems worth saying it, except that I am because I still come across people who think that organic foods are for gullible hippies. I say, tell it to your oncologist 20 years down the line.
What is also obvious is that, as I was saying the other week with reference to the Prince of Wales, pills have their uses in extremis, but it’s time we woke up to the fact that there’s no such thing as a free lunch, or even a free menopause. The HRT findings apply particularly to menopausal women who have also been on the pill for a long time — that is, the Sixties’ sexual freedoms are coming home to roost.
That isn’t meant as a judgmental comment, merely a factual one. You are what you eat; and you are what you ingest; and all your actions have consequences, some of them supremely unwelcome. And yes, you could get run over by a bus tomorrow, but chances are the bus wouldn’t cause you a slow and agonising death.
We’re surrounded by metaphorical buses these days, it seems, when it comes to health, but at least we can see them and they’ve been identified for us. Surely, in such a situation, it makes sense not to play in traffic.
Women under chemical attack
India Knight
India Knight
You do sometimes wonder whether it mightn’t be easier to move to a desert island and subsist on berries and fresh air. Except no doubt the berries would be found to be carcinogenic, the fresh air would age you prematurely (assuming you hadn’t contracted skin cancer from the sun), and living in isolation would probably increase your chances of getting some unpleasant and uniquely female kind of illness.
I used to think it was just the Daily Mail that specialised in identifying ailments and diseases that affected only women — there was a period of several years when it seemed predictably keen on identifying special illnesses that only affected working mothers. Now, though, female diseases are everywhere. From what you eat and drink to where you live, there’s a special sickness lying in wait just for you if you have the misfortune to have two X chromosomes.
Which isn’t to say that men aren’t susceptible to disease, but I don’t know that they live in a permanent state of health-siege like we do. Even the sunniest, most smugly organic person starts feeling a bit beleaguered after a while. It’s impossible not to.
Take last week. One: HRT has led to 1,300 extra cases of ovarian cancer in the period between 1991 and 2005, according to the Million Women Study, whose findings were published on The Lancet’s website. Professor Valerie Beral of Oxford University, the research leader, said: “These worrying results show not only does HRT increase the risk of ovarian cancer, it also increases a woman’s risk of dying from it.”
回到上周,一则报道:依照英国百万妇女研究显示,荷尔蒙替代疗法在1991年至2005年间已经导致了额外的1300人患了卵巢癌,该发现发表在Lancet网站。这项研究的负责人,牛津大学的Valerie Bera教授说:“这些令人担忧的结果表明,荷尔蒙替代疗法不仅增加了患卵巢癌的风险,它同样增加了妇女死亡的风险。”
HRT, she reminded us, has also been linked with an increased risk of breast and womb cancer. In fact, according to the study, HRT appears to raise the risk of breast, ovarian and womb cancer by a hardly negligible 63%. (The research also says the risk of ovarian cancer returns to normal within a few years of stopping HRT, which is something.)
Two: eating red meat also apparently ups your risk of breast cancer. Findings at Leeds University, which tracked 35,000 women aged between 35 and 69, found that even 2oz a day — half a lamb chop — can raise the risk by up to 42%. The effect was more pronounced on postmenopausal women, but young women also had a raised risk.
The research is corroborated by similar findings at Harvard University. Imagine being a carnivore on HRT: you’d think your goose was cooked. Especially if you liked bacon.
Three: a team at Columbia University in America published findings in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine last week that showed cured meats can cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The study of 7,352 Americans showed that those who ate cured meats at least 14 times a month were 78% more likely to have the disease, an umbrella term that covers conditions such as bronchitis and emphysema.
Admittedly, cured meats usually contain nitrates and there has been a question mark over the safety of nitrates for some time, and it is possible to buy nitrate-free cured meats, and thereby presumably sidestep the problem. Still, though, what with the health stories in the news — last week was stuffed with them and I don’t think it was a particularly unrepresentative week — it’s a wonder we don’t all just stay in bed, munching desultorily on evil BLTs and waiting for death
Oops, I nearly forgot salt. It kills you. A 15-year study by a medical team based at Harvard Medical School, the results of which were published in the British Medical Journal, offered clear evidence that cutting salt consumption saves lives by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (an equal opportunities illness, you’ll be pleased to hear). People who don’t eat much salty food have a 25% lower risk of cardiac arrest or stroke and a 20% lower risk of premature death.
Cutting back on salt ought to be easily done in theory, until you look at packaged food, particularly packaged food targeted at children, and discover that one such small snack-type “meal” contains all the salt a child’s body can cope with in a day.
It doesn’t look good, frankly. Where is the nanny state when you need it? And I’m not even going to get started on aspartame, which is present in many so-called “diet” fizzy drinks and in food aimed at slimmers or people keen on cutting down on sugar, because a) I’d get sued and b) it would take me about two days to get my feelings off my chest. And now I think of it, aspartame is the tip of a considerable iceberg.
On the plus side, what many of these findings cause you to think, once the waves of despair have washed over you, is that production methods and the grotesque way in which so much of our food is fiddled with must be to blame — after all, our ancestors existed on red meat, and t here is no evidence to show they all died of breast cancer.
A steak isn’t always a steak; a chicken isn’t always a chicken (yes I know it’s white meat. I won’t drone on about the abomination that is battery farming; instead I refer you to Hattie Ellis’s new book, Planet Chicken, which it might be an idea to read on an empty stomach).
一块牛排并不都是牛排;一块鸡肉并不都是鸡肉(是的,我知道那是白肉。我不是无聊的专门谈论令人厌恶的层架式家禽饲养法;相反我建议你读读Hattie Ellis的新书《Planet Chicken》,空腹时读可能是一种观念。
It seems so blindingly obvious to me that organic food and farming is the way forward — the only way forward, in fact — that it hardly seems worth saying it, except that I am because I still come across people who think that organic foods are for gullible hippies. I say, tell it to your oncologist 20 years down the line.
What is also obvious is that, as I was saying the other week with reference to the Prince of Wales, pills have their uses in extremis, but it’s time we woke up to the fact that there’s no such thing as a free lunch, or even a free menopause. The HRT findings apply particularly to menopausal women who have also been on the pill for a long time — that is, the Sixties’ sexual freedoms are coming home to roost.
That isn’t meant as a judgmental comment, merely a factual one. You are what you eat; and you are what you ingest; and all your actions have consequences, some of them supremely unwelcome. And yes, you could get run over by a bus tomorrow, but chances are the bus wouldn’t cause you a slow and agonising death.
We’re surrounded by metaphorical buses these days, it seems, when it comes to health, but at least we can see them and they’ve been identified for us. Surely, in such a situation, it makes sense not to play in traffic.
India Knight
我常想这正是 “每日邮报“专门去辨识的仅影响妇女的病痛和疾病——在过去的数年间,他看起来热衷于辨识仅影响工作母亲的特殊疾病。现在,虽然仍如此,但是妇科疾病到处都是。如果很不幸你的基因是由两个X染色体组成,那么从你吃喝的东西到你生活的地方,都有个专门的疾病在静静地等待着你。这并不是说男人不容易生病,但是我知道他们没有生活在一个如我们所愿的健康包围的永久状态。甚至最有朝气的,对自己身体最自鸣得意的人在一段时间以后也会受到疾病的围攻。这是不可能逃脱的。
回到上周,一则报道:依照英国百万妇女研究显示,荷尔蒙替代疗法已经在1991年至2005年间导致了额外的1300人患了卵巢癌,该发现发表在Lancet网站。这项研究的负责人,牛津大学的Valerie Bera教授说:“这些令人担忧的结果表明,荷尔蒙替代疗法不仅增加了患卵巢癌的风险,它同样增加了妇女死亡的风险。” 她同样提醒我们荷尔蒙替代疗法增加了患乳腺癌和子宫癌的风险。事实上,依据该研究,荷尔蒙替代疗法似乎增加患乳腺癌、卵巢癌和子宫癌的风险高达难以忽视的63%(该研究同样说明在停止用荷尔蒙替代疗法的数年后,患卵巢癌的风险降低到正常水平,这是一件好事)。
从正面看,这么多的发现使你怎么想,一旦绝望的波浪冲上来,就是如此多粮食的生产方法和可笑的方式是弄虚作假的,必须受到指责——毕竟,在我们祖先的时候已经有红肉,并且并没有证据能证明他们都死于乳腺癌。一块牛排并不都是牛排;一块鸡肉并不都是鸡肉(是的,我知道那是白肉。我不是无聊的专门谈论令人厌恶的层架式家禽饲养法;相反我建议你读读Hattie Ellis的新书《Planet Chicken》,空腹时读可能是一种观念。
eating red meat ;红肉(包括牛肉,猪肉)
回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击
我真不想做女的= =医生找点说男的怎么样怎么样的吧,让我们心理平衡点= =
回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击
- -0 这么着我觉得做女人没法不得乳腺癌了.回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击
我真不想做女的= =医生找点说男的怎么样怎么样的吧,让我们心理平衡点= =
男性因为染色体是XY,so they have more chances to get inherited diseases such as 血友病.就是如果流血的话就停不下来,因为血小板数量不够多.
回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击
平衡点点。。。。。。。回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击
离死又近一步了……回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击
回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击
回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击
路过……回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击
传说女人因为哭的次数比较多,所以长寿....有这说么?回复: [2007.4.27][转贴][APTX青山病院]女性正在遭受化学品攻击