Napoleion Bonaparte was afraid of cats. (拿破仑害怕猫)
Thomas Edison had a collection of more than five thousand birds. He once saved a boy from the path of an oncoming locomotive.(爱迪生收藏了5000多种鸟。他曾经从迎面而来的火车头下救下一个男孩)
There are more brown M&Ms in plain M&Ms than in peanut M&Ms.(普通M&M巧克力里面棕色的比花生M&M巧克力里面要多)
The longest one-syllable word in the English language is screeched. (英语中最长的单音节单词是screeched)
The oldest word in the English language is town. (英语中最古老的单词是town)
The only fifteen-letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable. (唯一一个由15个不同字母组成的单词是uncopyrightable)
No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple. (month、silver、purple这三个单词英语里没有和它们押韵的)
Most toilets flush in E flat.(大多数抽水马桶抽水的音高是降E)(召唤所有绝对音高的人过来证实= =)
The name for Oz in The Wizard of Oz was thought up when the author, L. Frank Baum, looked at his filing cabinet and saw A-N and O-Z, hence Oz.
All US presidents have worn glasses; some of them just didn't like to be seen wearing them in public. (所有的美国总统都是戴眼镜的,有些只是不喜欢在公开场合戴)(不知道OBAMA算不算= =)
John F. Kennedy could read four newspapers in twenty minutes.(肯尼迪总统可以在20分钟内读4份报纸)
Einstein's last words were in German. Because the attending nurse did not understand German, his last words will never be known.(爱因斯坦的遗言是用德语说的,因为照顾他的护士不懂德语,所以他的遗言就永远没人知道了= =)
Hitler and Napoleon both had only one testicle. (希特勒和拿破仑都是只有一个XX)(不好写,自己查字典去吧)
A single violin is made of seventy separate pieces of wood.(一个小提琴由70块木头组成)
Elvis failed his music class in school.(猫王在学校的音乐成绩不及格)
Mel Blanc, who voiced Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots.(兔八哥的配音他对胡萝卜过敏= =)
Mickey Mouse's ears are always turned to the front, no matter which direction his head is pointing. (米老鼠的耳朵永远是向前的,不管它的脸扭向哪边)
In Fantasia, the sorcerer's name is Yensid -- Disney spelled backward. (《幻想曲》中,那个巫师的名字就是迪斯尼反过来拼)
King Kong was Adolf Hitler's favorite movie. (《金刚》是希特勒最喜欢的电影)
It is believed that Shakespeare was forty-six around the time the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the forty- sixth word from the first word is "shake", and the forty-sixth word from the last word is "spear".(据说新欽定版聖經写的时候莎士比亚是46岁。在诗篇46中,正数第46个词是莎士,倒数第46个词是比亚= =)(这个音译意译的我无法抉择了= =)
The three best-known western names in China are Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley. (在中国最著名的三个西方名字是耶稣、尼克松和猫王)(有么??)
Coca-Cola was originally green.(可口可乐最早是绿色的= =)
A can of Diet Coke will float in water, while a can of regular Coke sinks. (一听健怡可乐可以浮在水中,一听普通可乐会沉下去)(没喝过健怡可乐,召唤喝的人证实)
PS 书是原版的,翻译是我自己翻的,有问题可以告诉我 这本书上的最后一条,书中50%的内容纯属谣言。
[ 本帖最后由 SSV 于 2009-2-8 04:12 编辑 ]
回复 2# SSV 的帖子
不是……97%的统计数据是假的而已……也就是说,我帖里发的顶多3条是假的……因为数据这种东西我觉得没多大意义= = 被冷到了,真是大冷~似乎楼主打了一个错别字,是绝对音感而不是绝对音高。 原帖由 ヘレン 于 2009-2-8 07:39 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
不是……97%的统计数据是假的而已……也就是说,我帖里发的顶多3条是假的……因为数据这种东西我觉得没多大意义= =
幽默无国界。 原帖由 ヘレン 于 2009-2-8 07:39 发表 http://bbs.aptx.cn/images/common/back.gif
不是……97%的统计数据是假的而已……也就是说,我帖里发的顶多3条是假的……因为数据这种东西我觉得没多大意义= =
回复 6# 精灵古怪 的帖子
是数据是假的……所以说……没有数字的那几条应该都是真的= =|||回复 4#
事情是这样的,日语的话是叫绝对音感,中文的话叫绝对音高感,简称绝对音高……我当年说绝对音感的时候还被学音乐的BS了= =