求助 十萬火急!!
我現在在香港一家語言中心做工,面試的時候我說我不但能操流利廣東話,普通話,還在大學學了一些日語。結果現在他居然要我翻譯兩篇日文的文章。但我的日文才初級,根本沒有能力翻譯阿。所以請日語高人指點阿!!不勝感激!!還有我最近在那個中心,很需要學多些日文阿?可以的話請高人有時閒指點指點我 我msn:[email protected]可能有些多,但真的很需要幫忙。在此跪求幫助阿!!
EDC Proficiency Levels
Mandarin and Cantonese
Frequency and schedules =
1.5 hours per time and twice a week (total 3 hours per week)
Right price and fast progress
/Functional Capacity
/Range of Expression
/Functional Capacity
/Range of Expression
Crash Course:
Total 550 of the most frequently used words in daily life.
Whole Course: HK$5,200
Total 188 key sentences.
Each session: (One hour per topic) HK$300
l 7 to 8 sentences per topic
l 25 new words and expressions per topics.
1. Greeting and Farewell
2. Names and Titles
3. Nationalities and Languages
4. Days and Dates
5. Time and Daily Routine
6. Addresses and Telephone Numbers
7. Family and Family Members
8. Work and Professions
9. Interests and Abilities
10. Invitations and Appointments
11. Telephoning and Messages
12. Money and Currency
13. Shops and Shopping
14. Colours and Clothing
15. Size and Style
16. Food and Restaurants
17. Cafes, Pubs and Drinks
18. Hotels and Services
19. Travel and Transport
20. Places and Directions
21. The Weather
22. Activities and Progression
23. Intentions and Plans
24. Health and Body
25. Compliments and Well-wishing
EDC Proficiency Levels
Level Range of Expression Functional Capacity
can understand and use greetings, courtesy expressions and simple formulaic expressions (“I’d like...,” “May I...?”etc.)
can manage only the simplest exchanges in routine situations
can understand and use the most frequently encountered basic sentence structures, up to 1,000 vocabulary items and one or two common verb tenses
can satisfy simple personal needs
can understand and use 1,500 or more vocabulary items, most of the basic sentence structures and many of the common verb tenses
can handle simple tasks in ordinary personal and professional situations, such as making travel arrangements
can understand and use 2,000 or more vocabulary items, virtually all basic sentence structures and most of the common verb tenses
can function in many ordinary personal and professional situations, such as transacting routine
can understand and use 3,000 or more vocabulary items, all basic and some more sophisticated sentence structures along with the requisite verb constructions
can function in many ordinary personal and professional situations, including fairly demanding ones such as participating in a meeting
can understand and use 4,000 or more vocabulary items, all basic and many more sophisticated sentence structures along with the requisite verb constructions
can function in many ordinary personal and professional situations, including demanding ones such as consulting a lawyer
can understand and use 7,000 or more vocabulary items, all basic and many more sophisticated sentence structures along with the requisite verb constructions
can function in a wide range of personal and professional situations, such as managing an office or settling a disagreement
can understand and use 10,000 or more vocabulary items, all basic and many more sophisticated sentence structures along with the requisite verb constructions
can function in most personal and professional situations, including the most challenging
can understand and use nearly all linguistic structures as well as a wide range of vocabulary items, especially in fields of personal or professional interest; comprehends very complex thoughts at a higher analytical and critical level
can function in most personal, academic and professional situations, including many which presume experience in writing, public speaking and critical reading
can understand and use virtually all linguistic structures as well as an extensive range of vocabulary items, notable for both its breadth and depth; comprehends very complex and sophisticated thoughts at a higher analytical and critical level; and develops ideas in speech and writing clearly and coherently
can function in virtually any personal, academic, or professional situation, including those which presume considerable experience in writing, public speaking and critical reading
can understand and use virtually all linguistic structures as well as a range of vocabulary items as broad and deep as that of most educated native speakers; comprehends at a very high analytical and critical level and develops in speech and writing even the most sophisticated thought clearly, coherently and cogently
can function in virtually any personal, academic or professional situation, including those which require strong writing, public speaking and critical reading skills
uses the second language in a manner approaching in all aspects that of a well educated native speaker, understands and uses cultural references in a way that evidences a deep comprehension of the society in which the second language is spoken
can function in virtually any personal, academic or professional situation with language skills approaching that of a well-educated native speaker
回复: 求助 十萬火急!!
回复: 求助 十萬火急!!
P.S.感谢娜姐帮忙哈~~:020: (在下最近确实有点消极怠工捏...滞夏ing)
回复: 求助 十萬火急!!
先找一个猛人,en→ch,然后再找一个猛人,ch→jp.能直接把这两步全包了的人,那可不多啊.na姐说得对,逃得了一时逃不了一世.纸包不住火,楼主不若实说,然后用自己的其他特长来打动老板.我想应该能取得谅解的.然后你再努力学习日语.我觉得这样比较好. 我搞定了,我先自己把他翻譯成英文,然後找到個會中文的日本人幫我翻譯過來了。多謝各位。