明年假期更改,好多3天假(-9-) 12月22日
话说,有段时间没有亲手下厨了,真不知道自己的手艺会退步多少呢 Merry Christmas to you! 12.27
要放假了,今天去取回家的票 1.1
这一岁注定不会容易。 to dudu happy belated birthday
err, im still not back yet.. still in the nightmares of college apps
well, im glad i have submitted all of them last night.. they are due today anyways. so am i done? man.........
so my b-day today = =
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh, getttttttttttttttting older again =(
hhahahaaaa, i should be happy.
i placed 2nd individual in the tournament~ yay! 呀!~ its melv's bday today!! happy birthday! sorry i didnt notice sooner and i didnt prepare anything now...- -
but plz give me some time i'll get ready for some gift for you, soon... ><
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my darlings NG and Candy, thx
1-22-2007today, i have received the cutest note of my entire high school career.
he asked me to go to the dance with him in such a cute, smart, and nerdy wayy. the note was just too cute to be rejected.
although i didn't want to go, i think i'll go just for him. lol
sighs, but then again, i didnt prepare, it's coming this saturday... that means: I NEED A DRESS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH= =
saturday math tournament coming up, sunday stateboard meeting in the morning, college interview in the afternoon =( why so busy?! 1-29-08
可怜的人们...(-14-) 2。2
唉,哭去了(-17-) FEB. 5TH, 2008
m1 (39)k 明天 要乖乖上学去 好好学习认真考试- -
还有60+天了 我一定要忍m1 (31)k
10th Feb., 2008 Sunday COLD m1 (90)k>15:32
I've been in this bad mood for almost a week.
At first I thought it was something about the homeworkload of the LNY(Lunar New Year) holidays...
But then I saw it... Valentinesdayphobia(say: Valentine's-Day-Phobia).
{The worrying-to-be-single club will be opened on 24-7 states...}Well, that sounds like a good ad to me...
I guess it's also not about just being single... Anyway I've been single for like more than a year and I spent my last Valentine's Day alone watching TV in the sofa(That DO sound like something very single, itsn't it?)...
Okay... So here's the thing. I've got a boy-friend, but he is like really boylish and I've got enough chances for me to be a BIG-SISTER or acting as a CARING-MOTHER or HOUSE-WORKER and so on... But as I've said he is really boylish having all those fantasies and those things and I'll be feeling really bad if I hurt him...
And Okay, there is this girl as my former classmate and for instant my formate who I really like and won't mind spending time with her but she'd just treat me as her forever-friend...
Maybe it's really nothing about Valentinesdayphobia... Could it be just silly thoughts in silly moods...
Translation of the Twilight Sega
11th Feb., 2008 Monday COLD m1 (62)k>21:59
I've made the decision to translate the Twilight Sega to Chinese.
Hope it's not a short fever again.
I bought my Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse during October.
As I've got like 10 books wanted to read at a time, my reading speed was very slow.
And I got the Twilight finished just yesterday.
I could say that it is a great book though, something you put with Harry Potter in a conversation.
However, although the Twilight was produced in 2005, I didn't see any Chinese version in the market.
So I thought I'll translate it into Chinese so someone may got to read this great book... Feb 14, 2008