难道我有幻听? You are about 20 years old
The teen repellent will no longer foil you, but you can still hear some pretty high tones.
The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 16.7kHz
Find out which ringtones you can hear!
= =....好吧 老虎有心啊,我来玩了~ 我来回个贴试试的。。。 听到17.7kHz 后面再高就听不见了
话说回来,以前玩AdobeAudition的时候,我玩过的音调生成。 You are in your twenties
You can still hear reasonably well and you can play this without my old fart colleagues hearing it which makes you feel kinda good.
The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 15.8kHz
为啥我只能听到15.8- -。。。。 本帖最后由 jnjn120120 于 2010-7-14 14:24 编辑
You are an easily repelled teenager
The mosquito device was made for the likes of you. You are probably begging to make the noise stop!
The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 18.8kHz
Find out which ringtones you can hear!
18.8听得到诶~19.9勉强 18.8听得到诶~19.9勉强 精灵我和乃一样= =
You can still hear reasonably well and you can play this without my old fart colleagues hearing it which makes you feel kinda good.
The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 15.8kHz
貌似15.8到18.8都有人在,听到18.8以上的可以考虑去调音了…= = 果然论坛里还是不少正太罗莉的(还是说真的是狗狗orz)~好好珍惜能听到蚊音的日子吧><……不过听高频和音感没有直接关系哈~ 我觉得还是和耳机有点关系~
21.1kHz我能很勉强听到一点。。。 You are the typical teenager
You can hear the frequency of the mosquito teen repellent - but probably not for much longer!
The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 17.7kHz
算了下次换个耳机继续= = 伦宝的耳朵不是人间之物…… Or maybe you are a mosquito, you certainly can't be human.
The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 21.1kHz
Find out which ringtones you can hear!
还年轻,还有21.1很清晰,22.4勉强听到那不太好听的声音。。。 我只是16.7 老了么? 和LZ一样