fima 发表于 2008-7-8 13:44:21

[自主翻译][Avidemux] ***FAQ***


fima 发表于 2008-7-8 13:45:17

Avidemux main window (GTK+ Interface)
Avidemux 主窗口 (GTK+ 界面)
Avidemux main window (QT4 Interface)
Avidemux 主窗口(QT4 界面)
Avidemux "Filter Manager" window
Avidemux "滤镜管理" 窗口

What the heck is Avidemux?
Imagine an application which does everything VirtualDub can do, but runs on various platforms, supports a lot of containers, comes with all Codecs you need built-in and doesn't use the nasty VfW interface. That applications is Avidemux! And now the "official" version: Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. It's graphical user interface looks pretty similar to VirtualDub and most features known from VirtualDub are available too. Avidemux natively supports a great number of file types, such as AVI, MPEG, VOB, TS, MP4, ASF, OGM, MKV and FLV. At the same time Avidemux natively supports a wide range of Video/Audio formats, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 ASP, H.264/AVC, DV, HuffYUV, MP3, AAC, AC-3 and Vorbis. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue and powerful scripting capabilities. Video-DVD or (S)VCD compliant streams can be created with easy-to-use "Auto" wizards. Multi-threading is supported!
想像一个软件,它能够做VirtualDub能做的所有事情,并且可以运行在不同的平台上,还支持众多的容器(媒体格式),自带了你需要的所有编码解码器,放弃了VfW那令人厌烦的界面。这就是Avidemux!以下是“官方”定义:Avidemux是一款免费的切割,过滤(加载滤镜)以及编码软件。它的图形界面看起来非常像VirtualDub,而且还拥有VirtualDub上的许多功能。Avidemux原生支持大量的类型文件,比如AVI,MPEG,VOB,TS,MP4,ASF,OGM,MKV 以及 FLV。同时Avidemux也原生支持各种各样的音视频格式,包括MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4 ASP,H.264/AVC,DV,HuffYUV,MP3,AAC,AC-3 and Vorbis。可以使用方案(projects),工作队列(job queue)以及强大的脚本(scripting)来进行自动作业。视频DVD(Video-DVD)或者(S)VCD包含的流可以通过“自动(Auto)”向导进行简单的创建。支持复数流!

What OS is Avidemux availabe for and who made it?
Avidemux is developed as a cross-platform application. It is available for Linux, BSD, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows under the GNU GPL license. The program was written from scratch by Mean <fixounet at free dot fr>, but code from other people and projects has been used as well. Avidemux is not a front-end to MPlayer/MEncoder, ffmpeg or anything else! Avidemux is a "standalone" application and it's fully self-contained. There are absolutely no dependencies, expect for the libraries that ship with Avidemux. Most of the Win32 development is done by Gruntster now, who has done some great improvements. Patches, translations and bug reports are always welcome.
Avidemux是一款跨平台开发的应用程序。它可以在Linux,BSD,Mac OS X以及在GNU GPL允许下的Microsoft Windows上运行。程序是由Mean<fixounet at free dot fr>编写,但是也使用了他人的代码。Avidemux并不是一款彻头彻尾的MPlayer/MEncoder,ffmpeg或者是其它的东西,Avidemux是一款独立的应用程序,它高度自集成。在Avidemux上加载的库绝对没有任何的从属。现在大部分的win32 扩展程序都是由Gruntster所编写,他做了非常棒的改善。随时欢迎各位的补丁,翻译以及漏洞报告。

Where can I get Avidemux?
The official Avidemux web-site is You can download pre-compiled binaries for the Windows platform from the official site, but those builds are not updated very often! Therefore it's highly recommended to grab the latest SVN build from Gruntster's web-site at, also mirrored at Gruntster's builds are updated almost daily, so they contain the latest fixes and improvements. Pre-compiled binaries for MacOS/Intel can be found at If you want to compile Avidemux yourself, you can grab the sources directly from the SVN server at svn:// A lot of useful information about Avidemux, compile instructions and guides can be found in the Avidemux Wiki at For bug reports and feature requests, please visit the forum at
Avidemux的官方网站是。你可以从官方网站上下载Windows平台的预编译二进制代码,但是这些版本不常更新!所以我们强烈推荐去Gruntster的网站 下载最新的SVN版(Avidemux)。Gruntster的版本几乎每天更新,所以它们包含了最新的修复以及改良。适用于MacOS/Intel的预编译二进制代码可以在 找到。如果你想自己编译Avidemux,你可以从SVN服务器svn:// 上直接获取源文件。在Avidemux的维基百科上 可以找到许多关于Avidemux的编译说明以及指导。如要反馈漏洞以及请求(增加)功能,请到 论坛。

What encoders are supported by Avidemux?
Avidemux comes with several video encoders built-in: Xvid (MPEG-4 ASP), x264 (H.264 aka AVC), libavcodec (MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, FLV, HuffYUV, FFV1, MJPEG, H.263, DV) and mpeg2enc (MPEG-1, MPEG-2). Also it includes various audio encoders: LAME (MP3), FAAC (LC-AAC), Aften (AC3), Ogg Vorbis and TwoLAME (MP2). Please note that Avidemux does not support the platform-specific and outdated 'Video for Windows' (VfW) interface and it never will! This means there is absolutely no way to use DivX (or any other VfW-based Codecs) with Avidemux! But don't worry: Avidemux will open all files, that were encoded with DivX, just fine. Avidemux simply uses it's own (internal) MPEG-4 decoder instead of the proprietary DivX decoder. Furthermore the files encoded with Avidemux and Xvid will play 100% fine on a "DivX certified" player, as long as you use the appropriate encoder settings...
Avidemux内置了若干视频编码器:Xvid (MPEG-4 ASP), x264 (H.264 aka AVC), libavcodec (MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, FLV, HuffYUV, FFV1, MJPEG, H.263, DV) 以及 mpeg2enc (MPEG-1, MPEG-2)。同时它也包含了许多音频编码器:LAME (MP3), FAAC (LC-AAC), Aften (AC3), Ogg Vorbis 和 TwoLAME (MP2)。注意Avidemux不支持而且永远都不会支持特殊化的平台(platform-specific)和过时'Video for Windows' (VfW)界面。这就意味着无法令Avidemux配合DivX(或者其它基于VfW的编码解码器)使用!但是无需担心,Avidemux可以打开所有使用DivX编码的文件,大可放心。Avidemux使用自身(内置的)MPEG-4解码器代替了私有的DivX解码器。而且只要你使用合适的编码设置,通过Avidemux 和Xvid编码的文件能够100%的完美呈现在"DivX certified"(通过DivX认证)的播放器上。

What video filters are supported by Avidemux?
Avidemux comes with a wide range of video filters built-in. Most of those filters were ported from MPlayer, VirtaulDub or Avisynth. There are filters for Cropping, Resizing (Bilinear, Bicubic and Lanczos) and Expanding. For processing of interlaced video, there are various Deinterlacing and IVTC filters (e.g. Yadif, TDeint, Kernel Deinterlacer, Smart Deinterlace, mcDeinterlace, DGBob and Decomb Telecide). Furthermore there are filters for Denoising (FluxSmooth, denoise3d/hqdn3d, Stabilize, Temporal Cleaner, etc.), Sharpening (MSharpen, asharp, etc.), Color Correction and many more. Last but not least there is a new plugin system for 'external' video filters now. So you can add additional filters to Avidemux without re-compiling!
Avidemux内置了许多视频滤镜。大多数滤镜都是从 MPlayer, VirtaulDub or Avisynth中移植过来的。它们就是剪裁,大小重置(Bilinear, Bicubic 和 Lanczos),以及扩展滤镜。这里有许多的Deinterlacing 和IVTC滤镜(例如Yadif, TDeint, Kernel Deinterlacer, Smart Deinterlace, mcDeinterlace, DGBob and Decomb Telecide)可以进行视频的交织处理。此外还有许多降噪(FluxSmooth, denoise3d/hqdn3d, Stabilize, Temporal Cleaner, etc.),锐化(MSharpen, asharp, etc.),颜色校正等等滤镜。最后不得不说的是,现在已经有了一个新的插件系统提供给“外部”的视频插件。所以你无需重编译就可以往Avidemux添加传统的插件。

How do I open Avisynth scripts in Avidemux?
Opening Avisynth scripts in Avidemux is a little bit tricky: First of all you have to make sure that Avisynth is installed properly on your computer. Then you must to open the AVS script file with the AVSProxy (avsproxy.exe), which ships with Avidemux. Once the AVSProxy is running, you can go back to the Avidemux main application and select 'Connect to avsproxy' from the 'File' menu. Please note that audio input is not supported via AVSProxy yet. There also is a GUI for the AVSProxy (avsproxy_gui.exe), which hopefully makes your life easier...
怎样在Avidemux上打开Avisynth 脚本?
在Avidemux上打开Avisynth脚本有一点技巧:首先确保Avisynth正确的安装在你的电脑上。然后你必须使用和Avidemux装载在一起的AVSProxy(avsproxy.exe)打开AVS脚本文件。一旦AVSProxy正在运行,你可以回到Avidemux的主程序并选择“文件(File)”菜单下的“连接到avs代理(Connect to avsproxy)”。注意目前通过AVSProxy还不支持音频的输入。这里还有一个AVSProxy的图形用户界面(avsproxy_gui.exe),它可以使你的操作更简便…

Why there are different front-end/execuatbles for Avidemux?
There are currently three different user interfaces available for Avidemux. Each one has it's own executable file: The GTK+ based interface (avidemux2_gtk.exe) is the first graphical user interface that was developed for Avidemux. The GTK+ interface is the primary and recommended interface. The QT4 based interface (avidemux2_qt4.exe) is still under development and various features are not available yet. Nevertheless the QT4 interface offers native M$ Windows look & feel, which some users might prefer. And the CLI version of Avidemux (avidemux2_cli.exe) runs without any graphical user interface. The CLI interface is used from a console and it's intended for batch processing.

How can I save/load my x264 or Xvid settings in Avidemux?
You can use Avidemux' scripting engine for that purpose: First run Avidemux, open some video file (it doesn't matter which one) and setup the x264/Xvid configuration as you want to save it. Next save your project via "File" -> "Save project as..." to a script file (e.g. my_x264_config.js) and exit Avidemux. Then open the resulting script file with your favorite text editor (e.g. Notepad++) and remove all the unneeded lines. All you need to keep are the "app = new Avidemux()" and the "" lines. If you also want to save the audio Codec config, then keep the "" line too. Finally save the script file to the "C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\avidemux\custom" directory. From now on your script will show up in the "custom" menu in Avidemux' main window. Simply run that script to restore your configuration. The script might look like this:
var app = new Avidemux();
//** Video Codec conf **"X264","AQ=22","188 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..... 00 00 ");
//** Audio **"lame",128,12,"00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ");
//End of script
你可以使用Avidemux的脚本引擎来达到这个目的:首先运行Avidemux,打开一些视频文件(打开哪一个都没关系的),然后设置你想保存的x264/Xvid的配置。通过“文件(File)”->“保存工程为(Save project as…)”把你的工程保存为一个脚本文件(e.g. my_x264_config.js)。然后退出Avidemux。通过你喜欢的文本编辑器(例如 Notepad++)打开刚刚导出来的脚本文件,删去所有不需要的行。你只需要保留"app = new Avidemux()"以及""。如果你还想保存音频编码解码器的配置,那就同时保留""。最后直接保存脚本文件到"C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\avidemux\custom"。以后你的脚本就会在Avidemux的主窗口的“自定义(custom)”菜单中出现。简单的运行一下那个脚本就可以重置你的配置。脚本大概是这样的:
var app = new Avidemux();
//** Video Codec conf **"X264","AQ=22","188 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..... 00 00 ");
//** Audio **"lame",128,12,"00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ");
//End of script

How do I open several files/segments as one big file?
Run Avidemux and open the first file via "File" -> "Open...". Now you can append all the other files/segments: Simply use "File" -> "Append..." for each file you like to add. Please note that all files need to be in the same format! Furthermore they all need to have the same resolution and the same framerate. If you want to merge files with different formats, framerates or resolutions, then you must convert (re-encode) the individual files to a uniform format before joining them together!

Why do my MPEG-2 files get out of sync when I cut/edit them in Avidemux?
Captured MPEG files are generally from DVB S/T (in MPEG TS format) or from IVTV based cards or any other card with hardware MPEG-2 encoding (in MPEG PS format). These captures often contain transmission errors which end up as missing or broken frames! A video player (MPC, MPlayer, xine, VLC, etc.) will constantly re-sync the streams using the timing information embedded in the stream. Avidemux will not! Apart from the constant shift, which is easily recoverable using the timeshift filter, it will result in a growing synchronisation issue when encoding or transcoding. Even saving without re-encoding will be async! MythTV recordings are a prime example of this problem: The audio will be offset by approximately -330 ms at the start of the recording and the drift throughout the duration of the recording. Please note that not all MythTV recordings have this problem, just some depending on the software and hardware configuration. The only 100% reliable way to fix your MPEG-2 files is to use ProjectX. You can get ProjectX from, a tutorial can be found at
封装MPEG文件通常都是通过DVB S/T(MPEG TS格式)或者通过基于IVTV的卡或者其它硬件编码MPEG-2的卡(MPEG PS格式)。这些封装经常包含传输错误,这些错误会以丢失的或者错误的帧来结束!播放器(MPC, MPlayer, xine, VLC, etc.)通常会使用流中内含的时间信息来重新同步流。但Avidemux不会这么做!与通过时间移位滤镜获得的常量移位不同,常量移位在编码或转码的时候会导致同步的问题加剧。其实即使不保存重编码一样可以同步!MythTV 唱片就是这种问题的一个主要例子:音频会被大约的移动-330毫秒,从录音的开始一直持续贯穿整个录音。请注意并不是所有的MythTV唱片都有这个问题,只有一部分(唱片)要依赖软件和硬件的配置。修复MPEG-2的100%可靠的方法就是使用ProjectX。你可以在 获得ProjectX。在 可以找到一份使用教程。

How can I set the target filesize (e.g. 700 MB) in Avidemux?
If you want to encode your video to a specific filesize, e.g. 700 MB to fit on a CD-R, you need to use the "2 Pass" encoding mode. The 2-Pass mode is available for Xvid and x264 as well as for the MPEG-1/MPEG-2 encoders. It will give you maximum quality for a given filesize. In order to use the 2-Pass mode, choose "Two pass, final/video size" in the video encoder's "Configure" dialog. Then enter the desired size (in MBytes) in the edit box below. But take care: This value applies to the video size only, it does not take the audio size into account! Hence the size entered in the "Configure" dialog will not equal the total size of your output video, unless there is no audio stream in your file. In order to set up the target filesize properly, please use the "Calculator" tool! In the Calculator window choose your output container (e.g. AVI), choose your target media (or custom size) and enter the audio bitrate you have selected. Finally press the "Apply" button, before you close the Calculator window! Now the video encoder has been configured according to your desired total filesize and you can save your video.
怎样在Avidemux里面设置目标文件大小(例如 700MB)
如果你想指定一个特殊的文件大小来编码你的视频文件,例如700MB,以便于配合一张CD-R,你需要使用“2 Pass”的编码模式。2-Pass模式可以在Xvid和x264以及MPEG-1/MPEG-2编码器上使用。它会在一个给定的文件大小上给你一个最高的(视频编码)质量。要使用2-Pass模式,在视频编码器的“配置(Configure)”对话框中选择“Two pass,最终/视频大小(final/video size)”,然后在下面的编辑框中输入希望得到的文件大小(单位是MBytes)。但是请注意一点:这个值只会应用于视频的大小,它不会累计音频的大小!因此在“配置(Configure)”对话框中输入的大小并不等于输出视频的总大小,除非文件中没有音频流。要合适的设置目标文件大小,请使用“计算器(Calculator)”工具!在计算器窗口中选择你的输出容器(container)(例如AVI),选择目标媒体(或者自定义)以及输入你已经选择的音频码率。最后在关闭计算器前按下“应用(Apply)”按钮!现在视频编码器已经按照你所希望的总文件大小配置好了,你可以保存你的视频了。

Why I don't hear sound in Avidemux?
In most cases this is simply because you didn't enabled sound yet! By default Avidemux's audio output is set to "DUMMY", which means there is no audio output at all. Just go to "Edit" -> "Preferences" and switch to the "Audio" tab. Then change "Audio output" to "WIN32" or whatever suits your OS. Finally click the OK button. Now you should hear sound.
大多数情况都是简单的由于你还有启用声音!Avidemux的默认音频输出是设置为“虚拟的(DUMMY)”,这就意味着毫无音频输出。你只需要点击“编辑(Edit)”->“参数选择(Preferences)”,然后转到“音频(Audio)”标签,接着把“音频输出(Audio output)”更改为“WIN32”或者其它适合你的操作系统的选项,最后点击OK按钮。现在你就应该能听到声音了。

What do "Copy" mode and "Smart Copy" mean?
In Avidemux you can select "Copy" mode for both, audio and video, which equals "Direct Stream Copy" in VirtualDub. This means the streams will be copied "1:1" from the input file without any processing or re-encoding. Of course you can not apply any audio/video filters in that mode! Unfortunately the "Copy" mode requires the very first frame of your selection to be an I-Frame (Key Frame). That's because video files necessarily have to start with an I-Frame! Nevertheless Avidemux has a nice feature, which is called "Smart Copy". It gets used automatically in case you use the "Copy" mode, but the first frame of your selection is not an I-Frame. SmartCopy will only re-encode the frames that are located before the very first I-Frame. The rest of the video is copied 1:1 from the original video. Hence SmartCopy will only effect the first few seconds of the video (if it all), while the rest will be not be modified at all. Please note that "Smart Copy" is currently limited to MPEG-4 ASP (Xvid, DivX, etc.) video files!
“拷贝(Copy)”和“智能拷贝(Smart Copy)”是什么意思?
在Avidemux中你可以给音频和视频选择“拷贝(Copy)”,这就相当于VirtualDub的“直接拷贝流(Direct Stream Copy)”。这就意味着从输入文件那里不进行任何的处理以及重编码而是1:1的拷贝。故你不能在这种模式下应用任何的音频/视频滤镜!不幸的是,“拷贝(Copy)”模式要求你所选择的文件的起始帧为I 帧(关键桢Key Frame)。这是因为视频文件必须以I 帧开始!不过Avidemux有一个很强大的功能,它就是“智能拷贝(Smart copy)”。当你所选择的视频起始帧不是I 帧时,它会自动的启用,除非你使用“拷贝(Copy)”模式。智能拷贝只是重编码起始关键桢之前的帧。剩下的视频是从源视频里1:1的拷贝。因此智能拷贝只会作用于视频的开始几秒(如果这就是全部话),剩下的(视频)不会有任何修改。注意“智能拷贝(Smart Copy)”目前只能用于MPEG-4 ASP (Xvid, DivX, etc.)的视频文件

[ 本帖最后由 fima 于 2008-7-8 14:18 编辑 ]

fima 发表于 2008-7-8 13:54:13

有些地方我也看不懂的,直接直译过来了(抱歉,但是我已经尽力了,本人的水平有限(-33-) )

[ 本帖最后由 fima 于 2008-7-8 14:03 编辑 ]

SyaoRan_Li 发表于 2008-7-8 14:10:46



愛ちんファン 发表于 2008-7-8 17:45:31


这玩样ubuntu下装过 不过没用过就3了 视频还是directshow顺眼- -

keithkid 发表于 2008-7-8 18:39:47




愛ちんファン 发表于 2008-7-8 19:51:47

在win下肯定走啦。。。播放器大部分驱动都是ds包括新版的mplayer也能用ds的驱动了。。。我是说在u下用嘛因为u下看片不爽 就算用opengl的驱动- - 所以编辑器索性也不用了- -。。。
其实做做小剪辑啥的vdm够了。。。后期压制+挂滤镜还是avs直接扔编码器了- -。。。而且真要搞非编的人也不用vdm了- -

fima 发表于 2008-7-8 20:21:20


在事务所这里获取了很多东西,也该时候贡献一下了m1 (32)k

qiyuwanjia 发表于 2008-7-8 23:12:06


[ 本帖最后由 qiyuwanjia 于 2008-7-8 23:13 编辑 ]

愛ちんファン 发表于 2008-7-9 02:43:23

呵呵GTK+或者GTKmm的默认UI就是这样子的 是很PP的

apple_zw 发表于 2008-7-9 12:28:03

貌似ubuntu的界面还不错嘛,赶上vista了,但是操作和支持的软件太少了~~我的n卡根本无法用嘛m1 (49)k

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