保持勤劳作风 【to be loved】
哈哈哈 这个是俺比十佳的时候本来准备唱的歌后来为了配合主办方所谓 ”怀旧“的主题才改歌了...囧
俺后期懒得搞了 混响了下下就扔上来了
慢听 http://home.sogua.com/weepclouds/music/play.aspx?id=21319528
TO be loved
I can see your face everywhere i look
but everywhere is nowhere without you
what seemed to be like days was just a moment in time
but it meant the world to me
cos' i knew
what i'd been searching for all of my life
i had it right here in front of my eyes
what i had wished for was
nothing compared to what i would be
if you're here with me
and if you never come back
and the day was all that we had
and if i wouldn't see tomorrow with you
in my eyes it won't matter
because now i know what it's like to be loved
you are so far away but i feel you're so near
it's like you'd never left me, never said goodbye
i can hear your voice in the crowd
i can feel your touch me right now
i can see your smile when i close my eyes
and i hold on to that every night
to help me understand when i ask myself
why of all the people who are there
just to be with me, to share all the sorrow
and if you never come back
and the day was all that we had
and if i wouldn't see tomorrow with you
in my eyes it won't matter
because now i know what it's like to be loved
what a beautiful thing, to feel your love within
like a child outside in the sunshine on the first day of spring
just to know this is true
there is someone like you
who can make me believe
there is nothing i can't do 沙发是俺的!!~~
以后不要听牛叉小云唱歌了= =|||打击啊。。。 哎呀,小云你的声音真是好听~
前面本来很低缓的,结果后面一下子上去了=V= 哦哦哦哦~~云云的乃前面一段强调哈灵!!!完全欧美系~~滑音咬字美得我满地打滚~~~~~
下次吃饱饭~~来上海LIVE~~~有俺们给你做后援乃一激动肯定就能吼上去了~~~~ 妈妈 乃真是俺的知音~!
主要是俺么有分轨录 一条轨录下来确实很辛苦 = =....
但是俺不高兴分轨录的 声音会不一样
但是又不想重来.... 就凑合了吧 哇哈哈哈
8过这个歌是张靓颖的哟 不知道写歌的是中国人外国人 .... 噢。。。。。。。。俺不行了。。。。。。。。。。。牛叉小云乃给俺去做歌手!!!!!!!!!! 俺发现小云云很喜欢张靓颖的~*
我爱最后的爆发!!! 超歐美式啊~~~云云乃太強大了~~~ 俺就说俺是沙发大王嘛哈哈哈~ 云云的声音.萌下. 终于来了一首我听过原唱的!!!!
去出唱片吧 哦哦终于膜拜到云云的嗓音了哈~~(-8-)好好听啊好好听~~~(-9-) 俺居然被称作超欧美
哇哈哈哈 俺成功了....good
张靓颖好难唱啊啊啊啊... == 很好很强大 演唱的那部分很有感觉。 云云乃滴声音真安慰 mua一个 不知道乃滴orion那帖到哪里去了。。。
云云唱的感觉比中岛美嘉还要好啊!!~ 不愧是小云啊,太强大了,ORZ啊.......完全的呈现崇拜膜拜状态ING