欧阳飞 发表于 2008-12-15 20:56:50






Before the Industrial Revolution scattered populations and steam and later petrol engines ensured easy mobility, there could have been few family reunions as we know this ceremony at the present time, with its assembling of infrequently-encountered but still familiar figures and the consequent getting up to date with the events in other people’s lives. There must have been indeed a good deal of “dropping-in”, for if members of a family did not actually live in the same house, they were within easy walking distance of one another. A man rarely went very far to look for a wife and the girl who married someone from else where almost certainly said a final goodbye to her parents when she was taken off to her husband’s home.
It was the Victorians who firmly established the family reunion. Present-day impressions of this important occasion are of a strange blending of formality, plain speaking with hovering dissension and a general lack of natural warmth. The rarer such meetings, it would seem, the more important it was to reflect prosperity and propriety. Firm attention was paid to suitable clothes and decorum while hostesses must demonstrate their ability to provide abundant meals in dignified surroundings. Children eyed little-known cousins with distrust and they, together with grown-up daughters, had to entertain the company with piano-playing or recitations while their own parents beamed complacently. There was the barbed exchange of news, gossip, gloomy prognostications about absent relatives, reminiscences of Uncle Albert and shared memories of childhood. The mask of formality gradually slipped and the natural individual, self-satisfied or envious, charitable or spiteful, assumed control.

SSV 发表于 2008-12-16 02:57:50

先说"dropping-in",个人觉得和stop by 应该是一个意思. 有窜门的意思.


xu 发表于 2008-12-16 17:09:53

好久没来水区了,首先, 我不得不说,这篇文章太作着了,我第一次完全看不懂, 我给我一个ABC朋友也没看懂, 而且文法有问题,比如
"cattered populations and steam and later petrol engines ensured easy mobility"
populcation后面应该有个逗号, 不然很confused,

第二 "figures and the consequent getting up to date with the eventsin other people’s lives."


再就是ceremony这里,我建议换hospitality, 虽然ceremony在词典里有"礼仪"的意思, 但用起来太奇怪了,

再就是few family reunios应该是few families reunioned,这是基础吧?

时态部分我就不说了, scattered 改为 "has scattered", 因为continued, 其他一样

不过,很多国内的"高人"都喜欢这么写文章 = =

回到正题, 硬要翻得美点:

Before the Industrial Revolution scattered populations and steam and later petrol engines ensured easy mobility, therecould have been few family reunions as we know this ceremony at thepresent time, with its assembling of infrequently-encountered but stillfamiliar figures and the consequent getting up to date with the eventsin other people’s lives.

在人口分布随着工业革命分散以及后来的汽油发动机带来便利的行动之前, 可能仅仅有少数沟通密切的家庭就像今天的我们认为这是一种礼仪一样, 所带来是聚少离多但保有的熟悉感, 以及随之产生的对其他人事情的了解.

海蒂 发表于 2008-12-16 17:42:20


[ 本帖最后由 海蒂 于 2008-12-16 17:47 编辑 ]

欧阳飞 发表于 2008-12-16 18:45:43


在人口分布随着工业革命分散以及后来的蒸汽机和汽油发动机带来便利的行动之前, 可能仅仅有少数常常团聚的家庭。就像今天的我们认为这是一种礼仪一样, 家庭团聚所带来的是聚少离多但保有熟悉感, 以及随之产生的对其他人的事情的了解.生活中必须有许多“串门者”,因为如果一个家庭的全部成员没有真正生活在同一屋檐下,他们将很容易彼此疏远。男人不会到很远的地方去娶妻,而女孩子嫁到夫家的同时就几乎肯定要跟父母永别。

云小天 发表于 2008-12-16 18:49:04



我不是很知道 发表于 2013-4-11 15:40:52

xu 发表于 2008-12-16 17:09 static/image/common/back.gif
好久没来水区了,首先, 我不得不说,这篇文章太作着了,我第一次完全看不懂, 我给我一个ABC朋友也没看懂, 而 ...

Few familiy reunions 一点错都没有。Ceremony在这里是仪式,换成hospitality是什么?



我不是很知道 发表于 2013-4-11 15:43:04

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