★讲文明、树新风、坚持走高产路线★A Little Too Late,by 爸爸
昨儿和众亲JQ优激艾,很欢乐,遂录歌一首m1 (47)k扔地址:http://home.sogua.com/utahime/music/play.aspx?id=21312994
A Little Too Late
(They say) I'm a little too young to understand
But it's a little to late too hold my hand
You know I never subscribe to yes sir no sir
Gonna learn gonna love gonna take my chance
It's a little too late for you to say
That I'm a little too young to feel this way
'cause I just wanna be loved just wanna be heard
Be lost in the feeling standing here
At the door to my life
Now that day has arrived so loud and clear
You'll hear me singing
Do do doo do do do do do do
I'm singing
Do do do do do do do do do
(They say) I'm a little too lost without you here
(They said) that I'm a little too soft and too sincere
'cause I never subscribe to who sir me sir
Gonna stand gonna fall gonna face my fears
It's a little too late for me to wait
'cause your're never to young to feel this way
'cause I just wanna be loved just wanna be heard
Be lost in the feeling standing
Here at the door to my life
Now that day has arrived so loud and clear
You'll hear me singing
Do do doo do do do do do do
I'm singing
Do do do do do do do do do
If I want your help I'll say help me
I'm okay I'm alright won't you hear me loud and clear
'cause I just wanna be loved just wanna be heard
Be lost in the feeling standing here
At the door to my life
Now that day has arrived so loud and clear
You'll hear me singing
Do do doo do do do do do do
I'm singing
Do do do do do do do do do
Hear me singing
Do do doo do do do do do do
We're singing
Do do do do do do do do do
I'm a little too young to understand
But it's a little too late to hold my hand
I'm a little too lost without you here
That I'm a little too soft and too sincere 爸爸乃忒高产了= =。。。
sf拿下 那么好听的歌竟然么人评论!!太过分了~~~~
俺喜欢乃唱英文的感觉~狂野而奔放的爸爸~『said by 便当』
不过乃装可爱弱气小LOLI也很厉害~~哈哈~~那天我在边上听得乐趣十足! 今天人真的好少哦TOT
竹子,看来爸爸要比乃先一步奔向御姐了,哼哼哼= v =+
【或者说,爸爸从来就是御姐?= 人 =+】 俺还是恨校园网...于是俺要等到星期四才能听了么?怨念!!! 俺是御姐俺是御姐俺是御姐啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!!!!! 啊 爸爸 俺下下来听了 哈哈哈哈哈 居然下载成功了~!
原来delta goodrem是有伴奏的~!!!
俺还以为没有 搞的俺么选她的歌来唱....哎
爸爸 俺喜欢乃You know I never subscribe to yes sir no sir这句
爸爸乃果然是欧美派的~! 不过俺觉得 乃再激情点就好了 嘿嘿~!
美好~!俺也要灭delta~! 那天的激情在uga都燃烧完了回家烧不动了哈哈哈哈
delta goodrem的伴奏乃去仙来瞅瞅吧~我觉得各类伴奏那边还满齐全的我以前经常去挖掘伴奏~
我蛮喜欢delta的mistaken identity这张专辑的,好几首歌都不错~
其实我很喜欢the analyst和fragile这两首,不过前者米有伴奏TOT
正好在电脑里看到了a little too late的伴奏,就拿过来唱了嘿嘿~
我觉得我这次唱得不像Δ倒是有点像神经质的tori amos……囧 俺就这样话丽丽的被你们无视了= = 竹头 乃是萝莉 该被54~~ 嗷。。。俺不行了。。。鼻血乱碰。。。
嗷。。。爸爸乃咋会这么美好啊TOTOTOTOT,萌死俺了! 我是御姐!我圆满了!T3T 哇哦。。。。
大赞一个!m1 (43)k 我被标题的某六字囧进来了--哦耶~明天回家可以听到了~ 很少见的英文翻唱啊。。。吐字还清楚~~不错。。。 >>hiddern70
谢谢亲的称赞m1 (20)k
最近音乐厅盛产英文歌哟~~~ to 小伍
等便便们来!!! 现在是刮的欧美风TOT
可怜了俺TOTm1 (49)k 也有日英结合的嘛,koda和fergie的that aint cool电死我了~~~ 腰子,美。这个字,我今晚说了好多次了,不过真的美。