why it's different?
I don't know why these pics are different if they belong to the manga of Gosho Aoyama.http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/1914/comichi0.jpg
the first pic is the original mangaand the second pic is the chinese version or..I think xDDD i don't know...
but...why this?
I don't understand chinese , sorry T_T
thank you so much!
回复: why it's different?
I agree with you.回复: why it's different?
yes,it is totally different。。。I wonder why。。。
回复: why it's different?
I wonder why ,too.回复: why it's different?
amazing……回复: why it's different?
it's amazing回复: why it's different?
左边图桌上有红酒杯 在日本 未成年是饮酒不允许的 在连载中青山先生没有注意到这一点 后来单行本发售时就改过来了 我觉得只是。对不起 英文不好 中文也不太好
回复: why it's different?
it amazed me more that you find the difference..:029:
回复: why it's different?
左边图桌上有红酒杯 在日本 未成年是饮酒不允许的 在连载中青山先生没有注意到这一点 后来单行本发售时就改过来了 我觉得只是。对不起 英文不好 中文也不太好
there are some cups in the left pic, however, drinkingis forbidden for minors in Japan.during the period of serialzing DC on Sunday magazine, Aoyama neglected this point. so it has been changed to the right pic on edition version.
回复: why it's different?
刚去查了一下,除了台湾的版本是右边的图,其他版本都是左边的。可能台湾版用的稿子是少年sunday连载时的稿子,也就是右边的。但是右边的图感觉比较单调,而且桌子上至少漏出一点餐具吧……这是个重要的画面,所以作者重新画了,出单行本时,就变成左边的了。我猜的……I have found out that all the versions were using the left picture except the TaiWan version in which you found the difference. So I guess the TaiWan version was using the manuscript serialized in 《Shonen Sunday》which showed the right picture. But the right picture is not good enough because of the monotonous. Since it's an important scene, so Aoyama redrawed it.
回复: why it's different?
回复: why it's different?
May be Julia's answer is true:012:Sorry my English is not very good..
回复: why it's different?
回复: why it's different?
回复: why it's different?
WoW!!! I see!!!interesting the things that happen to Aoyama xDD
well , now, I understand it ^^ Thanks to all I'm very grateful!!!!
thanks for help me ^^!!!!!!!
回复: why it's different?
回复: why it's different?
猪猪帮偶翻译= =...
回复: why it's different?
Aoyama was not satisfed with the right picture serialized in Sunday, so he changed it into the left picture in vol.26.
The left picture is an upward view, too monotonous to present the atmosphere at that moment. Changed into a planform, the left picture could show us the scenery outside the window, things in the table......more serene...
PS: my English is not very well....especially the diction and grammar...
回复: why it's different?
猪猪帮偶翻译= =...
Amazing discovery^ ^
Award marks ^ ^
I also agree that the picture be changed because of Aoyama's dissatisfaction.
Something like that was happened before
e.g. "the ring" incident, Aoyama left out the ring wore in miwako's finger in some pages, but filled in them in vol.56
回复: why it's different?
wow!~~~what kind of perception you've got? me so amazed! ^o^bbtw..
秀一的那世纪性一话到了单行本里会不会也有所不同了呢? >v<...