Word Association Game...英语单词串烧游戏
Just reply with the first word that comes to your mind when you think of the last word posted.
You can't respond to the post with a comment, just the word that comes to your mind. It can only be a word or a short phrase.
Also remember to use the arrow --> in between the previous word/phrase and the new word/phrase you just thought of.
Also, You can't go three times in a row
1. You get to practice your English. (yeah, yeah, we knew that)
2. You get to have fun here (that's good, isn't it?)
3. Finally, I will give bonus points to all participants....(I mean....maybe...)
Post 1: Penn Station
Post 2: Penn Station --> Subway, eat fresh
Post 3: Subway -->sandwich
Post 4: sandwich --> yummy
Post 5: yummy --> gummi bear
Post 6: gummi bear --> yogi bear
.... So everyone, good luck and have fun.....
Last but not least....
Merry Christmas... so....I start the game first....
the word is:
holiday holiday>>Christmas。。
回复 3# 4everluv 的帖子
m1 (36)ker.....it can be...
Christmas---> White Christmas white christmas>>>snow white
回复 5# 4everluv 的帖子
snow white--->snowman回复 6# 狼王-KG 的帖子
snowman-->gift回复 7# 飘凌的飞雪 的帖子
gift--->present present ---> play hooky play hookey >>detention detention --> prison prison --> earth回复 12# SSV 的帖子
earth--->planet planet ---> Mars (火星)大家展开想象力,别绕到外星绕不回来了。
回复 14# SSV 的帖子
.......................Mars--->alien alien---->predator
=.=is that way?
alien versus predator....a famous movie=.=
[ 本帖最后由 EdoGaWa^CoNan 于 2009-12-29 15:23 编辑 ]
回复 16# EdoGaWa^CoNan 的帖子
huh?I just wonder how can u take an analogy between "alien" and "predator"?
If there is a logical relationship, that can definitely be.m1 (43)k
predator-->herbivore herbivore-->vegetarian vegetarian-->carnivorous carnivorous-->The Lion King