再次膜拜…… 嗯,稍微更新一点。 如果这也是一种际遇。不得不说,有些事情比较。。。奇特。。。。。
any way 只是一些讨论。
[ 本帖最后由 るり 于 2007-12-2 23:10 编辑 ] Frankly speaking, why is it entitled STRING??
The author seems to live a life totally different from us, which makes me think of movies or dramas.
Lucky you.
Have a good day. Er....Well, do you know something about the String Theory?
(a short introduction, easy to read) Well, I thought I mixed up your idea.
Those ones fixed on the Violin or Cello are the STRINGS.
Your STRING seems more like the term I met during my computer programming period in the GOOD OLD DAYS. The explanation file just reminded me of those days while I was deeply convinced by the beauty of science and maths esp. calculus I might say. However, I finally chose to quit those things in order to put more effort in my literal art education.
The last time I read texts like yours was when I took a quice glance at my TI-83 calculator instructions before I lent it to a friend. Which was not so surprise, I found it hard to understand and the most annoying thing was all of them were just like hiding themselves from my recognition.
too bad.
Anyway, thank you for your text-book-pages like file. Though I couldn't quite understand it, it did help.
I was thinking of my downloaded lectures "Stanford on iTunesU". Do I need to download some lectures related to science? The only science-related lectures I had at the moment were the Psycology lessons and something about the development of the Internet(tcp/ip related).
Science was fun in the past of the my life. I do hope that it will regain my interest in the near future.
[ 本帖最后由 mewsays 于 2008-1-21 20:18 编辑 ] Well if u really wanna learn something about the string theory, i'm afraid u might need 3 or 4 years to do so.
However, u can try and follow this:
http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/index.htm Nope, I myself don't have the capability to learn all those things.
Instead, I will try to get someone who are learning things related to that learn it and explain it to me in its simplist way.
The only reason for me to learn it will be that I need it to form some interesting philosophy. Science and philosophy are closely related to each other. The former explains our MATERIAL world, the other puts our spiritual world in different systems.
Viele Danke.
Add these words later:
Well, I can only understand the String theory from my philosophical point of view.
It does fit in despite my poor knowlegde based on modern science.
[ 本帖最后由 mewsays 于 2008-1-21 21:09 编辑 ] 作者的话
by Rache Where are you going then? 准备本月完成连载。
by Rache 总算在旅行前将它完成了。
按照计划地。 后记
Rache Glad you are going to write something in a different Genre.