Cambridge:: Advanced Grammar in Use
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Advanced Grammar in Use
by Martin Hewings
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
1Present simple (I do) and present continuous (I am doing) (1) [grammar, exercises, answer key]
2Present simple (I do) and present continuous (I am doing) (2) [grammar, exerciese, answer key]
(TBC) 本帖最后由 suet_sze 于 2010-3-22 14:50 编辑
Unit 1
Present simple (I do) and present continuous (I am doing) (1)
A) We use the present simple to describe things that are always true (經常正確), or situations that exist now and,
as far as we know, will goon indefinitely (現在正確且無限期伸延):
>It takes me five minutes to get to school. (每次上學都需要5分鐘)
>Tree grow more quickly in summer than in winter. (樹的生長模式)
>Liz plays the violin brilliantly. (能力)
Common error:
This large goat is only living in the mountains of Switzerland.
>This large goatonly lives in the mountains of Switzerland. (這隻羊一直都住在瑞士, 而不是謹此一刻)
B) To talk about particular actions or events that have begun but have not ended at the time of
speaking (開始了而未結束的事件), we use the present continuous:
>The car isn't starting again. (到現在還是開不動)
>'Who are you phoning?' 'I'm trying to get through to Joan.' (這次是找Joan - 不一定每次打電話都是找她)
>The shop is so inefficient that many customers are taking their business eleswhere. (以前生意很好, 現在客人都走光了)
Common error:
I call to thank you the present you sent.
>I'm calling to thank you the present you sent. (我可不會一直永遠都打給你謝謝你= =||)
We often use time expressions such as at the moment, at present, currently, just, and still to
emphasise that the action or event is happening now:
>'Have you done the shopping?' 'I'm just going.'
Notice that the action or event may notbe going on at the time of speaking:
>The police are talking to a number of people about the robbery. (查問並未結束, 但不表示說話的這一刻就一定有個警察在查問)
C) We use the present simple to talk about habits or things that happen on a regular basis:
>I leave work at 5.30 most days. (習慣)
>Each July we go to Turkey for a holiday. (重複)
However, when we describe repeated actions or events that are happening at or around the time
of speaking (最近發生的), we use the present continuous:
>Why are you jumping up and down?
>I'm hearing a lot of good reports about your work these days.
We can use the present continuous or the present simple to describe something that we regularly
do at a particular time. Compare:
>We usually watch the news on TV at 9.00. (= we start watching at 9.00) (9時開始看)
>We're usually watching the news on TV ar 9.00 (= we're already watching at 9.00) (9時前開始看, 9時正在看)
D) We use the present continuous to imply that a situation is or may be temproary. Compare:
>Banks lend money to make a profit. (this is what usually happens) (一貫手法)
>Banks are lending more money (these days) to encourage businesses to expand. (implies a
temproary arrangement) (臨時政策)
>She teaches Maths in a school in Bonn. (a permanent arrangement) (長期任教)
>She's teaching Maths in a school in Bonn. (implies that this is not, or may not be, permanent) (臨時任教/ 打算跳槽)
E) We often use the present simple with verbs that perform the action they describe:
>I admit I can't see as well as I used to. (= an admission)
>I refuse to believe that he didn't know the car was stolen. (= a refusal)
Other verbs like this (sometimes called performative verbs (表述動詞)) include accept, acknowledge, advise,
apologise, assume, deny, guarantee, hope, inform, predict, promise, recommend], suggest,
suppose, warn.
We can use modal with performative verbs to make what we say more tentative or polite:
>I would advise you to arrive two hours before the flight leaves.
>I'm afraid I have to inform you that your application for funding has been turned down.
See also:
Present simple and present continuous (2) --> Unit 2
Present continuous for the future --> Unit 12
Present simple for the future --> Unit 13
1indefinitely - for a period of time with no fixed end.
2imply - to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly.
3performative verb - a verb where saying it or writing it performs the action itself.
If you say 'I resign', then saying it performs the act of resignation. In ceremonies like baptism,
naming ships, etc, performative verbs are used (單是說就已經做了這個動作的動詞;
例如說 '我承認', 就在說的一刻即使什麼都不做也已經承認了; 對比如 '我駕車',
要是你不另外做一些行為[駕車], 光說並不能駕到)
4accept -
to believe that something is true.
to consider something or someone as satisfactory.
to agree to take something/ to say 'yes' to an offer or invitation.
5acknowledge - to accept, admit or recognize something, or the truth or existence of
6advise - to give someone advice/
to give someone official information about something.
7apologise - to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has
caused them problems or unhappiness.
8assume -
to accept something to be true without question or proof.
to pretend to have a different name or be someone you are not, or to
express a feeling falsely.
to take or begin to have responsibility or control, sometimes
without the right to do so, or to begin to have a characteristic.
9deny -
to say that something is not true.
to not allow someone to have or do something.
to not admit that you have knowledge, responsibility, feelings, etc.
10guarantee -
If a product is guaranteed, the company that made it promises to
repair or change it if a fault develops within a particular period of time/ to promise
that something will happen or exist/ If you guarantee someone's debt, you formally
promise to accept the responsibility for that debt if the person fails to pay it.
If something guarantees something else, it makes certain that it will
happen/ If something is guaranteed to happen or have a particular result, it is
certain that it will happen or have that result.
11hope - to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good
reason to think that it might.
12inform - to tell someone about particular facts.
13predict - to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a
result of knowledge or experience.
14promise - to tell someone that you will certainly do something.
15recommend - to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a
particular job or purpose, or to suggest that a particular action should be done
16suggest -
to mention an idea, possible plan or action for other people to consider.
to communicate or show an idea or feeling without stating it directly
or giving proof.
to produce an idea in the mind (slightly formal).
17suppose -
to think that something is likely to be true/ used in making polite requests/
used to show that you think something is so, although you wish that it were not/ used when
you are annoyed/ used to show unwillingness to agree.
to expect and need (formal).
18warn - to make someone realise a possible danger or problem, especially one
in the future.
19tentative - (of a plan or idea) not certain or agreed, or (of a suggestion or action)
said or done in a careful but uncertain way because you do not know if
you are right.
UNIT 1 EXERCISES 本帖最后由 suet_sze 于 2010-3-21 15:58 编辑
1.1 Suggest a verb to complete each sentence. Use the present simple or present continuous.
Use ^ to add any words outside the space, as in the example. (see part A & B)
1Even thought Sarah says she's feelling better, I think she ^(_is_) still (_losing_) weight.
2Frank __ stamps in his spare time. It's his hobby.
3The airline currently __ half-price tickets to Japan, but for one month only.
4My mother __ all the doors and windows before she goes to bed.
5Because of the present threat of war, the best qualifies people __ the country.
6Both ancient and recent records show that farmers __ lon hours.
7She has an important project to finish by next week, so she __ in the evenings at present.
8Philip is an excellent linguist. He __ six languages fluently.
9'How are you getting on with the book?' 'At the moment I __ chapter four.'
10Here we are in Switzerland again. We __ in a very comfortable small hotel...
1.2Complete these texts with one of these sets of verbs, using each verb once only. Choose either
the present simple or present continuous for all the missing verbs in each text. Use ^ to add
any words outside the spaces. (see part A to E)
say/tell/do talk/threaten/negotiate recommend/warn/apologise
spend/recover/find suggest/hope/promise
1She ^(_is_) only just (_recovering_) from the operation and ^(_is_) still (_finding_) it difficult to move about.
At the moment she (_is spending_) most of her time in bed.
2What I __ is that you __ well in your job. Really! I __ you the truth.
3I __ I'll do everything I can to help you find a flat, although I __ that you also
advertise in the local newspaper. It can be difficult to find accommodation, but I __ it
won't be too long before you've got somewhere.
4The fishing unions __ wiith their employers for a pay rise. If there is no agreement by
next week, they __ to strike and even __ about blockading ports around the
5I __ for the delay in replying to your letter. To place an order for the book you
require, I __ that you telephone Mrs Jones in our sales department. I __
you, however, that delivery time is likely to be about six weeks.
1.3Complete the sentences with the verbs given, using the present continuous or the present simple.
If both are possible write them both, and consider the difference in meaning. Use ^ to add any
words outside the space. (see part C & D)
1'Shall I phone at 6.00?' 'No, we normally __ dinner at the time.' (cook)
2Since I won the lottery, my telephone hasn't stopped ringing. People __ to ask how I'm
going to spend the money. (phone)
3Alice __ her mother in London most weekends. (see)
4We usually __ up at about 7.00. Couldn't you come an hour later? (get up)
5I __ swimming in the evenings to try to lose weight. (go)
1linguist - someone who studies foreign languages or can speak them very well,
or someone who teaches or studies linguistics.
2negotiate -
to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an
agreement with them.
to manage to travel along a difficult route/ to deal with
something difficult.
3accommodation - a place to live, work, stay, etc. in.
4blockading (blockade) - when a country or place is surrounded by soldiers or
ships to stop people or goods from going in or out.
other possible verbs are accepted.
3is (or are) currently offering/ selling
4locks/ shuts
5are leaving/ deserting
7is working
9I'm reading/ writing
10are staying
2 I'm saying ... are doing .. I'm telling
3promise ... suggest ... hope
4are negotiating ... are threatening ... are even talking
5apologise ... recommend ... warn
1 cook or are (normally) cooking.
'Cook' implies that we start cooking at 6.00; 'are ccooking'
implies that we are cooking around this time.
2are phoning. More likely than 'phone' as this seems to be a
temporary situation.
3sees. More likely than 'is seeing' as 'most weekends' suggests a
long-lasting situation.
4get up or are getting up. 'Get up' implies that 7.00 is the time
at which we get up (e.g. that the alarm clock goes off); 'are
getting up' implies that we are in the process of getting up
around that time.
5go or am going. 'Go' implies a regular, possibly permanent,
arrangment (perhaps I need to do this regular exercise to
prevent weight gain); 'am going' implies a more
temporary arrangement (perhaps once I have lost
weight I will stop swimming in the evening).
1deserting -
to leave someone without help or in a difficult situation
and not come back/ If a quality deserts you, you suddenly and
temporarily lose it.
to leave the armed forces without permission and with no
intention of returning.
2go off - If a warning device goes off, it starts to ring loudly
or make a loud noise 本帖最后由 suet_sze 于 2010-3-22 15:24 编辑
Unit 2
Present simple (I do) and present continuous (I am doing) (2)
A) We often prefer to use the present simple rather than the present continuous with verbs describing
>I really enjoytravelling.
>The group currently consists of five people, but we hope to get more members soon.
Common error:
John is resembling his older sister.
>John resembles his older sister.
Other common state verbs include agree, assume, believe, belong to, contain, cost, disagree, feel,
hate, have, hope, know, like, look, love, own, prefer, realise, regret, resemble, smell, taste.
However, we can use the present continuous with some state verbs when we want to emphasise
that a situation is temporary, for a period of time around the present. Compare:
>I consider him to be extremely fortunate. (This is my view) and
>I'm considering taking early retirement. (This is something I'm thinking about now)
>The children love having Jean stay with us. (They love it when Jean stays) and
>The children are loving having Jean stay with us. (Jean is staying with us now)
With some verbs used to describe a temporary state (e.g. ache, feel, hurt, look (=seem)), there is
little difference in meaning when we use the present simple and present continuous:
>What's the matter with Bill? He looks/ is looking awful.
When have has a non-state meaning - for example when it means 'eat', 'undergo', 'take' or
'hold' - we can use the present continuous:
>'What's that terrible noise?' 'The neighbours are having a party.'
We use the present continuous when we talk about changes, developments, and trends:
>The growing number of visitors is damaging the footpaths.
>I'm beginning to realise how difficult it is to be a teacher.
B) When we tell a story or joke we often describe the main events using the present (or past) simple
and longer, background events using the present (or past) continuous:
>She goes (or went) up to this man and looks (or looked) straight into his eyes. She's carrying
(or was carrying) a bag full of shopping...
We can also use the present simple and present continuous like this in
commentaries (for example, on sports events) and in giving instructions:
>King serves to the left hand court and Adams makes a wonderful
return. She's playing magnificent tennis in this match...
>You hold the can in one hand. Rightm you're holding it in one hand;
now you take off the lid with the other.
C) When we want to emphasise that something is done repeatedly, we can use the present continuous
with words like always, constantly, continually, or forever. Often we do this when we want to
show that we are unhappy about it, including our own behaviour:
>They're constantly having parties until the early hours of the morning.
We use the past continuous (see Unit 6) in the same say:
>He was forever including me in his crazy schemes.
D) The present simple is used to report what we have heard or what we have read:
>This newpaper article explains why unemployment has been rising so quickly.
We also use the present simple in spoken English in phrases such as I gather, I hear, I see and I
understand to introduce news that we have heard, read or seen (e.g. on television):
>I gather you're worried about the new job?
>The Prince is coming to visit, and I hear he's very rich.
See also:
Present simple and present continuous (1) --> Unit 1
Present continuous for the future --> Unit 12
Present simple for the future --> Unit 13
Present simple in reporting --> Unit 46
1contain -
to have something inside or include something as a part.
to keep something harmful within limits and not allow it to spread/
to control or hide a strong emotion, such as excitement or anger.
2cost -
If something costs an amount of money, you must pay that amount to buy or do it.
to cause someone to lose or destroy something valuable.
3prefer -
to like, choose or want one thing rather than another.
(UK) to accuse someone officially. (legal)
4realise -
to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly.
to achieve something you were hoping for.
(UK) to be sold for a particular amount of money. (specialized)
UNIT 2 EXERCISES 本帖最后由 suet_sze 于 2010-3-22 15:34 编辑
2.1Complete the sentences with appropriate verbs. Use the same verb for each sentence in the pair.
Choose the present continuous if possible; if not, use the present simple. (see part A)
1aIt __ us a fortune at the moment to send out daughter to dance classes.
bIt __ a fortune to fly first class to Japan.
2aI __ sitting down at the end of a long day and reading a good book.
bIt's a wonderful book. I __ every moment of it.
3aWe've always wanted a house in the country, but we __ on where it should be.
bWhen they agree with each other on so many important issues, I can't understand why they
__ now on this relatively minor matter.
4aWith growing concerns about the environment, people __ to use recycled paper
bHe doesn't like publicity, and __ to stay firmly in the background.
5a'Can I speak to Dorothy?' 'She __ a shower. Can I take a message?'
bMy brother __ three children, all girls.
6aAlthough he __ three cars, all of them are extremely old.
bIn the north of the country, fewer and fewer people __ the house they live in.
2.2Choose the present simple or present continuous for the verbs in these texts. (see part B)
1Fletcher __(pass) to Coles who __(shoot) just over the bar. United __(attack)
much more in this half...
2A man __(come) home late one night after the office Christmas party. His wife
__(wait) for him, and she __(say) to him...
3Now that the rice __(cook) you __(chop up) the carrots and tomatoes and you
__(put) them in a dish...
2.3Expand one of the sets of notes below to complete each dialogue. (see part C)
continually/change/mindforever/moan/workforever/ask me/money
1A: I can't read this.B: You're _always complaining about my handwriting._
2A: Can I borrow $10?B: You're... __
3A: That was a dangerous thing to do!B: You're... __
4A: I think I'll stay here after all.B: You're... __
5A: I had a bad day at the office again.B: You're... __
2.4How might you report the new in these headlines using the phrases given? (see part D)
I see...
I understand...
I gather...
It says here...
'More Cash for Health Service'
'Quake Hits Central Iran'
'Queen to Visit India in Spring'
'Scientists Find Brightest Star'
Example: I see that the Queen's going to visit India next spring.
1fortune -
a large amount of money, goods, property, etc.
chance and the way it affects your life.
2minor - having little importance, influence or effect, especially
when compared with other things of the same type.
3publicity - the activity of making certain that someone or something
attracts a lot of interest or attention from many people, or the attention
received as a result of this activity.
Some possible verbs are given.
1ais costing ('at the moment' emphasises that this is a
temporary situation);bcosts
2alove/ enjoy;bam loving/ enjoying
3adisagree;bare disagreeing ('disagree' is also possible)
4aare preferring ('prefer'' is also possible);bprefers
5ais having;bhas
6aowns;bare ownin ('own' is also possible)
1passes ... shoots ... are attacking
2comes ... is waiting ... says
3is cooking ... chop up ... put
2You're forever asking me for money.
3You're constantly criticising my driving.
4You're continually changing your mind.
5You're forever moaning about (your) work.
Example answers:
I understand that the health service is going to get more money.
It says here that scientists have found the brightest star.
I gather Iran's been hit by an earthquake again.