Happy Birthday to ——>
It maybe the last birthday in China(maybe not, but who know)On this special place, I make friends with you.
On this special time, thank you those accompanying me during these days.
As difficult courses abroad, I may less time on here. However, my soul will be still on here.
It not means I will disappear. I will be back, if time is allowed.
See you any possible second.
Happy birthday!
Farewell shengri kuai le yi yi
so easy ma ma zai ye bu yong dan xin wo de xue xi~~~ hillchencgs 发表于 2012-2-8 19:43 static/image/common/back.gif
shengri kuai le yi yi
so easy ma ma zai ye bu yong dan xin wo de xue xi~~~
Orze....It maybe your special English...Goash~~><~~
本帖最后由 工藤神一 于 2012-2-8 20:17 编辑
Happy Birthday !xue xi 13 tong zhi yong zhe zhong fang fa fang bian hen duo,mei shi le 茅台 发表于 2012-2-8 19:41 static/image/common/back.gif
Happy birthday!
"Farewell" still wants half year when I finish my Bsc in China...o(∩_∩)o...But THX{:4_388:} Happy Birthday ! :>
一切順利&加油! er lou de zai mai meng
zhe ge sheng ri tie da zhong wen shi bu shi hui bei bi shi
yi yi sheng ri kuai le Happy birthday!
Happy brithday~~
zao dao de sheng ri zhu fu ~~~
= =you shi jian hui lai kankan o ~~~~ Happy birthday to you!
Are you in a foreign country? Happy Birthday !yiyi.~XD
生日快乐~国外加油~ Wish you have a nice birthday though I haven't chatted with you too much before.
Remember that 45S and we will always be here for you.
Yiyi sheng ri kuai le =v=
zhu guo wai sheng huo yi qie shun li tian tian kai xin
ps: wo ye yong bu bu gao dian du ji xue xue geng jian kang~~
hao ba zhe ge shi dao kan ying yu ye ting bu cuo de. jiu zhe me shuo hua ye kan bu dong. What's wrong, all english here, my English is very poor. So I can't have any gorgeous words. Ijust can say happy birthday to you. It seems that you are ready to go abroad. Somebody is enjoying but somebody is very hard. It depends on you how to study. At last,I wish you all the best in foreign countries. Good luck!
happy birthday to you,Dear~~
ying yu bu hao de shi zai shi shang bu qi a...
yu shi bao er nai yao hao hao de zhao gu zi ji o~~
zhu fu nai zai xin de yi nian li xing fu kuai le mei yi tian~~ Happy birthday! 看见英文满脑袋头疼
总之来祝福生日快乐 本帖最后由 丑虫 于 2012-2-9 13:31 编辑
满屏的英文啊,生日快乐……to the friend in the text