本帖最后由 竹林弥海砂 于 2011-6-14 16:22 编辑第一次尝试写英文歌词,请指教;
The sky's low, 要说什么
and today's full of sorrow. 杯子都已经空了
Seeing the beauty love in my dreaming, 闭上眼睛心里下起大雪
but without you. 天寒又地冻
All your answers, 是不是到了,
appears in the mirror. 爱情结帐的时候?
Only the lanuish is show'in and show! 只剩下各自买单的寂寞
I don't believe, 他还不懂
I can't believe, 还是不懂
You left just leave me a draw. 离开是想要被挽留
If loser 's remenberable, 如果开口那只是
I wanna be that role! 我要来的温柔
I would believe 他还不懂
I want believe, 还是不懂
Only your love enrich my soul. 一个拥抱能代替所有
Love makes loser's vulnerable, 爱绝对能够动摇我
and I wanna be that role! 在第一时间拯救我
对英文一窍不通的表示路过 翻唱的话发到音乐区比较好吧