california dreamin'(phillips-phillips)
the mamas the papas
all the leaves are brown
and the sky is gray
i've been for a walk
on a winter's day
i'd be safe and warm
if i was in l.a.
california dreamin'
on such a winter's day
stopped in to a church
i passed along the way
well i got down on my knees
and i pretend to pray
you know the preacher liked the cold
he knows i'm gonna stay
california dreamin'
on such a winter's day
all the leaves are brown
and the sky is gray
i've been for a walk
on a winter's day
if i didn't tell her
i could leave today
california dreamin'
on such a winter's day
THE CIRCLE OF LIFEthe circle of life - carman twillie - The Lion King
circle of life
music by elton john
lyrics by tim rice
performed by carmen twillie
from the Day we arrive on the planet
and blinking,step into the sun
there's more to see than can ever be seen
more to do than can ever be done
there's far too much to take in here
more to find than can ever be found
but the sun rolling high
through the sapphire sky
keeps great and small on the endless round
it's the circle of life
and it moves us all
through despair and hope
through faith and love
till we find our place
on the path unwinding
in the circle
the circle of life
it's the circle of life
and it moves us all
through despair and hope
through faith and love
till we find our place
on the path unwinding
in the circle
the circle of life
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