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回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
求Secret of my heart的英文版!!!!!!要质量高的!!!比特率128或者以上!!!!%&180 %&180
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
求Secret of my heart的英文版!!!!!!要质量高的!!!比特率128或者以上!!!!%&180 %&180
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
放弃了,瑛雪我直接上传http了啊~文件提取链接: http://pickup.chinamofile.com/0671083198124124
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
是啊是啊实在是很好听啊,遗憾的是关于此歌一点信息都没有,只好拜托各位大大了 %&100
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
放弃了,瑛雪我直接上传http了啊~文件提取链接: http://pickup.chinamofile.com/0671083198124124恩!感谢!比日文版的好听多了%&104
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
请问谁有钢炼金术师中的melissa?回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
求Secret of My Heart英文版的歌词!!!!!!!!!回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
敬求:柯南中“愛はいつも ”,哪里有下载的??回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
敬求:柯南中“愛はいつも ”,哪里有下载的??试试这个能不能下
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
求 GIZA studio MAI-K & FRIENDS HOTROD BEACH PARTY!!!!!!再求!!!!回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
求Secret of My Heart英文版的歌词!!!!!!!!!Starlit night, above the roof tops
I sit and think, what words could show you how I feel
Our happy times, were they real? So I wonder
Shooting star, falls as if to tell
A happy end, will come because you by my side
Always a smile, but all the while there's still one thing inside, that I cannot tell you
Secret of my heart, when can I ever start?
Never any doubt, knowing how someday I'll say I love you
If will shine on through, my love will shine out true
Give a little time, I'll looking for a sign, you know I'm waiting for my chance
So quiet now, winds whisper true to me
I feel a need, to scream out loud these things I feel
Celebrate this love, I can't reveal, I can't show you
So here we are, together once again
You seem to walk, this little distance from my side
Your face it seems so sad I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you
Secret of my heart, can you understand those parts?
Hidden far away, in a place I run to doesn't everyone
In my heart I know, I must let our love grow
I can't say why, I know that I must find a way to call out for my chance
Can I tell the truth? No words come to my mind
They escape, from my lips to the clouds above
Feeling in my heart, I can't hide
I can't hide anymore, cause I love you
I will be with you... Wherever you are... Can you feel my heart?
Can't you see you're in my heart, but things may break apart?
Maybe one day, it's difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one
But I know all the same, no change will come unless I play the game
I just wanna say, I think I might be ready baby
Can't you see you're in my dream, I can't lose you baby see?
Every time we meet, every time we're near, boy gives all meaning to my life
Baby don't get down, someday I will come around
Secret of my heart, our future is forever Secret of my heart... Secret of my heart...
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
谢谢倉井槙~~~~!!这歌词好长= =难ing.....
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
Starlit night, above the roof topsI sit and think, what words could show you how I feel
Our happy times, were they real? So I wonder
Shooting star, falls as if to tell
A happy end, will come because you by my side
Always a smile, but all the while there's still one thing inside, that I cannot tell you
Secret of my heart, when can I ever start?
Never any doubt, knowing how someday I'll say I love you
If will shine on through, my love will shine out true
Give a little time, I'll looking for a sign, you know I'm waiting for my chance
So quiet now, winds whisper true to me
I feel a need, to scream out loud these things I feel
Celebrate this love, I can't reveal, I can't show you
So here we are, together once again
You seem to walk, this little distance from my side
Your face it seems so sad I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you
Secret of my heart, can you understand those parts?
Hidden far away, in a place I run to doesn't everyone
In my heart I know, I must let our love grow
I can't say why, I know that I must find a way to call out for my chance
Can I tell the truth? No words come to my mind
They escape, from my lips to the clouds above
Feeling in my heart, I can't hide
I can't hide anymore, cause I love you
I will be with you... Wherever you are... Can you feel my heart?
Can't you see you're in my heart, but things may break apart?
Maybe one day, it's difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one
But I know all the same, no change will come unless I play the game
I just wanna say, I think I might be ready baby
Can't you see you're in my dream, I can't lose you baby see?
Every time we meet, every time we're near, boy gives all meaning to my life
Baby don't get down, someday I will come around
Secret of my heart, our future is forever Secret of my heart... Secret of my heart...
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回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
麻烦一下,偶要仙二的主题曲。回复: <B><font color=green>求歌&求歌词区[
lyrics:AZUKI 七 music:中村 由利 arranged:古井弘人
今日はずっと 一人で過ごそう
ねぇ 君は今頃 南の島ね
けど今は 淋しい感じなの
なぜか置いてかれて 無気力になってる
ずれてゆくタイミング 気づかないふりで
いらない イラナイ こんな日常は
君は どうして私を繋ぐの?
戻らない時間の写真 隠してゆこう
ありがとう。なんて まだ言えない
だって それだけは笑って言いたい
ほんの少しだけ 強がってみるよ
ずれてたタイミング 今揃えよう
みえない ミエナイ 何も無い
私の明日は何処へゆこうかな だんだん君の嘘が気にならなくなる