kani 发表于 2008-9-11 13:17:18




   『http://avexnet.or.jp/ayu/images/a.gif COMPLETE ~ALL SINGLES~』2008.9.10 IN STORES
【3CD+DVD】10th Anniversary Thanks Price! ¥4,800 (tax incl.)
【3CD】10th Anniversary Thanks Price! ¥3,800 (tax incl.)
(43曲 + ボーナストラック1曲 全曲リマスタリング)

01. poker face 02. YOU 03. Trust 04. For My Dear... 05. Depend on you 06. WHATEVER 07. LOVE ~Destiny~ 08. TO BE 09. Boys & Girls 10. monochrome 11. appears 12. kanariya 13. Fly high 14. vogue 15. Far away (全15曲収録)

01. SEASONS 02. SURREAL 03. AUDIENCE 04. http://avexnet.or.jp/ayu//images/discography/logo_m.gif
05. evolution 06. NEVER EVER 07. Endless sorrow 08. UNITE! 09. Dearest 10. Daybreak 11. Free & Easy 12. independent 13. Voyage 14. ourselves 15. forgiveness (全15曲収録)

01. No way to say 02. Moments 03. INSPIRE 04. CAROLS 05. STEP you 06. fairyland 07. HEAVEN 08. Bold & Delicious 09. Startin' 10. BLUE BIRD 11. glitter 12. talkin' 2 myself 13. Mirrorcle World<bonus track>
14. Who... (10th Anniversary version) (全14曲収録)
(全25曲収録 ※全曲完全未発売ライヴ映像!)

○ Limited TA Live Tour
(ZEPP TOKYO:2003.5.27)
01. Real me 02. poker face 03. Depend on you 04. TO BE 05. YOU 06. Dolls 07. A Song for ×× 08. SURREAL 09. evolution 10. http://avexnet.or.jp/ayu/images/discography/logo_rainbow.gif
○ a-nation'02
(お台場野外特設会場 / 2002.9.1)
11. evolution 12. HANABI 13. Voyage○ a-nation'03
(お台場野外特設会場 / 2003.8.31)
14. forgiveness 15. Boys & Girls○ a-nation'04
(国営昭和記念公園野外特設会場 / 2004.8.29)
16. GAME 17. Moments 18. Greatful days○ a-nation'05
(東京都・味の素スタジアム / 2005.8.21)
19. fairyland 20. is this LOVE?○ a-nation'06
(味の素スタジアム / 2006.8.27)
21. UNITE! 22. A Song for ××○ a-nation'07
(味の素スタジアム / 2007.8.26)
23. until that Day... 24. July 1st 25. Boys & Girls

[ 本帖最后由 kani 于 2008-9-11 13:22 编辑 ]

takuyaenochi 发表于 2008-9-11 13:39:59

kani 发表于 2008-9-11 13:52:51

当然有咯,AYU万岁!!!m1 (53)k

冰蓝 发表于 2008-9-11 15:36:20


kani 发表于 2008-9-11 15:45:58

这张怎么说也得买!!!m1 (29)k

瑛雪 发表于 2008-9-11 20:48:44

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