I'm new comer ..
Hello everbodyI'm new comer and I love Haibara
support Haibara !
Hope she can happy forever... welcome..... welcome to this big family Hello...welcome
Could you speak in chinesem1 (48)k 为什么说英文?
好不习惯的说m1 (3)k 原帖由 You-know-who 于 2008-3-19 10:47 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
好不习惯的说m1 (3)k
可能LZ喜歡英文…還是外國人?或是電腦暫時打不出中文m1 (48)k 我看不到回复~MS无法自动翻页- -
欢迎LZ加入啊~~ 欢迎欢迎啊(-8-) 不会素外国人吧...欢迎...m1 (45)k Welcome to bbs.aptx
I am also quite new to this forum
Nice to meet you guy=) Welcome to this forum ,if you can't write in Chinese you can communicate with us in English ,it really doesn't matter m1 (51)k欢迎欢迎
哈哈哈哈 看照片是帅弟弟~~~大心~ 某人色女本色暴露= =
欢迎LZm1 (43)k thanks everyone for giving welcomes to me
I feel so warm .. I'm also a new comer... I registered 5 days ago. Seems like it requires one month's membership to join Co&ai League?...So exciting about the participation!m1 (45)k YOU LA XI KU ~~