[视频搬运] 阿青伯水彩笔柯南绘画过程 附赠视频×2 [下载见15L] [更新视频背景新闻 有最终照和阿青伯靓照yo]
本帖最后由 spe.CIA.L 于 2011-12-2 04:52 编辑Youtube上偶然翻到的,原地址:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeHSQaSPql4上传时间是今年的3月不知道有没有火星,自己这边范围内是没有搜到所以先搬运过来吧
这个看起来像记者招待会的样子不过(德文?)什么都听不懂OTL求高人。。。。PS后来发现是2006年德国的Comic-Salon Erlangen,还找到一份采访稿的样子,因为年代比较久了不知道以前有没有人放过呢
青山公馆的一些视频,发布是在2009年所以应该别的地方也有我也懒得查了直接搬吧= =
google娘中文翻的异常蛋疼理解不能= =,所以这边贴了机翻的法译英欢迎会法文的大大们翻译或者指出机翻的信息错误TwT
Gosho Aoyama, the author of Conan Dectect finally happening in France. This is the first time he agrees to move into the hex France for a public book signing.
The book signing on Wednesday after Japan Expo in large FNAC des Halles Wednesday, July 7 to 14h.
The terms of the dedication is not known but it will probably be first come / first served basis.
This session will provide an opportunity to discover the last book published in France in theDetective Conan saga, the 62nd volume (in Japan is 66).
Detective Conan is a detective manga in which Shinichi Kudo, a teenager finds himselfphysically rejuvenated after falling on men in black.
Since then, he investigates to find out what might be normal again.
The first volume was released in 1994 and published continuously since without interruption.
We are pleased to announce the arrival of Gosho Aoyama in France, as part of anexceptional dedication to be held at FNAC des Halles in Paris on the occasion of the release of Volume 62 of Detective Conan.
Meet at the FNAC Forum des Halles Wednesday, July 7 at 15:00 at the forum of the store.Warning, the ticket is to be removed the same day to the home store and not be entitled to only one dedication (subject to availability).
Yesterday took place in space Manga of Fnac Forum des Halles in Paris an exceptionaldedication Gosho Aoyama, the creator of the most famous little detective: Detective Conan(see news).
While in France for his holidays the mangaka has given his French publisher an autograph session for the delight of his fans. No interview was our despair, but at least the pleasure of meeting this talented author, who has very kindly lent to the game, even inviting fans to ask him for a photo. One hundred and dedication was given to the lucky number came rushingto the space reserved for this occasion.
This as soon as possible for this type of event, we were kindly granted permission to filmthe dedication made on shikishi for Fnac, which you can see the result below. In a copykindly invited the author to those remaining near ready to view at work.
Mr Aoyama, as soon as you return to France, we hope that this time we can discuss a timewith you to know a little more ...
如果需要中文的话可以概括个大概不过明天要早起最近还期末先滚去睡觉了= =|||
The year 2010 ends in a short time already, so it's time to take stock for Detective Conan:what about the result? Can we declare a great year, or otherwise a disappointment (the year of "too much")? Response in this post with the results for France and Japan.
I The case of France
To start with "soft" start with the case of France: three volumes came out this year (volumes 61, 62 and 63), three excellent manga (especially volume 62, but leave the surprise to those who would Volume not read the words), very good Aoyama. In short you'll understand that very few items arrived this year, however it would be unforgivable not to mention the dedication of Gosho Aoyama in our beautiful country. Our favorite author isvisiting France for the release of Volume 62 (July 7 I believe): in spite of the difficulties(because I had no ticket), I still managed to meet Aoyama-sensei (although nodedications) where I attended for about ten minutes to create one for Conan fnac halls,here is a picture:
Beautiful design is not it? So a very good year for our beloved country (since it is impossible to provide Aoyama again one day in France is a dream in my opinion (the opposite would be oh so amazing))
然后这个才是真 最终照
本帖最后由 赤蒂柯哀 于 2011-11-27 13:29 编辑
sf~~好有爱的视频!~~~{:4_380:}~~ 不愧是作者~有爱啊 原作者画起来果然得心应手啊~ 0.0画好快……
其实我想说要是那人把73签名的镜头也拍下来就好了XD 画画真有爱〜〜不过第三个视频看得我头晕 (-9-)画的真是熟练又美腻~>< 精华啊~~~我以前搜过都搜不到类似的视频~~ 原画最有爱了!!! 第一个视频画的好好……好想要……我要画起码给2小时,用的是马克笔吧?第三个视频看了后真想亲自去拍照留念呀…… 怎么能这么流畅…… 73画的好流畅啊~~学习~~恩恩~~><~~ 好珍贵的视频,第一次看,谢谢楼主 歪着脖子看的我都累了...
每当有人挡镜头都想冲进去拨开那个人的脑袋啊... 第一个视频能不能放个下载啊 精,精华了=口=。。。
m1 (27)k第一个第一个~~ 感谢LZ搬运,以及感谢15L点评里天使提供的下载=u=
好有爱的视频啊,YouTube真是个有好多宝贝的地方 第一個視頻只能感歎73純熟的畫法幾筆就溝粗來了柯南君~~
第二個視頻雖然看不懂 貌似是啥動漫沙龍的 還是在德國 說明咱柯南君國際化啊國際化
話說今天我們老師給我們看了部美國電影 裏面有個女人說了句話:你知道我每天晚上都干什么吗?我带著我的孩子们可能吃点冰激凌看柯南> <
啊啊 好雞血{:4_383:}