File 636 JP have Conan laughing at Haibara. I don't think he should laugh at her that much (-26-)
After all who will then create an antidote!? People don't like being laughed at (-29-)
Enjoy. 沙发!!!!!!!!!!
太激动了,支持一下 刚才还可以的……瞬间失效了?下到一半…… Weird... I uploaded it to my server and........
Link should be working now guys. Sorry about that. 耶~我成功下载好了! 下载成功,感谢楼主。 看到柯南和哀的争吵了,好可爱啊(-9-) 谢谢LZ,一起来就好消息 多谢多谢,这就载来看!
ZARDZARD ...I've told you...
Whenever I've got something to do,
the raw comes out- - Haha ^^;;;
Sorry! (-21-) 原帖由 magicbullet 于 18-1-2008 10:07 发表
Haha ^^;;;
Sorry! (-21-)
it's ok...
i have to finish the chinese version tonight anyway... 为什么哀会要拜托柯南开车门?柯南教哀的方法是干什么的(完全没有看明白)?
还是等待汉化啊! 話說.......這樣也算是吵架麼.......= =lllllll
期待天使漢化~~~ lz生活在用英语常用区?无论如何谢了!
Do you live in the area which consider English as native language or second language? Any way,THANKS! agree with #14~~
thank you very much 支持,等待汉化…… 柯南干嘛笑哀T T 谢谢分享 激动啊.....终于能看到636了!! 原帖由 amore 于 18-1-2008 12:44 发表
Do you live in the area which consider English as native language or second language? Any way,THANKS!
She lives in the US or so, itsn't it? 期待天使汉化,我等我等我等等等~~~~~