http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/heavy-teen-tv-viewing-linked-attention-learning-difficulties-13175.htmlHeavy Teen TV viewing linked with attention, learning difficulties
Teenagers who watch television for three or more hours per day may have a higher risk of attention and learning difficulties in their adolescent and early adult years, according to a report in the May issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
Children and teens in industrialized nations spend an average of two or more hours per day watching television, with more than 90 percent of viewing time watching entertainment and general audience programming, according to background information in the article. Researchers hypothesize that watching entertainment programming might contribute to learning problems because it takes time that might otherwise be dedicated to reading and homework, requires little intellectual effort, promotes problems with attention and contributes to disinterest in school.
Jeffrey G. Johnson, Ph.D., Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, and colleagues studied 678 families in upstate New York. Parents and children were interviewed about television habits and school problems three times between 1983 and 1993, when the children were an average of 14, 16 and 22 years old. Between 2001 and 2004, when the children in the study had reached an average age of 33, they provided information about their secondary and post-secondary education, including whether they graduated from high school or attended college.
At age 14, 225 (33.2 percent) of the teens reported that they watched three or more hours of television per day. "Television viewing time at mean age 14 years was associated with elevated risk for subsequent frequent attention difficulties, frequent failure to complete homework assignments, frequent boredom at school, failure to complete high school, poor grades, negative attitudes about school (i.e., hates school), overall academic failure in secondary school and failure to obtain post-secondary (e.g., college, university, training school) education," the authors write. "These associations remained significant after the covariates were controlled." These covariates included family characteristics and previous problems with thinking, learning and memory.
The researchers also conducted 14 analyses to investigate associations between attention and learning problems at age 14 and subsequent television habits. Only two of these analyses suggested any association, indicating that television watching contributes to learning difficulties and not vice versa. "The results suggest that although youths with attention or learning problems may spend more time watching television than do youths without these difficulties, this tendency may be unlikely to explain the preponderance of the association between television viewing and attention and learning difficulties during adolescence," they write.
Overall, the findings have important preventive implications, the authors continue. "They suggest that by encouraging youths to spend less than three hours per day watching television, parents, teachers and health care professionals may be able to help reduce the likelihood that at-risk adolescents will develop persistent attention and learning difficulties," they conclude. Future studies could investigate whether promoting other types of activities—such as athletics, music or arts— also could help reduce the risk of learning problems during the teen years.
Heavy Teen TV viewing linked with attention, learning difficulties
Teenagers who watch television for three or more hours per day may have a higher risk of attention and learning difficulties in their adolescent and early adult years, according to a report in the May issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
Children and teens in industrialized nations spend an average of two or more hours per day watching television, with more than 90 percent of viewing time watching entertainment and general audience programming, according to background information in the article. Researchers hypothesize that watching entertainment programming might contribute to learning problems because it takes time that might otherwise be dedicated to reading and homework, requires little intellectual effort, promotes problems with attention and contributes to disinterest in school.
Jeffrey G. Johnson, Ph.D., Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, and colleagues studied 678 families in upstate New York. Parents and children were interviewed about television habits and school problems three times between 1983 and 1993, when the children were an average of 14, 16 and 22 years old. Between 2001 and 2004, when the children in the study had reached an average age of 33, they provided information about their secondary and post-secondary education, including whether they graduated from high school or attended college.
哥伦比亚大学医学院、纽约精神病学研究所Jeffrey G. Johnson博士和他的同事调查了远离纽约地区的678个家庭。在1983至1993年间,即这些孩子的平均年龄在14、16和22岁时,对这些家庭的父母和孩子就电视习惯和学习问题进行了3次调查。在2001年到2004年,当纳入研究中的儿童平均33岁时,又收集了他们接受中等教育和中学后教育的情况,包括是否中学毕业和是否考入大学。
At age 14, 225 (33.2 percent) of the teens reported that they watched three or more hours of television per day. "Television viewing time at mean age 14 years was associated with elevated risk for subsequent frequent attention difficulties, frequent failure to complete homework assignments, frequent boredom at school, failure to complete high school, poor grades, negative attitudes about school (i.e., hates school), overall academic failure in secondary school and failure to obtain post-secondary (e.g., college, university, training school) education," the authors write. "These associations remained significant after the covariates were controlled." These covariates included family characteristics and previous problems with thinking, learning and memory.
The researchers also conducted 14 analyses to investigate associations between attention and learning problems at age 14 and subsequent television habits. Only two of these analyses suggested any association, indicating that television watching contributes to learning difficulties and not vice versa. "The results suggest that although youths with attention or learning problems may spend more time watching television than do youths without these difficulties, this tendency may be unlikely to explain the preponderance of the association between television viewing and attention and learning difficulties during adolescence," they write.
Overall, the findings have important preventive implications, the authors continue. "They suggest that by encouraging youths to spend less than three hours per day watching television, parents, teachers and health care professionals may be able to help reduce the likelihood that at-risk adolescents will develop persistent attention and learning difficulties," they conclude. Future studies could investigate whether promoting other types of activities—such as athletics, music or arts— also could help reduce the risk of learning problems during the teen years.
作者补充说,总之,这些发现有重要的预防意义。“他们建议通过鼓励青少年每天看电视时间少于3 小时,父母、老师和保健专家能帮助减小高危儿童发生持续注意力不集中和学习障碍的可能性。”下一步将研究是否增加其他的活动,如运动、音乐和艺术也能减小发生青少年学习障碍的风险。
据美国医学协会杂志儿科学和青春期医学5月刊报道,每天看电视3小时或更长时间的青少年在青年期和成人早期有较高的发生注意力不集中和学习障碍的风险。文章的背景介绍说,在工业化国家,儿童和青少年平均每天花费2个小时甚至更多的时间观看电视,而且90%以上观看的是娱乐和大众性节目。由于观看娱乐节目占用了本该用于阅读和做家庭作业的时间,且不需要太多的脑力,使得注意力不集中并导致厌学,因此研究人员猜测观看娱乐节目可能会引起学习障碍。哥伦比亚大学医学院、纽约精神病学研究所Jeffrey G. Johnson博士和他的同事调查了远离纽约市区的678个家庭。在1983至1993年间,即这些孩子的平均年龄在14、16和22岁时,对这些家庭的父母和孩子就电视习惯和学习问题进行了3次调查。在2001年到2004年,当纳入研究中的儿童平均33岁时,又调查了他们接受中等教育和中学后教育的情况,包括是否中学毕业和是否考入大学。在平均年龄14岁的孩子中,有225名青少年(33.2%)每天看电视的时间达到3小时甚至更多。作者写道:“14岁时看电视的时间与后期教育失败风险增加有关,比如注意力不集中、不能完成家庭作业、经常产生厌学情绪、不能完成中学教育、成绩低、对学校有消极态度(如憎恨学校)、中学全部学业差以及不能得到高等教育(如学院、大学和职业学校)。在其他影响因素控制后这些关联仍然非常明显。”这些影响因素包括家庭情况和先前思维、学习记忆能力障碍。研究者还对14岁时注意力和学习障碍与后期看电视习惯的关系进行了14项分析。其中只有两项分析表明有关联,这说明沉溺于电视可引起学习障碍,但是反之则并不成立。他们说:“这些结果表明:尽管有学习障碍的青少年比那些没有学习障碍的青少年容易花更多的时间去看电视,但是这种倾向并不能解释电视与青春期学习障碍之间关联的优先性。” 作者补充说,总之,这些发现有重要的预防意义,“他们建议父母、老师和保健专家通过鼓励青少年每天看电视时间不要超过3 小时,来帮助高危儿童减小发生长期注意力不集中和学习障碍的可能性。”他们下一步的工作将研究是否增加其他的活动,如运动、音乐和艺术也能减小发生青少年学习障碍的风险。
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