zanghua3 发表于 2011-9-20 09:41:52


本人最近在旧金山大学参加了一个assassins game。。一个真人角色扮演游戏



1.首先是在昨天晚上,我收到了一封email,里面交代了我在游戏中的代号,以及我要杀的目标的代号,并且表示我将在今天早上收到mission 1,邮件内容如下:
Henceforth your assassin call sign is “In Amber Clad.”
Your mark is known as “Echo.”
You will receive your first mission tomorrow morning.
-The Bookkeeper

2.今天早上,我收到了mission 1,内容如下:
The time has now come so lets play a game. It is I that a successful assassin must claim. Alexandria came first, but here I’m well hidden. You will need the numbers BS 410 V452 v.82, though burning here is forbidden. You should come with a weapon, or wear a disguise to foil detection, my advice is simply to come with protection. Remember a pencil, or white out, or ink, because my contents are precious, more precious than you think. You may find me and change me, but I am a forbidden jewel, for to take me along with you, is to break a rule. Now I shall leave you with more of the same, you may die here by assassin, but don’t die in shame: you may kill here or die here, if you wish, but do it discretely, because if you cause a clamor, you’re out of the game completely.


Alexandria came first,这个我不知道有没有什么含义。
暗号的部分应该就是BS 410 V452 v.82,应该是代表目标会去上的某节课(因为在报名的时候他要求我们提供课程的信息,并且表示我们会用到这些信息来找到目标),BS的话我想可能是Business,但是我在学校的课程里没有找到BS 410这门课(我们学校的课程代号都是在主要分支后面加上数字,比方说RHET 110就是Rhetoric 110:XXXXXXX(具体的课程名称)),V452可能是表示上课的地点,但是我们学校没有V字打头的建筑,至于v.82,完全就没有任何头绪了。。如果是课程的信息应该包括课程名称,地点,和时间(包括星期几,比方说MFW代表周一、三、五,TR代表周二、四)

另外这封邮件是发给所有人的,但是每个人都有自己不同的目标,暗号却是一样的,所以我真的不知道这个暗号以及mission 1到底是什么意思了。

3.我朋友说这个mission 1可能是一个example,但是bookkeeper今天发布了有人成功击杀目标的信息,除了mission 1以外没有其他关于我的任务的邮件再发来,所以mission 1应该就是我要解决的谜题了。。击杀目标信息如下
Sabre has been eliminated. Using incredible skill in information gathering, Helix discovered the location of their mark. Helix then used their resources in manipulation and persuasion to get closer to the target, at around 3:20, Helix executed an attack on an unknowing Sabre, slashing him with a blade and promptly escaping. Though Helix is praised for their talent in unparalleled information gathering, the attack was witnessed by 1 civilian. No punishment is necessary, but Helix is now warned against bringing attention to a kill.

Sabre is remembered as an assassin with so much potential, yet not enough time to perform an assassination against a veteran such as Helix. Sabre's file has been purged. Helix will receive a new mark.

如果mission 1里面的话没有什么意义的话,我又该如何收集情报呢,我所知道的就只有我的目标的代号,其他任何信息都没有,作为一个杀手的话我觉得肯定只有自己才知道自己的暗号,不会告诉别人,那我还怎么收集情报啊。请大家帮忙分析一下mission 1里的任务到底隐含了什么信息

zanghua3 发表于 2011-9-20 09:47:03

哦,对了,还有一条重要信息,今天bookkeeper发布了一条关于有人已经完成了mission 1的信息,内容如下:
Assassins, the clock is ticking. Call sign Ghost has already completed the first mission and will be rewarded. Your mission remains. Solve the riddle, and catch up before it's too late.

有个代号Ghost的人完成了mission 1,所以这个mission 1的任务可能不是杀掉目标,有可能是去获取某种情报,因为这个mission 1所有人都收到的是同样的内容

赫连春水 发表于 2011-11-2 12:28:16


赫连春水 发表于 2011-11-2 12:30:02


冰莹erg 发表于 2011-12-15 02:20:17

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