belmont 发表于 2007-4-29 23:46:54


A Single High-Fat Meal Plus Stress Equals Physical Harm

Article Date: 27 Apr 2007 - 3:00 PDT

So much for the adage, 'All things in moderation.' Researchers at the University of Calgary have found that people who consume a single, high-fat meal are more prone to suffer the physical consequences of stress than those who eat a low-fat meal.

Published this month in the Journal of Nutrition, the study looked at the stress responses of two groups of students: one group consumed a fast-food breakfast from McDonald's, the other ate dry cereal with skim milk, cereal bars and non-fat yogurt.

"What's really shocking is that this is just one meal," says Dr Tavis Campbell, a specialist in behavioural medicine and senior author of the study.

"It's been well documented that a high-fat diet leads to artherosclerosis and high blood pressure, and that exaggerated and prolonged cardiovascular responses to stress are associated with high blood pressure in the future. So when we learn that even a single, high-fat meal can make you more reactive to stress, it's cause for concern because it suggests a new and damaging way that a high-fat diet affects cardiovascular function."

In the study, 30 healthy young adults fasted the night before, then consumed either a high- or low-fat breakfast. Both meals had the same number of calories and the low-fat breakfast included supplements to balance it for sodium and potassium.

Two hours later the two groups were subjected to standard physical and mental stress tests while having their cardiovascular responses measured. They performed a mathematical test designed to be stressful, completed a public speaking exercise about something emotionally provocative, held an arm in ice water, and had a blood pressure cuff inflated around an arm, which gradually causes a dull ache.

"Regardless of the task, we recorded greater reactivity among those who consumed the high-fat meal in several cardiovascular measures we recorded, including blood pressure, heart rate and the resistance of blood vessels," says Fabijana Jakulj, a U of C student who used the study as the basis for her honours thesis.

Campbell cautions that despite the grim message that even one high-fat meal is unhealthy, more research is needed to fully understand how the mechanisms work. "Telling people to never eat something is probably not a good way to promote a better diet," he says. "At the same time we do have an epidemic of obesity in North America and it's important that people try to make informed choices."

So much for the adage, 'All things in moderation.' Researchers at the University of Calgary have found that people who consume a single, high-fat meal are more prone to suffer the physical consequences of stress than those who eat a low-fat meal.

Published this month in the Journal of Nutrition, the study looked at the stress responses of two groups of students: one group consumed a fast-food breakfast from McDonald's, the other ate dry cereal with skim milk, cereal bars and non-fat yogurt. 这个月的营养学期刊刊登了这个发现,这个研究关注了两组学生在实验之中所产生的对于压力的反映:一组学生吃了麦当劳的早餐,另一组学生吃了牛奶冲麦片,粗粮棒子和不含脂肪的酸奶。

"What's really shocking is that this is just one meal," says Dr Tavis Campbell, a specialist in behavioural medicine and senior author of the study.
"真正让我们震惊的是这仅仅是一顿饭的对比,"行为医学专家,实验的主策划者,Tavis Campbell说。

"It's been well documented that a high-fat diet leads to artherosclerosis and high blood pressure, and that exaggerated and prolonged cardiovascular responses to stress are associated with high blood pressure in the future. So when we learn that even a single, high-fat meal can make you more reactive to stress, it's cause for concern because it suggests a new and damaging way that a high-fat diet affects cardiovascular function."

In the study, 30 healthy young adults fasted the night before, then consumed either a high- or low-fat breakfast. Both meals had the same number of calories and the low-fat breakfast included supplements to balance it for sodium and potassium.

Two hours later the two groups were subjected to standard physical and mental stress tests while having their cardiovascular responses measured. They performed a mathematical test designed to be stressful, completed a public speaking exercise about something emotionally provocative, held an arm in ice water, and had a blood pressure cuff inflated around an arm, which gradually causes a dull ache.

"Regardless of the task, we recorded greater reactivity among those who consumed the high-fat meal in several cardiovascular measures we recorded, including blood pressure, heart rate and the resistance of blood vessels," says Fabijana Jakulj, a U of C student who used the study as the basis for her honours thesis.
"抛开规定的任务不谈,我们记录下了那些吃了一顿高脂肪饭的、并且经过心脏血管系统测试,包括血压测试,心率测试和血管的梗阻程度的样本中所产生的强烈的反应结果,"卡尔加里大学的学生,用这个实验来作为她论文主题的Fabijiana Jakulj说。

Campbell cautions that despite the grim message that even one high-fat meal is unhealthy, more research is needed to fully understand how the mechanisms work. "Telling people to never eat something is probably not a good way to promote a better diet," he says. "At the same time we do have an epidemic of obesity in North America and it's important that people try to make informed choices."



"真正让我们震惊的是这仅仅是一顿饭的对比,"行为医学专家,实验的主策划者,Tavis Campbell说。




"抛开规定的任务不谈,我们记录下了那些吃了一顿高脂肪饭的、并且经过心脏血管系统测试,包括血压测试,心率测试和血管的梗阻程度的样本中所产生的强烈的反应结果,"卡尔加里大学的学生,用这个实验来作为她论文主题的Fabijiana Jakulj说。


S-momo 发表于 2007-4-29 23:58:19

回复: [2007.4.29][转贴][APTX青山病院]吃一顿饭的伤害跟你被打差不多?


morgana 发表于 2007-4-30 00:06:59

回复: [2007.4.29][转贴][APTX青山病院]吃一顿饭的伤害跟你被打差不多?


hiddern70 发表于 2007-4-30 00:07:49

回复: [2007.4.29][转贴][APTX青山病院]吃一顿饭的伤害跟你被打差不多?


lyguonan 发表于 2007-4-30 06:28:24

回复: [2007.4.29][转贴][APTX青山病院]吃一顿饭的伤害跟你被打差不多?

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