情人生日快乐~【Not me, Not I】
刚好你生日 =v=
我本来....打算唱trust you给你的
歌词很桑心 = =但是乃生日要开开心心 =v=
Not me, Not I
Delta Goodrem
You mixed me up for someone
Who'd fall apart without you
Yeah you broke my heart for the first time
But I'll get over that too
It's hard to find the reasons
Who can see the rhyme?
I guess that we where seasons out of time
I guess you didn't know me
If you think love is blind
That I wouldn't see the flaws between the lines
Surprised that I caught you out
On every single time that you lied
Did you think that every time I see you I would cry
No not me, not I, not I, no not me, not I
The story goes on without you
And there's got to be another ending
But yeah you broke my heart it won't be the last time
But I'll get over them too
As a new door opens we close the ones behind
And if you search your soul I know you'll find
You never really knew me
If you think love is blind
That I wouldn't see the flaws between the lines
Surprised that I caught you out
On every single time that you lied
Did you think that every time I see you I would cry
No not me, not I, not I, not I, not I
All you said to me
All you promised me
All the mystery never did believe
No I never cry no I never not me not I
If you think love is blind
That I wouldn't see the flaws between the lines
Surprised that I caught you out
On every single time that you lied
Did you think that every time I see you I would cry No not I, I won't cry
No not me, not I, not I, Not I
No not me, not I 偶也!SF!
俺觉得人声还是大了点,伴奏有点残。。。 奔来欣赏一下 m1 (63)k情人!俺感动一大把!
俺们滴JQ就让时间见证去吧 哦耶!=3=
乃故意送这么御的歌给俺。。。俺从此就不说乃LOLI了 哈哈哈哈哈
谢谢纳豆冰的祝福 拉怀里捏捏。。。 前排听歌~~~~~~
好!御!!姐!!! 一回到家就奔来听~~~
俺说俺就觉得哪里听过嘛!!赞!!~~~~~ 嗷嗷 云云又出新歌了啊 我才发现(-26-) 迟来的一句油条生日快乐了
歌我只能回家再听了 占光,又听到楼主的歌了。 嗷是这首歌!娜娜早就传给我听了好多遍了还是很有感觉(-27-)
晚半个月祝福油条姐生日快乐><(-21-) 俺后排了><这首歌还没有听过,,,那云子的就当首发版吧XD祝油条姐生日快乐哦~~ 油条奶奶生日快乐><
云老三你依旧这么美好T T
OTL你什么时候痞子点给我听听吧,好吧我承认我有病…………其实我最爱的声音可能不是KY薄荷水泡翔总攻漠然可能大约我喜欢的是雪糕OMG m1 (48)k 于是幻仔你想说你还是最爱女声么- -我觉得那个李逍遥也很痞囧
其实云云可以很痞的吧- -听云云说“毛”的时候感觉心情大好 谢谢LS各位滴祝福。。。御姐送歌好不欢乐 美人魚姐姐又唱歌了m1 (54)k 小云云越来越有大将风范了~