Yuriko's Vocabulary Book
香港的比較注重應用 在單詞和文法上面反而沒放太多的注意力
我就學起CET的vocab了m1 (27)k
就這樣. 不是全都有的喔 只是一部分
上次做了個test 我的vocab大概是8600個左右
向native english speaker的minimun 12000個進發吧!!
參考書目: Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
{mod}= GOVERN.ment
CET Level4 Unit1 (vocabulary)P1 L002
CET Level4 Unit2 (vocabulary)P1 L003
CET Level4 Unit3 (vocabulary)P1 L004
CET Level4 Unit4 (vocabulary)P1 L005
CET Level4 Unit5 (vocabulary)P1 L006
CET Level4 Unit6 (vocabulary)P1 L007
CET Level4 Unit7 (vocabulary)P1 L008
CET Level4 Unit8&9 (vocabulary)P1 L010
CET Level4 Unit10 (vocabulary) P1 L013
CET Level4 Unit11 (vocabulary) P1 L016
CET Level4 Unit11 (vocabulary) P1 L017
[ 本帖最后由 suet_sze 于 2008-7-12 14:07 编辑 ]
CET Level4 Unit1 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit1 (vocabulary)1. Appoint (v.) formally choose someone to a job or official position.
e.g. It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.
2. Arrange (v.) make plans for an event or meeting to happen.
e.g. She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon at four-fifteen.
3. Attention (n.) the action of looking at, listening to, or thinking about someone or something carefully.
e.g. You have my undivided attention.
4. Attract (v.) has feature that cause people or animals to come to oneself.
e.g. The Cardiff Bay project is attracting many visitors.
5. Delay (v.) not to do something immediately or at the planned or expected time, but to leave it later.
e.g. For sentimental reasons I wanted to delay my departure until June.
6. Vary (v.) different from each other is size, amount, or degree.
e.g. As they’re handmade, each one caries slightly.
7. Alter (v.) changes.
e.g. Little hand altered in the village.
8. Transfer (v.) go from one place to another.
e.g. Remove the wafers with a spoon and transfer them to a plate.
9. Shift (v.) moves slightly.
e.g. He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand.
10. Cultivate (v.) prepare land and grow crops on it.
e.g. She also cultivated a small garden for her own.
11. Attractive (adj.) someone or something that can attract many people or animals.
12. Lively (adj.) behave inan enthusiastic and cheerful way.
e.g. Josephine was bright, lively and cheerful.
13. Transport (v.) any vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in.
e.g. Have you got your own transport?
14. Transmit (v.) make others to spare what you have.
e.g. He transmitted his keen enjoyment of singing to the audience.
15. Transform (v.) to change or convert something into another thing.
e.g. Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy.
16. Continual (adj.) A continual process or situation happens or exists without stopping.
e.g. The school has been in continual use since 1883.
17. Blast (n.) A blast is a big explosion, especially one caused by a bomb.
e.g. 250 people were killed in the blast.
18. Account (n.) If you have an account with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement to leave your money there and take some out when you need it.
e.g. Some banks make it difficult to open an account.
[ 本帖最后由 suet_sze 于 2008-7-9 14:21 编辑 ]
CET Level4 Unit2 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit2 (vocabulary)1. Remedy (n.) A remedy is a successful way of dealing with a problem.
e.g. The remedy lies in the hands of the {mod}.
2. Adequate (adj.) If something is adequate, there is enough of it or it is good enough to be used or accepted.
e.g. One in four people worldwide are without adequate homes.
3. Excess (adj.) Excess is used to describe amounts that are greater than what is needed, allowed, or usual.
e.g. After cooking the fish, pour off any excess fat.
4. Partial (adj.) You use partial to refer to something that is not complete or whole.
e.g. There is a partial ban on the use of cars in the city.
5. Extensive (adj.) Something that is extensive covers or includes a large physical area.
e.g. There is an extensive tour of Latin America.
6. Liable (adj.) When something is liable to happen, it is very likely to happen.
e.g. Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others.
7. Extent (n.) If you are talking about how great, important, or serious a difficulty or situation is, you van refer to the extent of it.
e.g. The {mod} itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution.
8. Supreme (adj.) You use supreme to emphasize that a quality or thing is very great.
e.g. Her approval was of supreme importance.
9. Accumulate (v.) When you accumulate things or when they accumulate, they collect or are gathered over a period of time.
e.g. Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets.
10. Comprise (v.) If you say that something comprises or is comprised of a number of things or people, you mean it has them as its parts or members.
e.g. The special cabinet committee comprises Mr. Brown, Mr. Mandelson, and Mr. Straw.
11. Range (n.) A range is the complete group that is included between two points on a scale of measurement or quality.
e.g. The average age range is between 35 and 55.
12. Bare (adj.) If a part of your body is bare, it is not covered by any clothing.
e.g. She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightdress, and her feet were bare.
13. Owing (owing to) If someone or something owes a particular quality or their success to a person or thing, they only have it because of that person or thing.
e.g. He owed his survival to his strength as a swimmer.
14. Regard (n.) Regards are greetings. You use regards in expressions such as best regards and with kind regards as a way of expressing friendly feelings towards someone, especially in a letter.
e.g. Give my regards to your family.
15. Idle (adj.) If people who were working are idle, they have no jobs or work.
e.g. Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages.
16. Inevitable (adj.) If something is inevitable, it is certain to happen and cannot be prevented or avoided.
e.g. If the case succeeds, it is inevitable that other trials will follow.
17. Bargain (n.) A bargain is an agreement, especially a formal business agreement, in which two people or groups agree what each of them will do, pay, or receive.
e.g. I’ll make a bargain with you. I’ll play hostess if you’ll include Matthew in your guest-list.
CET Level4 Unit3 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit3 (vocabulary)1. Sting (v.) If a plant, animal, or insect stings you, a sharp part of it, usually covered with poison, is pushed into your skin so that you feel a sharp pain.
e.g. The nettles stung their legs.
2. Vain (adj.) A vain attempt or action is one that fails to achieve what was intended.
e.g. The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.
3. Dispute (n.) A dispute is an argument or disagreement between people or groups.
e.g. They have won previous pay disputes with the {mod}.
4. Omit (v.) If you omit something, you do not include it in an activity or piece of work, deliberately or accidentally.
e.g. Omit the salt in this recipe.
5. Provided (provided that) If you say that something will happen provided or provided that something else happens, you mean that the first thing will happen only if the second thing also happens.
e.g. The other banks are going to be very eager to help, provided that they see that he has a specific plan.
6. Essential (adj.) The essential aspects of something are its most basic or important aspects.
e.g. Most authorities agree that play is an essential part of a child’s development.
7. Regulate (v.) To regulate an activity or process means to control it, especially by means of rules.
e.g. The powers of the European Commission to regulate competition are increasing.
8. Coordinate (v.) If you coordinate an activity, you organize the various people and things involved in it.
e.g. {mod} officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to coordinate the relief effort.
CET Level4 Unit4 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit4 (vocabulary)1. Grasp (v.) If you grasp something, you take it in your hand and hold it very firmly.
e.g. He grasped both my hands.
2. Seize (v.) If you seize something, you take hold of it quickly, firmly, and forcefully.
e.g. ‘Leigh,’ he said seizing my arm to hold me back.
3. Strike (v.) When there is a strike, workers stop doing their work for a period of time, usually in order to try to get better pay or conditions for themselves.
e.g. French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day strike in a dispute over pay.
4. Equivalent (adj.) If one amount or value is the equivalent of another, they are the same.
e.g. The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day.
5. Tedious (adj.) If you describe something such as a job, task, or situation as tedious, you mean it is boring and rather frustrating.
e.g. Such lists are long and tedious to read.
6. Arise (v.) If a situation or problem arises, it begins to exist or people start to become aware of it.
e.g. The birds also attack crops when the opportunity arises.
7. Wreck (v.) To wreck something means to completely destroy or ruin it.
e.g. A coalition could have defeated the {mod} and wrecked the treaty.
CET Level4 Unit5 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit5 (vocabulary)1. Tolerate (v.) If you tolerate a situation or person, you accept them although you do not particularly like them.
e.g. She can no longer tolerate the position that she’s in.
2. Utility (n.) The utility of something is its usefulness.
e.g. Belief in the utility of higher education is shared by students nationwide.
3. Accelerate (v.) If the process or rate of something accelerates or if something accelerates it, it gets faster and faster.
e.g. Growth will accelerate to 2.9 per cent next year.
4. Deceive (v.) If you deceive someone, you make them believe something that is not true, usually in order to get some advantage for yourself.
e.g. He has deceived and disillusioned us all.
5. Derive (v.) If you derive something such as pleasure or benefit from a person or from something, you get it from them.
Mr. Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.
6. Harness (n.) A harness is a set of leather straps and metal links fastened round a horse’s head or body so that the horse can have a carriage, cart, or plough fastened to it.
e.g. A harness is put on the horse.
CET Level4 Unit6 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit6 (vocabulary)1. Tackle (v.) If you tackle a difficult problem or task, you deal with it in a very determined or efficient way.
e.g. The first reason to tackle these problems is to save children’s lives.
2. Accommodation (n.) Accommodation is used to refer to buildings or rooms where people live or stay.
e.g. The {mod} will provide temporary accommodation for up to three thousand people.
3. Gear (v.) The gears on a machine or vehicle are a device for changing the rate at which energy is changed into motion.
e.g. On hills, he must use low gears.
4. Reckon (n.) If you reckon that something is true, you think that it is true.
e.g. Toni reckoned that it must be about three o’clock.
5. Scarce (adj.) If something is scarce, there is not enough of it.
e.g. Food was scarce and expensive.
6. Accord (n.) If one fact, idea, or condition accords with another, they are in agreement and there is no conflict between them.
e.g. Such an approach accords with the principles of socialist ideology.
7. Combat (n.) Combat is fighting that takes place in a war.
e.g. Over 16 million men had died in combat.
CET Level4 Unit7 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit7 (vocabulary)1. Segment (n.) A segment of something is one part of it, considered separately from the rest.
e.g. And that was the third segment of his journey.
2. Compel (v.) If a situation, a rule, or a person compels you to do something, they force you to do it.
e.g. Local housing authorities have been compelled by the housing crisis to make offers of substandard accommodation.
3. Encounter (v.) If you encounter problems or difficulties, you experience them.
e.g. Every day of our lives we encounter stresses of one kind or another.
4. Feasible (adj.) If something is feasible, it can be done, made, or achieved.
e.g. She questioned whether it was feasible to stimulate investment in these regions.
5. Implement (n.) If you implement something such as a plan, you ensure that what has been planned is done.
e.g. The {mod} promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions. 一大片英文,我头晕了……不过还是支持下
CET Level4 Unit8&9 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit8 (vocabulary)1. Valid (adj.) Something that is valid is important or serious enough to make it worth saying or doing.
e.g. Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.
CET Level4 Unit9 (vocabulary)
1. Acquire (v.) If you acquire something, you buy or obtain it for yourself, or someone gives it to you.
e.g. General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400 million.
2. Furnish (v.) If you furnish a room or building, you put furniture and furnishings into it.
e.g. Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques.
3. Incline (n.) An incline is land that slopes at an angle.
e.g. He came to a halt at the edge of a steep incline.
4. Endure (v.) If you endure a painful or difficult situation, you experience it and do not avoid it or give up, usually because you cannot.
e.g. The company endured heavy financial losses.
5. Orbit (v.) If something such as a satellite orbits a planet, moon, or sun, it moves around it in a continuous, curving path.
e.g. In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the earth.
6. Ratio (n.) A ratio is a relationship between two things when it is expressed in numbers or amounts. For example, if there are ten boys and thirty girls in a room, the ratio of boys to girls is 1:3, or one to three.
e.g. The adult to child ratio is 1 to 6.
7. Shed (n.) A shed is a large shelter or building, for example at a railway station, port, or factory.
e.g. …disused railway sheds.
8. Skim (v.) If you skim a piece of writing, you read through it quickly.
e.g. He skimmed the pages quickly, then read them again more carefully.
9. Terminal (adj.) A terminal illness or disease causes death, often slowly, and cannot be cured.
e.g. He had terminal cancer.
10. Elastic (adj.) Something that is elastic is able to stretch easily and then return to its original size and shape.
e.g. Beat it until the dough is slightly elastic. 像我这种不读书的人。。。Vocab是少的要死。。。
不过此上大部分还是认识滴m1 (54)k 嗯,也就认识7成左右
CET Level4 Unit10 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit10 (vocabulary)1. Inference (n.) An inference is a conclusion that you draw about something by using information that you already have about it.
e.g. There were two inferences to be drawn from her letter.
2. Principal (adj.) Principal means first in order of importance.
e.g. The principal reason for my change of mind is this.
3. Refine (v.) When a substance is refined, it is made pure by having all other substance removed from it.
e.g. Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities.
4. Span (n.) A span is the period of time between two dates or events during which something exists, functions, to happen.
e.g. The batteries had a life span of six hours.
5. Swell (v.) If the amount or size of something swells or if something swells it, it becomes larger than it was before.
e.g. The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.
6. Triumph (n.) A triumph is a great success or achievement, often one that has been gained with a lot of skill or effort.
e.g. The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach, Dave Donovan.
7. Wit (n.) Wit is the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way.
e.g. Boulding was known for his biting wit.
8. Cease (v.) If something ceases, it stops happening or existing.
e.g. At one o’clock the rain had ceased.
9. Emerge (v.) To emerge means to come out from an enclosed or dark space such as a room or a vehicle, or from a position where you could not be seen.
e.g. Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged.
10. Install (v.) If someone is installed in a new job or important position, they are officially given the job or position, often in a special ceremony.
e.g. A new Catholic bishop was installed in Galway yesterday.
11. Patch (n.) If you patch something that has a hole in it, you mend it by fastening a patch over the hole.
e.g. He and Walker patched the barn roof.
12. Reinforce (n.) If something reinforces a feeling, situation, or process, it makes it stronger or more intense.
e.g. A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.
13. Transparent (adj.) If a situation, system, or activity is transparent, it is easily understood or recognized.
e.g. The company has to make its accounts and operations as transparent as possible.
14. Acquaintance (n.) An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well.
e.g. The proprietor was an old acquaintance of his.
15. Inhabitant (n.) The inhabitants of a place are the people who live there.
e.g. They were the inhabitants of Glasgow.
16. Render (v.) You can use render with an adjective that describes a particular state to say that someone or something is changed into that state. For example, if someone or something makes a thing harmless, you can say that they render it harmless. (Render = make)
e.g. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
17. Clarity (n.) The clarity of something such as a book or argument is its quality of being well explained and easy to understand.
e.g. …the ease and clarity with which the author explains difficult technical and scientific subjects.
18. Herd (v.) If you herd people somewhere, you make them move there in a group.
e.g. He began to herd the prisoners out.
19. Resemble (v.) If one thing or person resembles another, they are similar to each other.
e.g. Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour. 据说美国大学生毕业后,单词量应该是16000左右. 原帖由 SSV 于 11-7-2008 12:55 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
好遙遠...m1 (31)k
CET Level4 Unit11 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit11 (vocabulary)1. Classic (adj.) A classic film, piece of writing, or piece of music is of very high quality and has become a standard against which similar things are judged.
e.g. …the classic children’s film Huckleberry Finn.
2. Discharge(v.) When someone is discharged from hospital, prison, or one of the armed services, they are officially allowed to leave, or told that they must leave.
e.g. He has a broken nose but may be discharged today.
3. Interpret (v.) If you interpret what someone is saying, you translate it immediately into another language.
e.g. The chambermaid spoke little English, so her husband came with her to interpret.
4. Illustrate (v.)If you use an example, story, or diagram to illustrate a point, you use it show that what you are saying is true or to make your meaning clearer.
e.g. Let me give another example to illustrate this difficult point.
5. Implication (n.) The implication of a statement, event, or situation is what it implies or suggests is the case.
e.g. The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.
6. Marvelous(American English) (adj.) If you describe someone or something as marvellous, you are emphasizing that they are very good.
e.g. He certainly is a marvellous actor.
7. Rear (v.) If you rear children, you look after them until they are old enough to look after themselves.
e.g. She reared sixteen children, six her own and ten her husband’s.
8. Mount (v.) If something mounts, it increases in intensity.
e.g. For several hours, tension mounted.
9. Dip (v.) If you dip something in a liquid, you put it into the liquid for a short time, so that only part of it is covered, and take it out again.
e.g. Quickly dip the base in and out of cold water.
10. Invade (v.) To invade a country means to enter it by force with an army.
e.g. In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.
11. Territory (n.) Territory is land which is controlled by a particular country or ruler.
e.g. The {mod} denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.
CET Level4 Unit12 (vocabulary)
CET Level4 Unit12 (vocabulary)1. Realm (n.) You can use realm to refer to any area of activity, interest, or thought.
e.g. …the realm of politics.
2. Spur (v.) If something spurs a change or event, it makes it happen faster or sooner.
e.g. The administration may put more emphasis on spurring economic growth.
3. Abstract (adj.) An abstract idea or way of thinking is based on general ideas rather than on real things and events.
e.g. It’s not a question of some abstract concept.
4. Boast (v.) If someone boasts about something that they have done or that they own, they talk about it very proudly, in a way that other people may find irritating or offensive.
e.g. Witness said Furci boasted that he took part in killing them.
5. Forge (v.) If one person or institution forges an agreement or relationship with another, they create it with a lot of hard work, hoping that it will be strong or lasting.
e.g. The Prime Minister is determined to forge a good relationship with America’s new leader.
6. Reform (v.) If someone reforms something such as a law, social system, or institution, they change or improve it.
e.g. A reformed {mod} would have to win the approval of the people.
7. Tendency (n.) A tendency is a worrying or unpleasant habit or action that keeps occurring.
e.g. …the {mod}’s tendency towards secrecy in recent years.
[ 本帖最后由 suet_sze 于 2008-7-12 14:09 编辑 ] 原帖由 SSV 于 2008-7-11 12:55 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
一直很curious他们怎么数的?= = 感觉有一堆个别专业常用的词混在里面-_________,-
……好吧至少是偶的专业= =+ 好强好强~~
至少可以超过同龄人~~m1 (43)k