mel你现在是在哪? 米国么? 恩的。 -v- 哎呀 我早认识你就好了 我之前才从米国回来 TT
回复 5601# weepclouds 的帖子
TAT 你回來工作麼?在這從來米見過45S的朋友T.T 于是乎 我来这里加水
回复 5602# 4everluv 的帖子
不是的 我之前过去玩的TAT嘛....也许以后会有机会吧
回复 5604# weepclouds 的帖子
meh, I've been in this rural&boring place for so long now.I wanna go back..
回复 5605# 4everluv 的帖子
嘛~ 那你就回来吧 -v-俺们热烈欢迎你~-v-
回复 5607# weepclouds 的帖子
even if i go back... i can't really continue my education thoughmy yu wen would suck....periodm1 (31)k 原帖由 snail 于 2009-9-3 00:19 发表
sigh, i'm on a computer which cannot install chinese input :'(
my laptop is sent to repair.
system restore keeps failing TAT 我来了~~mel下午好 m1 (31)kMEL可以回来的,语文不要紧
回复 5611# snail 的帖子
m1 (31)kthat means I can't write any paper ...
>>>>>ly, hello, good afternoon. m1 (54)k 那mel就写英文哈,看得懂
m1 (90)k电脑坏了很心烦
回复 5613# snail 的帖子
m1 (27)kyou are the best!I love both you and little tree.
m1 (54)k m1 (54)k我家小树周5开学
m1 (54)k我下周开学
回复 5615# snail 的帖子
same here m1 (55)ksee if it's in chinese i probably can't write up to 1000 characters..
m1 (39)k m1 (39)k 我下午5点前没什么事情 m1 (39)k我们考试写到手抽痉就不说了
m1 (39)k论文都3000起档,写着写着就至少4000多了,
we never have to handwrite that much though. Usually near the end of the semester, the professor would assign us a paper to write, though they usually HAVE TObe typed then handed in as a final paper at least five pages]. Of course not to mention the final exams, there are essaysbut nothing like those lonnnng papers.
ahh, i just edit your post instead of quoting it.....
let's just make this post special because YOU are specialm1 (27)k
[ 本帖最后由 4everluv 于 2009-9-3 00:42 编辑 ]